Thday a bawherr history o me! ;) 4000 - 2500 bc. Neolithic - TopicsExpress


Thday a bawherr history o me! ;) 4000 - 2500 bc. Neolithic settlers reached fae th atlantic ago th coast o Scootlund 2000 - 1000 bc. Th bronze age bell beaker fowk, wha wur cried fur th characteristic ceramic, migrate fae th continent tae th north o th British Isles, mines fur copper n act wi metal objects 4th hunner years bc. Celtic scots penetrate up tae Scootlund afore 122 th romans beat doon an uprising in Northern Britain. As a protection against th predatory picts emperor Hadrian ordered th construction o th rampart cried efter him; five years tae build th romans at th 120 km-long Hadrians dyke. Th sassenach limes extends fae solvay firth in th wast tae th geggy o th Tyne in th east fae 143 tae scots territory lay th romans pushed even further North Dyke o th 65-kilometer Antonine Dyke, whilk extends fae th firth o forth in th wast tae th water Clyde in th east 397 ad. Street. Ninian founded a christian mission oan th isle o whithorn, a peninsula in th Southwest o Scootlund . 5 c 4 kingdoms arise: th picts in th north, th scots in th wast, th british in th sooth wast n th fishing in th southeast 410 th romans left britain aroond th visigoths fae rome tae sell Britains mirk ages 563 saint columbanus draws a batch faithful brothers fae ireland oan th island o iona located aff th scots wast coast n founded a monastery 8th hunner years. Th vikings begin thair raids alang th scots coast, penetrate thro th rivers n inland yin, begin tae settle n solve fur hauf a millennium o fear n terror in th population fae 843 kenneth macalpin o dalriada (+ 858) aw the gether th tribes o th scots n picts n ertser king o scootlund (scotia). Ryle residence is scone in perth thday. 937 th sassenach king edgar th peaceable is recognized by th scots monarch as overlord 1040 macbeth kills king duncan in open battle at th the noo toun o elgin 1057 calum, duncans son avenges th death o his faither, murdurred macbeth n is considered th king calum III. Canmore (bighead) king o scootlund (reigned 1057 -. 1093) Thro th mairriage in 1068 calum III. Canmore wi th angel saxon margarethe thare is an incipient anglicization o scootlund. Among th three sons o calum n magarethe, edgar (reigned 1097 -. 1107), alexander ah (reigned 1107 -. 1124) n dauvit (reigned 1124 -. 1153) steals th ties wi englain tae continue. Dauvit uses th weakness o th sassenach king stephen n tries tae shift th southern boundary o scootlund 1138 dauvit is gubbed in th battle o th standard by th sassenach airmie under th leadership o archbishop thurstan descended fae vikings o york decisive. Th sassenach feudal system becomes mair n mair influence in bonnie scotland 1174 uilleam th lion (reigned 1165 -. 1214) mist acknowledge th sassenach king as feudal laird ower scootlund in th treaty o falaise, this binding is 1189 bit dissolved by wilhelm again . 1237 alexander II (reigned 1214 -. 1249) haes th tweed solvay - line as southern border o scootlund recognize, bit it aye comes back tae weeer border skirmishes 1249 - 1286 reign o th lest canmore - king alexander III. Scootlund experienced a period o peace n economic prosperity. Alexander allied his-sel wi th vikings n norwegians, his granddaughter margaret merrit king eric iii. Magnussen 1263 battle o largs. Th vikings, except th wha inserted in th scots clansysthem n felt awready as scots themselves ur sold forever margaret, th maid o norway, is recognized efter alexanders death by th scots as a queen. 1266 th western isles cam fae th vikings or normans tae th jocks.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 08:42:48 +0000

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