That video I posted yesterday morning, yeah, I wasnt being - TopicsExpress


That video I posted yesterday morning, yeah, I wasnt being serious. I know it made me seem like I was full of myself. Im really not tbh. I only did it because I wanted to make people laugh, and I didnt actually think Id get hate for it, but you know, people get hate for every single thing nowadays. Honestly, Im anything but full of myself. I know I make it seem like I am, but Im not. I have insecurities just like all of us. When I was younger, growing up, going to public school, and even today, Im reminded of those. I try not to let it bother me, I try to look past them, but sometimes I cant help it. I was at a point in my life where I hated everything about myself. I couldnt stand looking at myself bc I was literally extremely ugly. I had no friends, I was bullied, and I pretty much hated life at one point. Did I give up? I wanted to, but I didnt. I told myself that I was stronger than that, and I dealt with it all. I only hoped it got better, and luckily for me, it did. I started making friends, I changed my appearance, and I started getting compliments by people. Not a lot, but I was happy with it. I started to gain my confidence back little by little. Today, I still dont have all of my confidence back. I still put myself down over things that I cant help, that I still hate about myself. I try and be positive and look past my insecurities, and tell myself that we all have insecurities, but it still bothers me. I encourage others to be positive, and not hate themselves, and never give up because its always gonna get better, yet I have problems myself. It has gotten way better for me when it comes to making friends, even if they are over the internet. They all still mean the world to me and I try helping them with their problems as best I can. Im extremely sorry if I come off as full of myself, or conceited. Ill be the first to tell you that I have tons of flaws. When I get hate, I act like it doesnt bother me, but it kills me inside. I sort of believe some of the things they say, and its even brought me down emotionally. I know you wouldnt think Id take hate seriously, but I do. It takes me back to when I was getting bullied daily. Before you judge me, or anyone else for that matter, you should try and get to know them, and the shit theyve been through.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 07:39:18 +0000

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