The 15th of May 2014 Lord Bastien Jean-Baptiste : Rear Admiral - TopicsExpress


The 15th of May 2014 Lord Bastien Jean-Baptiste : Rear Admiral of the King.. The Lord Bastien Jean-Baptiste was created Earl of Léogâne by the edict of April 8, 1811 , where he is described as against Admiral ( Vice Admiral ) . He appears in this classification as State Councillor and in Almanacs from 1816 to 1820. Lord Bastien is often recognized for his friendship and his dedication to King Henri Christophe to whom he had sworn allegiance . During the revolt of 1791, he distinguished himself by feats of arms and became an officer . He fought for four years in the north by the side of Henri Christophe , under the command of Toussaint Louverture . The outbreak of the revolt of slaves ( 22 August 1791 ), Christophe becomes ringleader among the men of his color. This role assigned to him in advance by his activity, his intelligence and audacity. The looting of houses , in which he always made largely procured him a fortune that did not contribute to its elevation less than his personal qualities . Became brigadier Christophe and Jean- Baptiste competed powerfully to the expulsion of the English in 1798, and took part in the fast shipping which led to the temporary submission of the Spanish part ( 27 January 1801 ) . He was given to the genius of these leaders to foresee the return of slavery, and therefore thinking , organizing black people , to provide them with the means to defend freedom if she was threatened. The constitution was proclaimed on July 1 , and Toussaint exercised unlimited power under the title of governor general for life . At this time, the squad leader Christophe was then so humble that his friends like Bastien had the request him to ask on this occasion the rank of general . From then , he obtained the rank he sought with the government of Cape Town. In 1802 , Christophe was appointed general of the army, while Bastien also recognized for his military skills in the Navy took control of the naval fleet to the old settlers confiscated . Christophe still commanded the Northern Province, where the fleet was great expeditionary army Bonaparte placed under the command of his brother , Captain General Leclerc, rallied to Cape Samana ( 30 January 1802 ) .When the revolt broke excited by the extent of general disarmament , Christophe and Alíes found themselves in a difficult position. Finally, September 16, 1802 , being in this new war , they proved , as always, fearless , active and qualified to use military tactics and events. After the death of Leclerc ( November 2, 1802 ) , they did not show themselves less energetic against Rochambeau his successor. Their efforts , combined with those of other black leaders , having forced the French to evacuate the colony ( 28 November 1805 ), the supreme command was vested in Dessalines , who took the title of emperor, under the name of Jacques I, and reigned two years. In 1806 , Emperor Jacques I is assassinated and Christophe withdrew to the northern plain where it forms a separatist government , he took Bastien as the main naval military advised. Lord Bastien Jean-Baptiste as Rear Admiral was responsable for two chefs de division, two captain of vessels, three captains of frigates, seven lieutenants of vessels, 12 ensigns and 10 aspirans. The Troupes Maritimes were commanded by two captains and three lieutenants, one of them of the artillery. Port captains etc. are also included in the list. No details are given of ships. Henry had a number of small warships in the early (lays of his rule, commanded by English mercenaries but they had all been sent away by 1816). 1807 , Christophe declared himself president for life and chief of the land forces and navy of the State of Haiti, the navy side was left in the hands of Jean-Baptiste for him to have a true naval armada to defend the island against a likely next French campaign. Following the coronation of King four years after him in 1811 , Christophe promulgate codes and establishes a nobility. Bastien Jean-Baptiste was elevated Lord Earl of Léogâne and Vice- Admiral of the Royal Navy by the edict of April 8, 1811. His wife is also listed in all editions as royal cousin of the Queen Marie-Louise Coidavid and Lady in waiting at the royal palace. The Lord Bastien Jean-Baptiste also filled the position of state adviser to His Majesty Henry I from 1816 to 1820. Against Admiral is a military rank of a number of navies . Anglo-Saxon use marine grade of Rear Admiral (literally Admiral delarrière ).The rank of Rear Admiral ( Konteradmiral ) in the German navy equivalent hierarchically France to Vice Admiral. There is indeed a first grade called ( Flotillenadmiral ) . In the Royal Canadian Navy Canadian Forces , the rank of Admiral against (English : Rear- Admiral ) is the second rank of flag officers after the Commodore and before that Vice amiral. By HSH Prince Jean-Baptiste Soulouque Lubin Head of the Legitimate and Sovereign Imperial House of Faustin I, last Emperor of Haiti.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 16:29:38 +0000

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