That stiffened resistance in the US Congress. Well, well. There - TopicsExpress


That stiffened resistance in the US Congress. Well, well. There was me thinking the US Congress was the beating heart of US imperialism when in fact it is the centre of resistance to it. Whod of thunk it? In fact the failure of the US Congress to come to the assistance of the Syrian people, the only people who could, who are being so ruthlessly butchered by Assad is the reason the Saudi-backed foreign Jihadis and Islamists are thriving in Syria. As Obama targets his drones at AQ and the Taliban in Pakistan US policy in Syria of abandoning the Syrian National Democratic Revolution is creating a whole new army of fundamentalists. No, the reason the US Congress voted against action in Syria, when they were all in favour of action in Libya not a few months previously, is not because they have suddenly become the leadership of a radical anti-imperialist movement but because there is insufficient oil in Syria to make it worthwhile upsetting the Russians over. There are only Arabs there. The votes in Parliament and Congress allowed Cameron and Obama to play their Pontius Pilates whilst the Syrian people are crucified and of course Congress and Milliband get to be Herod and ownership of the next atrocity by the semi-colonial tyrant Assad and responsibility for the growing Jihadi army. `A world safe for democracy? Humbug. Imperialism is entirely self-serving and this article by now including the US Congress along with various repulsive semi-colonial tyrants, the Chinese Stalinists, and the Russian imperialist kleptocracy as part of some anti-imperialist block worthy of support is ridiculous. Victory to the Arab Spring. Victory to the Syrian National Democratic Revolution.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 01:05:11 +0000

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