That was a bit of a rough ride for me. Some good bits and some bad - TopicsExpress


That was a bit of a rough ride for me. Some good bits and some bad bits. + Having my Borscht recognised as true Varushkan Borscht by several Varushkans. Chickening out from giving some to the egregore in case he liked it and that meant I had to be Varushkan. Oh Kalda, how little you knew... + RUNEFORGE! AMBITION! I felt like this could well save the game for me, giving me new objectives. +Varushkan Bragging Contest. - Missing Haralds entry into said contest due to having to go off and do trading. Work, work work. :) + Monstering on Saturday. Our Orc general pointed at a banner at the beginning and said See that? Whoever gets me that shiny red banner gets to sleep wiv me tonight! I was playing a little runty healer type, who was sad shed never get such glories. And then right at the end I ended up looting a PCs sash, which he clung to desperately, and it turned out to be...a shiny red banner! Sadly I was a different orc by that point, but it was still great fun to hold my trophy aloft and be answered by a triumphant roar from my fellow orcs. Hope the player enjoyed it too. - Dramabomb hitting me just after getting back from monstering. Terrible timing as I really just needed to eat and drink and rest, but instead spent half an hour to an hour solid crying. Sometimes angsty RP can be fun, but that was just horrible. Coupled with OOC issues and a general sense of disempowerment and forcedness of things, and every effort of Kaldas to make the best of things being thwarted, I was ready to go home. + People being really patient OOC with my wibblings - Claire of the plot people deserves a special mention, as do the players of Wintermark and Varushkas egregores. + Drama is still kinda fun, even when its horrible. Its nice having someone to hate IC, and its even nicer when his player is so gleeful about it OOC. - Not being able to throw the one for the road in his face because I didnt want to spoil the players makeup. :) + Amazing AMAZING RP with Mikael in the Wintermark camp. Oh, man I wish I could have seen his rant at those pesky meddling Draughir! The tenderness and final verbal acknowledgement of a love that was intense and deeply meaningful despite being not in any way romantic. This and a smattering of other cool moments salvaged Saturday for me and made me able to carry on. + Wintermark partying like only Wintermark can. You guys are awesome. Loved the Scops contest. Bjarvok, we all knew youd win, you jammy devil. :) + Reconciliation with Ulf. Interesting... + Using the dutch oven as an oven, with delicious results! + Drunk Kalda continues to be great fun to play. Fall Down Drunk Kalda even more so. But it wouldnt have been anywhere near as fun without Harald. Harald, Harald, Harald. This is a beautiful friendship! Complete with drunken ramblings of yr great, right? I mean, youre jush...great, yknow...? + IC sort-of romances with certain people continuing to be funtimes. - A nice cup I borrowed being lost. Apparently roleplaying drunk makes you less aware of your responsibility to looking after objects almost as much as the real thing. :( - Feeling of total burnout on Sunday morning with the prospect of more emo stuff to come. + Finding said emo was not as bad as it could have been, and in fact relatively painless. + Having someone later acknowledge OOC the very slight falter in my otherwise loud and clear nation oath at a certain line. Its nice when people get what youre going for. + OMG, Im a Schlachter and I really *DID* drink right through the night! + SUNDAYS BATTLE!!! By far the best thing Ive experienced at any Empire event so far. That was incredible. Definitely no cross-country jogging expedition this time. + Bodyguard duty to a hated person inflicted as a punishment for falling over too much. Love you, my Boyar! + DRAMABOMBS of a much better sort. Screaming for Mikael as he got captured, and struggling against the healers as they dragged Kaldas arrow-impaled body back through the portal and finally knocked her out for her own good. Amazingly moving RP with those who picked up the distraught swordsmith afterwards. Coming back to camp to find Mikael safe, and the relief lasting exactly 3 seconds before SECOND DRAMABOMB occurred. + Staslos death scene was beautiful, as was the aftermath, and OOC I am very proud of myself for roleplaying it all through despite triggers I would never normally have thought myself capable of coping with. - Exhaustion catching up with me shortly after time-out, and not being able to stand up, let alone help with takedown. I normally make sure I have some energy left in reserve, but this time it simply wasnt an option. + As always, my awesome friends being awesome in every way. To every single one of you who helped with my kit, gave me hugs and pep talks when I was wibbling or even just gave me a kind word now and then, I love you and youre fantastic. You are the reason I keep coming to these events. - I need a whole new kit. + I get to design and make a whole new kit!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 14:57:20 +0000

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