That is where the price manipulators come in. As The New American - TopicsExpress


That is where the price manipulators come in. As The New American magazine explained in an in-depth 2010 report, the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve has been at the center of suppressing gold’s price relative to fiat currency — along with the shadowy Bank for International Settlements, which helps coordinate the activities of central bankers around the world. The Fed’s role in all of it is hardly a secret, either. “Central banks stand ready to lease gold in increasing quantities, should the price of gold rise,” then-Fed boss Alan Greenspan told the House Banking Committee in 1998. Even before that admission, the Fed’s gold manipulation was exposed in official central bank documents. As the world is prepared by the establishment for the emergence of a true post-dollar global currency run by the IMF — something that outfit itself is openly lobbying for, along with Beijing and other powers — gold is almost certain to play an important role in the process. With misguided faith in debt-based fiat currency likely to evaporate as central bankers destroy it, global institutions hoping to impose a planetary monetary regime on humanity will have little choice but to at least pay lip service to honest currency in the beginning. With the Communist Chinese regime and its allies gobbling up a decent share of global gold reserves at manipulated prices, their influence over the emerging new order will undoubtedly grow in tandem. The IMF is already openly talking about moving from D.C. to Beijing. For those who value liberty, national sovereignty, and honest money, that is all bad news — to put it mildly. If the United States were to unilaterally restore sound currency by first auditing and then abolishing the out-of-control Federal Reserve, though, it would still be possible to slam the brakes on the whole global-currency plot. Of course, that will require a great deal of education and organization. But it is possible, and, considering the alternative, extremely urgent.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 00:44:29 +0000

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