The 0.000164% A Democracy has been referred to as something a kin - TopicsExpress


The 0.000164% A Democracy has been referred to as something a kin to mob rule. Its a system where a simple majority always gets its way. In other words, 51% can take away the rights of the other 49%. The United States is NOT a democracy. Our founding fathers found this to be a distasteful arrangement so they established our form of government as a Constitutional Republic. A system of checks and balances where smaller groups of citizens, geographically based, elect their own representatives. This is supposed to change the balance so that each group has, as close as they can, their own representation. This works only as long as the elected Representatives and Senators truly represent the people who elected them. When properly executed, its really the best possible system (of course you can argue that the best of all evils is still evil, and thats why we cant sit idly by and let them run the show unchecked.). The problem that we have is that we have a Federal legislature (Congress) who have deliberately lost sight of the interests of those theyre sworn to represent. Instead, they represent themselves, relegating the rest of us to the level of surfs rather than citizens. Its time this stopped! Only unified citizens willing to act can put an end to this. How? Ive heard people talking about revolution but, although, that certainly shouldnt be off the table, theres a more peaceful way to start. Congress and the President have been emboldened because they see us all as sheep who will grumble a bit and then do as were told. Let them know that thats not true. Call them, send the letters, let them know that their jobs are in danger, let them know that the last election wasnt so that they could get along with the enemies of this country. Be vocal. When a government is afraid of its citizens, theres Liberty. When citizens are afraid of their government, theres tyranny. Dont just make a call or write a letter...flood them with calls and letters and dont accept their rhetoric in response. Keep it up. If that doesnt work...well then itll be time to see what else is on the table. If you believe this is true...if you agree...feel free to pass this on. My page only reaches so many people.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 18:59:54 +0000

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