That is in Ukraine right ? Everything is legal? According to the - TopicsExpress


That is in Ukraine right ? Everything is legal? According to the Constitution and international law ? .... Well then, if You so well know, try to answer :1 - Why Turchynov, acting incompatible duties of the President and the speaker, head of the NSDC and commander assigned to «legitimate» the Verkhovna Rada is normal, the Crimean Prime Minister, appointed by the Crimean Parliament is not? 2 - Why did the leaders of the mass protests in the South-East is «bandits and separatists», and armed bandits in Kiev city administration - «peoples power»? 3 - Why «evropidan» with fire, Molotov cocktails and the pile of corpses is «the peaceful rallies, and meetings of the South-East without barricades and fighting, murder is a «violent extremism»? 4 - Why Sasha (Billy) Muzychko went safely released, and those who liberated the Kharkiv oblast state administration from bandits, are prosecuted by law enforcement agencies? 5 - Why armed «Right branch» legal as self defence «evropidan», and the Crimean-defense units are «terrorists»? 6 - Why is strictly organised, coordinated and sponsored outside Kiev «evropidan» is «the example of civil initiatives of self-organization, self-sacrifice and samenbrengen, and tens of thousands of rallies on The Southeast is «artificially created typical scenario, due to foreign citizens and citizens attracted for the money»? 7 Why there can burn and shoot an unarmed berkutova and CENTURIES-schnick, and in Kharkiv is impossible to beat a «peaceful and unarmed» invaders regional Council and the clubs Stronghold? 8 - Why the flags of Russia at rallies and state administrations is separatism, and EU flags on Maidan and official flag is the «European integration»? 9 - Why beaten Snitsarchuk and Chornovol is affected by journalists, and beaten Rulev provocateur? 10 - Why Yanukovych and Kurchenko is «family» and «oligarchs», and Taruta and Kolomoisky - «honest businessmen who create jobs and attract investments in Ukraine» honest businessman Petro Poroshenko)? 11 - Why in Kosovo Department after the bloody conflict is a democracy, and in Crimea, a referendum without the bloody conflict is unconstitutional separatism? 12 - Why in a country that claims to Europeanism not only journalists and politicians, but the «experts» allow yourself to identify federalism and separatism? 13 - Why a lot of people worn with the fetish of «unity and indivisibility of the country, if any arguments in favor of indivisibility, except enhance voice and repeat the mantra that we are one and indivisible, no one leads and may not lead? 14 - Why the saying hto ne ccache, the Muscovite», leaflets here mascauti Muscovites», the creation of the bill on languages hands Farion-Matios-Yavorivsky-Korolevskogo «with participation of» Manufacturer is not extremism and not Russophobia, and rally chanting «Russia!» is extremism? 15 - Why looting and banditry «self-defense» Evropidan and Right sector is «struggle for freedom»and the attempts of the inhabitants of the South-East to protect yourself is «separatism and hooliganism»?
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 18:35:34 +0000

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