Thats it! I am putting my partners mouth on mute until he can stop - TopicsExpress


Thats it! I am putting my partners mouth on mute until he can stop pissing me off! I refuse to hear another word that comes out of his mouth until he learns to stop being so annoying. I dont know what has happened, but overnight he has turned into an annoying pig. Doesnt he know I need a comfortable peaceful environment to grow our baby? If he keeps up his behavior its going to be nothing but freaking hostile! Of course... I do love my partner very much. BUT!!! Since I have been pregnant I have stayed seriously pissed off at his simple-minded-annoying-manness! It never fails, when I am finally ready to forgive his stupidity he pulls off another act of stupidity! I swear he breathes differently now, he takes nothing but big deep annoying breaths. Thanks to the hormones my fuse is considerably shorter than before baby. Admittedly, it does not take much for me to fly off the pregnancy handle. Still, he should be thanking his lucky effing stars its not his ass thats doubling in size everyday. My annoying shithead partner has no idea what its like to grow a human. If he has any effing sense in his simple mind, he will shut up and put up! Here is an example of a normal conversation in my house... ME: I want to order the movie 9 months. Its supposed to be fun for a pregnant couple! Stupid ass partner: Oh come on! You cannot want to watch that crap movie? No way its stupid. Then, he finds out that the local cinema is having a midnight showing of the movie Texas chainsaw massacre and he pre-orders tickets for US!! Really?? That stupid Shithead thinks I want to stay up and watch a ridiculous loud crappy man movie? This, ladies, is what my dumb ass is marrying!!! With 25 weeks to go... my fuse better start growing and/or my partner better stay in the corner and learn to live to please me! Friends and family who have done this pregnancy thing before promise its completely normal to start hating him. They also promise he will stop being such an annoying shit sooner than later. Either he will learn to walk on eggshells, or I will stop wanting to hurt the one I love the most, and something about, Misery loves company. Blah blah blah... Its not my fault hes annoying and making me more miserable. Everyone insists it gets better. Well, clearly we are not there yet. All I have to say is he better watch out, or he will be changing his address to a tent in the back yard! Pretty much sums it up!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 07:08:05 +0000

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