The 17-year pause in global warming is likely to last into the - TopicsExpress


The 17-year pause in global warming is likely to last into the 2030s and the Arctic sea ice has already started to recover, according to new research. A paper in the peer-reviewed journal Climate Dynamics – by Professor Judith Curry of the Georgia Institute of Technology and Dr Marcia Wyatt – amounts to a stunning challenge to climate science orthodoxy. wattsupwiththat/2014/08/27/global-warming-pause-could-last-for-30-years/ Jo Nova writes - Congratulations to The Australian again for taking the hard road and reporting controversial, hot, documented problems, that few in the Australian media dare to investigate. How accurate are our national climate datasets when some adjustments turn entire long stable records from cooling trends to warming ones (or visa versa)? Do the headlines of “hottest ever record” (reported to a tenth of a degree) mean much if thermometer data sometimes needs to be dramatically changed 60 years after being recorded? The Australian - Bureau of Meteorology ‘altering climate figures’ THE Bureau of Meteorology has been accused of manipulating historic temperature records to fit a predetermined view of global warming. Researcher Jennifer Marohasy claims the adjusted records resemble “propaganda” rather than science. After a description of some of the problems, the BOM responds to explain the adjustments. Most of it the usual argument from authority, and handwaving about how they are experts and a very complicated technique (that produces odd results) is “likely” right: “‘BOM has rejected Dr Marohasy’s claims and said the agency had used world’s best practice and a peer reviewed process to modify the physical temperature records that had been recorded at weather stations across the country. There’s a suggestion that the changes don’t matter much: ‘It said data from a selection of weather stations underwent a process known as “homogenisation” to correct for anomalies. It was “very unlikely” that data homogenisation impacted on the empirical outlooks. wattsupwiththat/2014/08/24/newest-scam-donate-money-to-help-alleviate-the-fears-of-scared-scientists/#more-114921 Antarctic sea ice extent skyrocketing wattsupwiththat/2014/08/17/july-2014-global-surface-landocean-and-lower-troposphere-temperature-anomaly-update/#more-114540 The July 2014 GISS global temperature anomaly is +0.52 deg C. It dropped a good amount (a decrease of about -0.10 deg C) since June 2014. https://bobtisdale.files.wordpress/2014/08/01-giss-loti.png An explanation of what’s being presented in Figure 6: The last data point in the graph is the linear trend (in deg C per decade) from January 2001 to July 2014. It is basically zero (about +0.02 deg C/Decade). That, of course, indicates global surface temperatures have not warmed to any great extent during the most recent 163-month period. Working back in time, the data point immediately before the last one represents the linear trend for the 163-month period of December 2000 to June 2014, and the data point before it shows the trend in deg C per decade for November 2000 to May 2014, and so on. https://bobtisdale.files.wordpress/2014/08/06-163-month-giss-running-trends.png https://bobtisdale.files.wordpress/2014/08/07-206-month-giss-running-trends.png Space station Astronaut talks with DC media https://youtube/watch?v=dZ95-pE5XvY&index=5&list=PL2aBZuCeDwlT56jTrxQ3FExn-dtchIwsZ The data also shows sea surface temperatures near Norway were warmer during the Medieval Warm Period 1000 years ago and Roman Warm Period ~2000 years ago in comparison to the end of that record in ~2004. A brief history of climate - the northern seas from the Last Glacial Maximum to global warming sciencedirect/science/article/pii/S0277379114002650?np=y 6 August 2014 After a decade-long journey chasing its target, ESA’s Rosetta has today become the first spacecraft to rendezvous with a comet, opening a new chapter in Solar System exploration. Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko and Rosetta now lie 405 million kilometres from Earth, about half way between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars, rushing towards the inner Solar System at nearly 55 000 kilometres per hour. The comet is in an elliptical 6.5-year orbit that takes it from beyond Jupiter at its furthest point, to between the orbits of Mars and Earth at its closest to the Sun. Rosetta will accompany it for over a year as they swing around the Sun and back out towards Jupiter again. Rosetta arrives at Comet https://youtube/watch?v=XEfKq-pQBcc Rosetta arrival highlights https://youtube/watch?v=uOfXk1PLmfM&list=PLbyvawxScNbtAhH8vHAYl-pyEirPi-4Ad NASA wrapped up its second Underway Recovery Test Aug. 4 with the Orion spacecraft, off the coast of San Diego, California. The agency teamed with Lockheed Martin, the U.S. Navy and the Department of Defenses Human Space Flight Support Detachment 3 to evaluate primary and alternative methods to recover Orion after the spacecraft safely splashes down in the ocean at the conclusion of future deep space missions. Orion’s first spaceflight test with a splashdown in the Pacific Ocean is targeted for December. Also, Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator update, 2nd anniversary: 7 Minutes of Terror, Bolden visits MMS at Naval Research Lab, Scanning for algal blooms, Earth science showcase, and more! https://youtube/watch?v=bLzYYbB64Vc&list=PL2aBZuCeDwlT56jTrxQ3FExn-dtchIwsZ During an August 8 news briefing at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, NASA released new video from last month’s Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator test in Hawaii and discussed early results of the test. The successful cross-cutting demonstration of the LDSD project’s saucer-shaped test vehicle was designed to evaluate technologies for safely landing larger and heavier payloads on the surface of Mars and other planets with atmospheres. https://youtube/watch?v=d3TxllHkNWk&list=PL2aBZuCeDwlT56jTrxQ3FExn-dtchIwsZ As can clearly be seen the records are in general agreement historically. Both show a recent halt and even decline in the warming trend. So why do certain groups report otherwise? It is a mater of faith, the triumph of global warming religion over true science. The all purpose cause for any climate or weather related clamity has become climate change. This can be seen every day in any news medium—TV, print, on the Internet. For example, the number of bad weather events reported by news services has gone up tremendously over the last century, supposedly due to climate change. The same is true of all the other climate induced catastrophes predicted by the alarmists. The US is in a historical hurricane drought that has lasted more than 8 years with no major storm making landfall. Such a streak is unprecedented going back to 1900. The previous longest span is about 2½ years shorter! UAH July Global Temperature essentially unchanged from June wattsupwiththat/2014/08/05/uah-july-global-temperature-essentially-unchanged-from-june/#more-114131 Jo Nova writes - Remember how CO2 is supposed to cause warmer winters, and warmer nights? Well now CO2 also produces cold snaps. No matter what weather you get, there is a citation to blame CO2. Essentially, by using a models that didn’t predict the pause, nor the missing hot spot, and with homogenized, reanalyzed data that probably does not resemble the observations, they found something “interesting”. The modern witchdoctors are at work. Runestones, tea-leaves, broken models, what’s the difference? NASA and the U.S. Navy were busy recently – preparing for tests scheduled off the coast of San Diego, California. Crews will run through the procedures to recover NASAs Orion spacecraft from the ocean, following its water landing from deep space missions. Kennedy Space Center, Johnson Space Center, and Lockheed Martin Space Operations are all involved in the recovery effort. Also, Mars 2020 rover and beyond, Opportunity: 25 miles and counting, Updated K-Rex rover, Automated Transfer Vehicle launch and NASA Technology Days! Very recently the Australian Meteorological Institute issued a bulletin advising that the chance of an El Niño in 2014 had “clearly eased“. And if one were to occur, it was “increasingly unlikely to be a strong event“. - See more at: notrickszone/2014/08/02/remember-the-very-early-warning-of-next-el-nino%ef%bb%bf-paper-by-ludescher-false-alarm-rates-below-0-1/#sthash.WcvGZqET.dpuf https://youtube/watch?v=aKwjcS37Wvw El Niño has not yet shortened the Great Pause By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley Remarkably, the El Niño warming of this year has not yet shortened the Great Pause, which, like last month, stands at 17 years 10 months with no global warming at all. Taking the least-squares linear-regression trend on Remote Sensing Systems’ satellite-based monthly global mean lower-troposphere temperature dataset, there has been no global warming – none at all – for 214 months. This is the longest continuous period without any warming in the global instrumental temperature record since the satellites first watched in 1979. It has endured for about half the satellite temperature record. Yet the Great Pause coincides with a continuing, rapid increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration. wattsupwiththat/2014/08/02/global-temperature-update-still-no-global-warming-for-17-years-10-months/ El Niño indicators ease Issued on Tuesday 29 July 2014 | Product Code IDCKGEWW00 Despite the tropical Pacific Ocean being primed for an El Niño during much of the first half of 2014, the atmosphere above has largely failed to respond, and hence the ocean and atmosphere have not reinforced each other. As a result, some cooling has now taken place in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, with most of the key NINO regions returning to neutral values. notrickszone/2014/08/02/remember-the-very-early-warning-of-next-el-nino%EF%BB%BF-paper-by-ludescher-false-alarm-rates-below-0-1/ A University of Queensland study into New Zealand glaciers has discovered a huge disparity between Southern and Northern Hemisphere climates, during the natural warming which occurred at the end of the last Ice Age. The new study overturns the previous consensus that glacial retreat occurred globally at the same time – the study shows that glacial retreat in New Zealand was delayed by thousands of years. wattsupwiththat/2014/08/04/climate-change-not-so-global/#more-114019 Australian Tropical Cyclone Activity said to be at lowest level in modern history wattsupwiththat/2014/07/31/australian-tropical-cyclone-activity-measured-to-be-at-the-lowest-levels-in-modern-history/ Applying the paleo-tropical cyclone record Jonathon Nott James Cook University, Cairns, australia Our CAI for Australia shows that seasonal TC activity is at its lowest level since the year 500AD in Western Australia and 1400AD in Queensland and this decline in activity has been most pronounced since about 1960AD. This reduction in activity reflects the forecasts of TC behaviour for the Australian region from a suite of the most recent global climate models except this decrease appears to be occurring many decades earlier than expected. Germanys Largest Offshore Windpark hasnt delivered any energy since March! notrickszone/2014/07/31/renewable-energy-mega-flop-germanys-largest-offshore-windpark-hasnt-delivered-any-power-since-march/ Der größte deutsche Offshore-Windpark Bard 1 ist vom Pech verfolgt. Immer wieder mussten die Leitungen, die den Strom der 80 Fünf-Megawatt-Turbinen an Land transportieren, wegen technischer Störungen gekappt und die Flügel auf Leerlauf gedreht werden. Wirklich repariert wurden die Macken nicht, eher zurechtgeflickt. Denn bisher kennt niemand die Ursachen für die Übertragungsprobleme. Seit März liefert der Park gar keinen Strom mehr. The European Space Agency’s (ESA) 13-ton Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) cargo craft launched from ESA’s Arianespace launch site in Kourou, French Guiana, July 29, beginning a two-week journey to the International Space Station to deliver some 7 tons of food, fuel and supplies for the Expedition 40 crew. Dubbed the “Georges Lemaitre” after the 20th century Belgian astronomer credited with proposing the theory of the expansion of the universe, the resupply vehicle is scheduled to dock automatically to the aft port of the Zvezda Service Module on Aug. 12. This is the fifth and final European ATV to service the station. The first flight of an ATV took place in March 2008. The “Georges Lemaitre” will remain docked to the station until late January 2015 when it will depart and be deorbited to burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere. youtube/watch?v=iZDoZnyPwNs&list=PL2aBZuCeDwlT56jTrxQ3FExn-dtchIwsZ The IPCC’s “substantial confidence” had no justification. Events have confirmed that it was misplaced. These errors in prediction are by no means trivial. The central purpose for which the IPCC was founded was to tell the world how much global warming we might expect. The predictions have repeatedly turned out to have been grievous exaggerations. It is baffling that each successive IPCC report states with ever-greater “statistical” certainty that most of the global warming since 1950 was attributable to us when only 0.5% of papers in the reviewed literature explicitly attribute most of that warming to us, and when all IPCC temperature predictions have overshot reality by so wide – and so widening – a margin. wattsupwiththat/2014/07/29/temperature-analysis-of-5-datasets-shows-the-great-pause-has-endured-for-13-years-4-months/ As I found when I conducted a straw poll of 650 of the most skeptical skeptics on Earth, at the recent Heartland climate conference in Las Vegas, the consensus that Man may have caused some global warming since 1950 is in the region of 100%. The publication of that result provoked an extraordinary outbreak of fury among climate extremists (as well as one or two grouchy skeptics). For years the true-believers had gotten away with pretending that “climate deniers” – their hate-speech term for anyone who applies the scientific method to the climate question – do not accept the basic science behind the greenhouse theory. Now that that pretense is shown to have been false, they are gradually being compelled to accept that, as Alec Rawls has demonstrated in his distinguished series of articles on Keating’s fatuous $30,000 challenge to skeptics to “disprove” the official hypothesis, the true divide between skeptics and extremists is not, repeat not, on the question whether human emissions may cause some warming. It is on the question how much warming we may cause. Antarctic Sea Ice Extent is 1,131,000 sq km above the 1981-2010 mean. That obliterates the previous daily record by 500,000 sq km. And is also the 127th daily record for the year. Antarctic Sea Ice Extent is 1,131,000 sq km above the 1981-2010 mean. This summer is shaping up to be the shortest and coldest on record north of 80N, which is consistent with the lack of melting in the Arctic Basin over the last 2-3 weeks. https://stevengoddard.wordpress/2014/07/26/us-tornado-count-far-below-normal-in-2014/ https://stevengoddard.wordpress/2014/07/28/coldest-summer-on-record-at-the-north-pole/ Jo Nova reports on what the carbon reduction is about - I don’t think Gina McCarthy had thought this through. McCarthy to the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee: “And the great thing about this proposal is it really is an investment opportunity. This is not about pollution control. It’s about increased efficiency at our plants…It’s about investments in renewables and clean energy. It’s about investments in people’s ability to lower their electricity bills by getting good, clean, efficient appliances, homes, rental units,” “This is an investment strategy that will really not just reduce carbon pollution but will position the United States to continue to grow economically in every state, based on their own design,” McCarthy added. In a sign that rejection of climate alarm is gathering momentum, South Korea has thrown doubt on its carbon plans. Significantly, the announcement was made the day after Australia abolished the carbon tax. According to the report; “July 18 (Reuters) – South Korea’s finance minister has called its impending emissions trading market “flawed in many ways”, hinting that he would pressure other ministries to delay the planned 2015 launch, a local newspaper reported. Choi Kyung-hwan, who is also deputy prime minister, said problems had been found with the scheme, which is due to start in January, and that the government would review them before deciding whether to delay it, modify it or implement it as planned, The Korea Times reported on Friday.” af.reuters/article/commoditiesNews/idAFL6N0PT3CZ20140718 wattsupwiththat/2014/07/18/another-carbon-tax-domino-falls-south-korea-goes-cold-on-ets/ as commenters at Watts Up With That have noted, concerns that the possum could be the first creature to be wiped out by global warming may be misplaced. Problem number one: the white lemuroid ring-tail possum is not a distinct species. It is just a colour morph of the common lemuroid ringtail possum Hemibelideus lemuroides and white individuals occur occasionally in other areas as well. However it is an excellent candidate for a climate victim since the all-white population on the Carbine Tableland is very small and isolated and runs an excellent chance of going extinct fairly soon through inbreeding or purely stochastic processes. The fact that this population consits entirely of the rare and probably maladaptive white morph suggests that it has been small and isolated for a long time or has passed through an extreme bottleneck after becoming isolated. Problem number two: if it does die - which it hasnt yet - logging/deforestation, not climate change will be the culprit This species has been particularly sensitive to the fragmentation of its habitat as, being a strictly arboreal species, it does not cross roads or powerline corridors that dissect its habitat. breitbart/Breitbart-London/2014/07/23/Meet-the-climate-alarmists-latest-fluffy-white-poster-child German geologist Sebastian Luening slams IPCC climate science, a lot of the claims are just not true notrickszone/2014/07/16/german-geologist-sebastian-luening-slams-ipcc-climate-science-a-lot-of-the-claims-are-just-not-true/ Australia’s Senate voted to scrap the nation’s price on carbon, fulfilling a key election pledge by Prime Minister Tony Abbott and leaving the nation without an approved mechanism to tackle emissions. bloomberg/news/2014-07-17/australia-scraps-carbon-price-as-abbott-meets-election-pledge.html “Abbott campaigned so hard for so long to get rid of the carbon tax, which has been pretty unpopular with voters, that the repeal will be seen as a big victory domestically,” said Zareh Ghazarian, a Melbourne-based professor at the Monash University School of Political and Social Inquiry. “In international diplomatic circles, it’s a different matter. It may cause discomfort to the government during Obama’s visit later this year.” From November 16, 2013 - Germany is building ten new hard-coal power stations. Steag GmbH started Germany’s first new power plant fueled by hard coal in eight years, allowing the generator and energy trader to take advantage of near record-low coal prices that have widened profit margins. Ten new hard-coal power stations, or 7,985 megawatts, are scheduled to start producing electricity in the next two years bloomberg/news/2013-11-15/steag-starts-germany-s-first-coal-fired-power-plant-in-8-years.html CBS Coverage of Apollo 11 Lunar Landing youtube/watch?v=E96EPhqT-ds&list=PL2aBZuCeDwlT56jTrxQ3FExn-dtchIwsZ Dr Roy Spencers keynote speech at ICCC9 wattsupwiththat/2014/07/14/dr-roy-spencers-keynote-speech-at-iccc9/#more-112881 “I am heartened by the knowledge that we here gathered today will fight on – for honest science, affordable energy, accountable government, and better lives for billions of people — and against the dark forces of climate fanaticism. I also know we are being joined by more and more countries, as they increasingly understand the true nature of this ideological conflict.” Paul Driessen Panel 21: Global Warming as a Social Movement The Heartland Institutes 9th International Conference on Climate change youtube/watch?v=D71FDOFKr0M ICCC-9 presenters demolish President Obamas climate dogma youtube/watch?v=hIzUDnNcyXs For the first time, researchers have counted all the world’s Adélie penguins—a sprightly seabird considered a bellwether of climate change—and discovered that millions of them are thriving in and around Antarctica. Rather than declining as feared due to warming temperatures that altered their habitats in some areas, the Adélie population generally is on the rise, the scientists said Thursday.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 05:23:11 +0000

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