Thats nothing, look what they are doing to the white people of - TopicsExpress


Thats nothing, look what they are doing to the white people of South Africa. Australia says “NO” to White Refugees but thousands of black solilians are housed in the American biblebelt. Canberra : Australia | Sep 05, 2013 at 6:45 PM PDT By Africadesk On the 9th of August 2013 a petition with 26 437 signatures requesting the Australian Government to consider granting asylum to white South African refugees was delivered to the Minister of Immigration Parliament House Canberra. The reply dated 2 August 2013 stated that: “The Department of Immigration and Citizenship recently undertook a Visa Simplification and Deregulation program. The purpose of this program was to simplify Visa process, enhance client service innovation and achieve greater business efficiencies. In some visa categories the number of subclasses was reduced and replaced with streamline subclass type which includes each of the replaced streams. With this in mind, you will appreciate that at this time it would not be feasible to establish new Visa subclasses . . .” The letter did mention that due to the upcoming Australian elections the “Honourable” Minister, Tony Burke was not able to reply in person. The job of saying “no” to those pleading for help was delegated way down the line to the Assistant Secretary of the Humanitarian Branch, Romany Nanayakkara. This denial was issued in spite of the fact that Australia is a United Nations signatory and Article 14 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.” South African whites wanting to leave the country are not economic refugees although many are suffering greatly under the harsh ANC Government laws which severely reduce opportunities for white males to be employed. This has resulted in an estimated 700 000 whites now living in extreme poverty in squatters camps. Information on the high black on white murder rate in South Africa is suppressed by Government and mainstream media and murders of whites are often hidden by fraudulent natural death certificates. Just one example is the case of Henry Locke, shot through his heart by black killers in April 2009 in front of his thirteen-year-old daughter, his wife and paraplegic son. The official explanation of why the natural cause was entered on the death certificate was that he had a heart-attack when the bullet was fired through his heart”. In spite of the family complaint the SAPS statistics were not adjusted. In a country that has the dubious distinction of having the second highest murder rate in the world, the black on white hate crimes are known to be out of the ordinary. These daily attacks and murders are generally accompanied by an extraordinarily high level of cruelty and are often not accompanied by theft. Many attacks, particularly the farm attacks are marked by macabre anti Christian displays with open Bibles being laid on butchered bodies, crosses pushed into vaginas, etc. These frequent horrific attacks and murders are not reported in the mainstream press and the people who do try and communicate the information are publically slandered and threatened. In a recent case, Dr Dan Roodt, a well known South African human rights activist received a forced, front page apology by a prominent NASPERS Sunday newspaper for slandering him. The slander was personal and designed to damage his credibility but while the apology was prominent, other journalists have continued to besmirch his name. ( The black on white violence has been going on since the ANC came to power but the frequency of the attacks and level of cruelty is growing. It is difficult to obtain accurate reports on the attacks but they surface periodically through some unexpected sources who leak information. An example is an Mpumalanga surgeon who writes an anonymous blog mainly concerned with medical matters. In November 2007 he detailed a case he worked on because he said that while he had seen many shocking cases this was particularly disturbing. The patient (she had survived the attack) was in her 60s and had been attacked in her home by a group of black men. He gives the following description of her condition: “The right side of her face had multiple slashes. the angle of attack was slanted downwards. The side of her face had been sliced off in thin slivers like a piece of roast beef. a piece of the mastoid process had been sliced off. The layers lay loose, attached only at the lower neck. I assume these were the first wounds inflicted. She must have fallen forward then. This I know because the next wound was in the posterior aspect of the upper arm. the triceps was completely transected. The humerus itself had a deep gash in it. I suspect the assailant would have had difficulty removing the panga (machete) from the humerus, the wound was so deep. by this stage the woman must have been face down...defeated. The next wound was over the right scapula. The scapula was cut right through. There were two separate pieces with all the muscles transected as well. The force mustered to deliver this blow must have been immense.” According to the surgeon “she was simply another victim of a racial hate crime.” Even more disgusting and disturbing than the actual attack is the fact that it never made the news. This is not unusual and there have been numerous reports that have been leaked detailing hate attacks that are, to decent people, incomprehensible. The black on white attacks are often aimed at the elderly and the very young. Australia is not alone in its refusal to help fleeing South Africans. The United States and Canada have declined applications on the grounds that there is no basis for the applications. The White South African refugees meet all the criteria required by the United Nations including a lack of protection by the State. South African Police commonly scream racial abuse at whites, have participated in murders and rapes, arrest whites without cause only to have them raped in holding cells and released without charge a few days later, and often refuse assistance to whites. The ANC leadership regularly sing songs about murdering whites and react to complaints by telling whites to leave the country. A Facebook page by someone calling himself “Baba Jukwa” regularly provides very accurate reports on Zimbabwean Government antics. The writer clearly has highly placed insiders feeding him information and with 371 thousand followers he is hated by Mugabe and his regime. He has recently stated that Mugabe has sent 300 trained mercenaries to teach black South Africans in Julius Malemas group how to kill whites. Julias Malema who was the leader of the ANC Youth League and now has his own political party in South Africa is known for his anti white stance and is close friends with the Zimbabwean dictator. According to “Baba Jukwa” the mercenaries are going to help to step up the murders of white farmers in South Africa - a group already recognised as the most murdered in the world. Sunette Bridges’ summary of black on white attacks for the period 1 May 2013 to 31 July 2013 - just 92 days - is 170 Attacks on 281 Victims. 11 women and 2 men were raped and 56 white people murdered. (August figures still pending as many attacks are reported directly to Ms bridges and she still has to confirm validity.) It is understandable that countries such as Australia and the United States do not want to take economic refugees but they have a moral obligation to at least consider taking people who are being brutalized in countries not engaged in war where they have lived for generations. Anything less is morally bankrupt. Africadesk is based in Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, and is a Stringer for Allvoices. Report Credibility
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 19:09:33 +0000

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