That we exist able&capable (possessing free will) to Love all - TopicsExpress


That we exist able&capable (possessing free will) to Love all (which is us choosing&doing what God chooses&does), is Grace (Gods choosing&doing) Faith is us appreciating our existence and ability&capability&capacity to Love all in our choosing&doing what God chooses&does which is us Loving all, We are saved/sustained in heaven/3rd-heaven/bliss/satisfaction/Happyness by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ Jesus means Yah/Love/God saves/sustains Even as Love started/invented/created and structured/made/formed/built/edified/sized&shaped&synchronized all places and all things within all places and all time and all beings altogether in God, who especially built/edified/structured us his titled-ones/called/entitled-ones/chosen/elect/church/people upon himself/the-rock/the-infallible-eternal-unshakable-God(Love) being we choose&do what God/Yah/Love chooses&does Christ means Yahs choice&deed, Godheads concord/consensus/decision&deal, Gods authority/anointing/election/chosen-one/decreed-oneness/lawful-partnership/legal-unity/legitimate-union Obviously/Undeniably/Evidently Jesus is the only way creation (creatures of Yah) get(s) to Yah/Love the Father/source/start We cannot get to Love without choosing to Love We get to Love by choosing to Love This is the path of life This is the truth This is the life Jesus being Yah our Savior/Sustenance Following this path Is following Jesus Yah Loves all except sin Yah saves/sustains all existent except sin Yah saves all in heaven/bliss except sinners This is Yahs choice&deed So We Love all except sin This is our choice&deed This is our thoughts/mind/understanding/agreement/logic of Christ-Jesus fixed/focused/stayed/concentrated/based/relying on God/Yah/Love And Yah saves/sustains/keeps us in heaven/bliss/perfect-peace/infallible-concord Hence we trust/bank/rely/rest on God/Yah/Love with all our heart/SPIRIT/character/person/personage/persona/personality/behavior, and so we cannot and do not lean/rely/trust/bank/rest on our own understanding/agreements/mind/intent being we dont lean on our own mind/understanding/agreement/terms&conditions/laws/rules/legislation that is uninformed/not-based/not-fixed/not-focused on God/Love or that doesnt originate from God/Love, so in all our ways/means/monies/methods/media/paths/cultures/courses/patterns/technology/tradition/processes/methodology/religion/routines/rituals/habits/practices/constitutions/fashion we acknowledge/admit him as LORD practitioner of righteousness, justice and lovingkindness throughout the earth being these constitute his delight/fun/pleasure/HAPPINESS, and he Yah/God our Love he directs/guides/leads/steers our path/way/journey/progress/movement/motion/lifestyle/monies/technology SELAH
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 03:07:29 +0000

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