The 100 Essential Horror FIlms (2013 edition), per - TopicsExpress


The 100 Essential Horror FIlms (2013 edition), per theessentialfilms.blogspot (unranked). How many have you seen? Any missing? 1. 28 Days Later (2002), Danny Boyle ** 2. Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948), Charles Barton ** 3. Alien (1979), Ridley Scott ** 4. Aliens (1986), James Cameron ** 5. America Psycho (2000), Mary Harron 6. An American Werewolf in London (1981), John Landis ** 7. Army of Darkness (1992), Sam Raimi ** 8. Attack the Block (2011), Joe Cornish ** 9. Audition (1999), Takashi Miike ** 10. The Birds (1963), Alfred Hitchcock ** 11. The Blair Witch Project (1999), Daniel Myrick & Eduard Sanchez ** 12. Bram Stokers Dracula (1992), Francis Ford Coppola ** 13. Bride of Frankenstein (1935), James Whale ** 14. The Cabin in the Woods (2012), Drew Goddard ** 15. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920), Robert Wiene ** 16. Candyman (1992), Bernard Rose ** 17. Carnival of Souls (1962), Herk Harvey ** 18. Carrie (1976), Brian De Palma ** 19. Cat People (1942), Jacques Tourneur ** 20. The Conjuring (2013), James Wan ** 21. Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954), Jack Arnold ** 22. The Curse of Frankenstein (1957), Terence Fisher ** 23. Dawn of the Dead (1978), George A. Romero ** 24. Dead Alive (1992), Peter Jackson ** 25. Dead Ringers (1988), David Cronenberg ** 26. Deep Red (1975), Dario Argento 27. Les Diaboliques (1955), Henri-Georges Clouzot ** 28. Dont Look Now (1973), Nicolas Roeg ** 29. Dracula (1931), Tod Browning ** 30. Drag Me To Hell (2009), Sam Raimi ** 31. Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde (1931), Rouben Mamoulian ** 32. Event Horizon (1997), Paul W.S. Anderson ** 33. The Evil Dead (1981), Sam Raimi ** 34. Evil Dead II (1987), Sam Raimi ** 35. The Exorcist (1973), William Friedkin ** 36. Eyes Without a Face (1960), Georges Franju ** 37. The Fly (1986), David Cronenberg ** 38. Frankenstein (1931), James Whale ** 39. Freaks (1932), Tod Browning ** 40. Friday the 13th (1980), Sean S. Cunningham ** 41. Fright Night (1985), Tom Holland ** 42. Ghostbuster (1984), Ivan Reitman ** 43. Godzilla (1954), Ishiro Honda ** 44. Halloween (1978), John Carpenter ** 45. The Haunting (1963), Robert Wise ** 46. Horror of Dracula (1958), Terence Fisher ** 47. The House of the Devil (2009), Ti West ** 48. House on Haunted Hill (1959), William Castle ** 49. The Innocents (1961), Jack Clayton ** 50. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), Don Siegel ** 51. The Invisible Man (1933), James Whale ** 52. Island of Lost Souls (1932), Earl C. Kenton ** 53. Jacobs Ladder (1990 ), Adrian Lyne ** 54. Jaws (1975), Steven Spielberg ** 55. King Kong (1933), Merian C. Cooper & Ernest B Schoedsack ** 56. Let the Right One In (2008), Tomas Alfredson ** 57. The Lost Ones (1987), Joel Schumacher ** 58. Misery (1990), Rob Reiner ** 59. The Mummy (1932), Karl Freund ** 60. Near Dark (1987), Kathryn Bigelow ** 61. Night of the Living Dead (1968), George A. Romero ** 62. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), Wes Craven ** 63. Nosferatu (1922), F.W. Murnau ** 64. The Omen (1976), Richard Donner ** 65. The Others (2001), Alejandro Amenabar ** 66. Pans Labyrinth (2006), Guillermo Del Toro ** 67. Paranorman (2012), Chris Butler & Sam Fell ** 68. Peeping Tom (1960), Michael Powell ** 69. The Phantom of the Opera (1925), Rupert Julian ** 70. The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945), Albert Lewin ** 71. Poltergeist (1982), Tobe Hooper ** 72. Predator (1987), John McTiernan ** 73. Psycho (1960), Alfred Hitchcock ** 74. Re-Animator (1985), Stuart Gordon ** 75. [REC] (2007), Jaume Balaguero & Paco Plaza ** 76. Repulsion (1965), Roman Polanksi ** 77. The Return of the Living Dead (1985), Dan OBannon ** 78. Ringu (1998), Hideo Nakata ** 79. Rosemarys Baby (1968), Roman Polanki ** 80. Scream (1996), Wes Caven ** 81. Se7en (1995), David Fincher ** 82. Shaun of the Dead (2004), Edgar Wright ** 83. The Shining (1980), Stanley Kubrick ** 84. The Silence of the Lambs (1991), Jonathan Demme ** 85. The Sixth Sense (1999), M. Night Shyamalan ** 86. Son of Frankenstein (1939), Rowland V. Lee ** 87. Suspiria (1977), Dario Argento ** 88. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), Tobe Hooper ** 89. Them! (1954), Gordon Douglas ** 90. They Live (1988), John Carpenter ** 91. The Thing (1982), John Carpenter ** 92. The Thing from Another World (1951), Christian Nyby & Howard Hawks ** 93. Trick R Treat (2007), Michael Dougherty ** 94. Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (2010), Eli Craig ** 95. Vampyr (1932), Carl Theodore Dreyer ** 96. The Vanishing (1988), George Sluizer ** 97. The War of the Worlds (1953), Byron Haskin ** 98. The Wicker Man (1973), Robin Hardy ** 99. The Wolf Man (1944), George Waggner ** 100. Zombieland (2009), Ruben Fleischer ** So, 97% for me. Howd you do?
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 03:00:53 +0000

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