The 2 Greatest Commandments Matthew 22:37-40 Jesus replied: - TopicsExpress


The 2 Greatest Commandments Matthew 22:37-40 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Do you ask God for forgiveness and yet still harbor unforgiveness in your heart toward someone else? Do you ask for hard work and not give it all youve got in your field of employment? Do you ask for respect and not respect anothers position or authority? Do you ask for love and yet do not remain faithful? Do you ask for the truth and yet not accept it when its given to you? Do you ask people to meet your request, and yet not meet the expectations of others? Do you make excuses for Gods word so you can sin, and yet try to hold God to His own word? Do you try and explain Gods word away as if it means what you say, and yet get mad when God doesnt give you what His word actually says? Do you praise God one day and curse someone out the next? Do you make excuses for why you cant obey the Bible, yet throw verses up in people faces when they dont obey it? Do you talk to outsiders with respect, yet curse out the very people you proclaim to love? Are you hard on people and show them no mercy, and yet expect mercy when when you need it? Do you make up excuses to not help others when they need your help, then expect people to help you when youre in need? Do you talk behind the backs of others and not expect someone to talk behind yours? Do you live a life of sin and and take Gods grace for granted? Do you speak to God only when youre going through hard times? Is this love? Do you hesitate to give God your whole life and yet get discouraged when He has not given you all that you want? Do you dedicate more time to business, job or hobbies than you do your own family? Do you allow your spouse to become comfortable in their sin because youre afraid to confront them to the point of repentance? These are just a few questions to help us evaluate ourselves on the truth of who we are as people. In our actions, do we love our God first and do we love our neighbor?
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 20:06:08 +0000

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