That is sorcery and we know that the catholic, protestant, and - TopicsExpress


That is sorcery and we know that the catholic, protestant, and evangelical churches, missions and ministries and branhamists are brotherhoods of sorcerers. They seek to evangelise people in the Name of Jesus and when those people accept, they kill them then eat them. Book of Prophet Kacou Philippe KACOU 37:INTERPRETATION OF A DREAM (Explained on Sunday May 25, 2004 morning in Locodjro, Abidjan – Ivory Coast / Ref.06-14) 1 A Dream that Brother Arsène saw in 2000 and for which he sought the Interpretation almost everywhere, up to Ghana. Brother Arsène arrived to the Assembly on April 25, 2004, four years after the Dream. I think that this Dream deserves our attention. 2 Note: No man can interpret a dream or vision if he is not a Prophet and if God has not revealed anything to him about it. Imitation is an extreme iniquity. If someone tells you: I saw in dream or in vision a dove flying on the temple having an envelope in its beak then another dove followed it with a key in its beak. What will you say? Does that come from God or the devil? What if you finish interpreting and he tells you: I saw nothing! I invented myself it that to test you! However, he that has seen the dream must plead for its Interpretation (Zec.Chpt.4). 3 The events are taking place at around 18 hours revealing the Evening Times. First, on one side, he saw some people under a shed trying to convince a man to accept to be killed and he will resuscitate because he has already accepted Jesus. They killed him after having convinced him, then they cooked him and ate him . That is sorcery and we know that the catholic, protestant, and evangelical churches, missions and ministries and branhamists are brotherhoods of sorcerers. They seek to evangelise people in the Name of Jesus and when those people accept, they kill them then eat them. 4 And after that, my second junior sister (the branhamists) shows me the Sole and Unique Way for me to get Salvation. There was a multitude of ways but only One was different by its seniority. She showed me that Way but refused herself to go. Amen! The Oldest Way, Peter, Paul, Silas and Timothy passed there. Polycarp, Irenaeus, Papias, Origen, Jerome, Athanasius, Hilarius, Eusebius, John Chrysostom passed there. Luther, Cyprian, Tertullian, Calvin, Zwingli, Wesley, William Branham passed there. And now Kacou Philippe. 5 His sister tells him: All the other ways turn round. After tens of kilometres I found a tarred road and my first junior sister (the eldest). Then we were taken to a place similar to a hospital and a refugee camp. There were about thirty people there. Then, a fight started against me. I had the impression that the whole world had flied into an uncontrollable rage against me [the living Church] because of the Word that was bound to my right hand [not in my hand but bound, attached to my right hand]. There was a battle in order to cut off my right hand or kill me. I saw a great arsenal of war and the whole world up to fight against me. And a great reward was promised to whoever would kill me. 6 Then, I saw myself in a battle camp, [it is always the Assembly, but also a phase of greater scale coming up]; the war intensified, I cried to God and I was transformed, dressed as a Knight of God to fight against the whole world. Then, right in the middle of the battle, I cried again and several Angels took human forms and came down from Heaven to fight at my side. I saw that it was a final event. 7 [They are first all the Preachers of this message then a real phase which will manifest the Sons of God and the resurrection of the dead]. They went forth and returned Conquering, they went forth and returned Conquering… until they came back another time and said: We’ve pushed the enemies back and they promised to surprise us. And I told them to take the way to mountains and instead of them surprising you, you are going to surprise them . [For the Assembly, it is after that that the first Cry has taken place and it is now. But it is in the global phase that the angels of god come to fight against the holy-spirits that came from the creeks and that fight at the side of the churches. For the assembly thus, all the dream got fulfilled on tuesday may 25, after the crowd jeered us and promised harder. Didnt i advise long moments of fasting, the way to mountains before going out again to preach? And it was after that that we were told this Dream. It is the Spirit of Prophecy and the Brother saw it four years ago. 8 But I specify that this Dream and in particular the second part remains an entire Prophecy even for us. From his childhood up to his coming to this Message, he belonged to the pentecostal church and he saw some sorcerers and witches evangelising in the Name of Jesus. Apart from what God is doing, all the rest is not but incantation, bewitchment and sorcery even if it is in the Name of Jesus. ] 9 Question: Brother Philippe, can we go and preach to any meeting: to a convention, in a church or a house if we are invited there? 10 Yes! If somebody, having got acquainted with this Message invites us, there is no problem. And I am ready to go and preach everywhere I will be invited to explain or preach this Message; I have no right to refuse an invitation. Print this Chapter Send this page to a friend back to the list - Copyright © April 2007 Registration of Copyright ® All rights reserved
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 13:25:36 +0000

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