The 1st heaven is under the rulership of archangel Gabriel and - TopicsExpress


The 1st heaven is under the rulership of archangel Gabriel and being closest to earth it contains the winds and the clouds. Its inhabitants are angels that hold astronomical knowledge and rule the planets and stars as well as snow, ice, flowers and dew on Earth. The 2nd heaven is Raphaels domain. It is a dark penal area where fallen angels, servitors to the Watchers, await the final judgment. They are darker than earthly darkness and are incessantly weeping for Gods mercy. Its a sad scene. The 3rd heaven, being a land of contrasts, is ruled by Anahel. The northern half of this heaven is an icey, sulphurous hell where wicked souls are being tortured by vengeful angels. They are the ones who dishonored God, practiced witchcraft or committed sins other against nature. The southern half of the 3rd heaven is a garden of Eden where the souls of the righteous are enjoying manna, the bread of angels. The 4th heaven, held by archangel Michael, is shaped by rivers of milk, wine, honey and oil. This is where the ancient Temple of Jerusalem stands. The Tree of Life also stand in this heaven and this is where the Sun and the Moon start their journey across the firmament. Enoch beholds hoards of armed angelic soldiers incessantly singing their sweet songs and praising the Lord. There are armies of phoenixes and chalkydri pulling the chariot of the Sun. The 5th heaven, being a fiery ravine, is the actual prison of the Watchers. They are held here along with their leader, Satanail (Satan). They create a touching and pitious atmosphere as they sing in unison. The 6th heaven is home to seven scholarly angels whose task is to study the human race and its nature. These archangels govern the natural cycles of the seasons, the calendar, the waters of rivers and seas and so forth. They are the ones who harmonize heavenly and earthly existence. Apart form them, here are angels that record the lives and deeds of every human being. (They know about your little secret, and they told God too! *sighs*) The 7th heaven is a scene of exceptional greatness. The higher orders of angels are all here - the Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim, Origins, Authorities, Ophanim and Dominions, surrounded by fiery troops of archangels, are singing the praise of God. The 8th heaven is where the changer of the seasons, of drought, and of wet, and of the twelve signs of the zodiac resides. The 9th heaven is where the heavenly homes of the twelve signs of the zodiac are. The 10th heaven is where Enoch beholds Gods face. He is not very friendly-looking.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 23:41:51 +0000

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