That moment when you reflect on your pass and see how Jesus bless - TopicsExpress


That moment when you reflect on your pass and see how Jesus bless you. I was just sitting here looking back on that Wed . When my heart beat just started racing. At first I try not to panic but what was happening to me . Started to make my mind race which made me fear for my life. As I stood there head on the counter. One of my coworkers ask me if I was alright ? I said no she said do I need to get you a nurse I said yes. The nurse (angel) came took my bp fine, oxygen fine, but you need to go to the hospital ASAP. She explain that I couldnt wait that I need to fast . My boss said I will take him no problem . I got to the ER check in and with in a few min rush to the back. As I got to the back the nurse (angel) told me what was going to take place. That I would be hook up to a EKG . Also that they would be giving me a IV. If you know me you know how I feel about needles hate them but at this point I didnt care . As I was being connect to the EKG . The Dr walk in and asked a few questions. I explain what was going on. He had told the nurse to connect me to the main EKG . Not the mobile one. While this was taking place there was movement . Which gave what the Dr thought was a false reading. He told both nurse dont move do it again. That when the reading came back . That sent the room into ACTION. I like back over my should to see the screen. It said that my heart rate was 221 bpm. The Dr started giving orders all I heard was bah bah bah & a shot of 6 mg adencine ( not sure on the spelling) . Ok I knew it was coming didnt know if it was IV or my arm. During this time everybody I came in contact with was very nice. They reassure me everything would be ok. When they gave me the first shot nothing happen . The Dr order 12 mg ASAP at this time lab came in for some blood of course. IV In the left lab on the right. Just as she finish the nurse arrive with THE SHOT. She started rubbing the IV before she injected the meds. My heart rate drop to normal. I was admitted to the hospital and send up to the 5 th floor. Once I arrive I was told I be going down stairs. To get some pics of my heart. That someone would be coming to take me. Little did I know it would be the head of administration ( another angel) . She took me down stairs very friendly explain what was going to take place . She also told me that normal dont take people downstairs.. Once we were finish I return my room mate . Where I met a very friendly 86 yr old man. The night went well except for lab every 6 hrs visit. The next morning my night nurse came in. To explain she would be leaving but Deb (angel) would be taking over. I look at Deb face I knew her from somewhere. Later on when she came in it hit me. She work on the six floor cancer floor. She was my mother nurse a few year ago. She said I normally dont work down here but today they ask me to fill in. Now I realize who this lady was . She was oldest daughter friend mother leara. She was only on that floor til about noon. Which is when I was told that I was going home. Maybe it just me but God was playing Chess . Placing his Angels around me like I was a King. I didnt know it then but its clear to me now. He was ahead of the game putting pieces in place before I arrive. All my family & friends who love , care & concern about me was AWESOME. Facebook fam I cant say it enough THANK YOU JESUS FOR BLESSING MY LIFE.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 03:51:48 +0000

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