The 1-Day INTERN: Lessons From Akin Akisanmi There came a time - TopicsExpress


The 1-Day INTERN: Lessons From Akin Akisanmi There came a time when I felt I needed to see what those who had been in the business before me were doing. I wanted to learn and so I called up Seun Akisanmi and asked to be a 1-day intern at eloPhotos Studios. This was in October (2013) and I can’t seem to remember a lot of names and faces but the events of the day are still very clear and in my mind. I had hoped to learn and learn I did. The lessons of that day have remained with me. I came to understudy a photographer and an entrepreneur, to see how he related with staff and interns, to see what a regular day is like. I had hoped that it would prepare me for my journey to my next level. I was going to have interns, students coming to my school here in Ibadan and I just wanted to see what was ahead of me. I got exactly that and more. Yes I got more. Coincidentally it was that same day that a guest had been invited to come and address the house. This mystery guest would be teaching from his wealth of knowledge and I would be fortunate to be in that class and under that lecture. The said lecture was not expected. I didn’t bargain for it but I got it and it is the lessons from our guest lecturer that inspired this post. I learnt a lot from him and I would love to share with the readers here. As it turned out, our guest was known other than the boss’s father. Yes I mean Seun Akisanmi’s Dad. Mr Akin Akisanmi as he introduced himself. Wow. I say wow now because his lecture touched all areas of life that could be useful for everybody. Photographer or not these are things for all to note as we go through life. I can’t give it to you word for word but I’ll summarize the lessons below. Spiritual: Know God, secure your salvation, have a relationship with God, abide by his principles and be appreciative/thankful to Him. Career: Be time conscious, be punctual, mind you dressing – look good, eat well – avoid looking hungry, take good care of your responsibilities; spouse, children, parents, etc. Photography: Keeping yourself in the mind of the customer: Be diligent, have an excellent output, follow up, keep records – detail personal inflow and business outflow, focus, set goals. Invest: Do cost benefit analysis. Do profitable investment, invest in what will generate more money (additional income) and beware of peer pressure. Market expansion can be a reason to invest, looking may open other markets. Mind the kind of business you do and the people you do business with. Do the Math: Look at your spending profile, look at how many events/contract/deals/jobs you need to do to break even, have a standard (in pricing), have a standard (in value), define costs and profits clearly and don’t go below minimum to deliver good standard. Be perfect in your record keeping to the last kobo. Record all inflow and outflow, keep a strict budget, cut down spending on excesses. Keep a ledger maybe an excel sheet and review periodically. The above marks my summary of lessons from Akin Akisanmi. The rest of the day involved activities like editing, strolling to buy food, having a chat with the boss and witness the boss give out a book. I must say that that lecture marked the best part of my day, the one day I was an intern at eloPhotos. Written by Abiola Akinyemi ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Contact us on 08120129149, 08023008873 or info@elophotos for a detailed list of options of classes to take at eloPhotos Academy. It will be the best investment youll make in your journey to photography greatness. A new session begins September 1, 2014 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 21:57:40 +0000

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