The 200hrs Unity Yoga Teacher Training Diploma (IYN) Since 2000, - TopicsExpress


The 200hrs Unity Yoga Teacher Training Diploma (IYN) Since 2000, Directed by Sevanti The Breakdown of modules and hours (This Diploma is recognised by the IYN, and exceeds the REPS’ and Yoga Alliance guidelines) 212hrs Contact time (21 days theory & practical, 4 ½ days Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology) 225 hrs Self-study (25hrs per month min) 1. Techniques, Training & Practice – 110 hours Analytical understanding, and teaching of, Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha, Mantra, Yogic Diet, Relaxation, Meditation, Yoga Nidra In addition to internal study, Students fill a lever arch file with their own understanding of over 85 Asanas; listing the western/sanskrit names and meaning, the benefits & contraindications, variations and alternatives, sequencing, drishti, chakras (psycho-emotional expression), and a photo of themselves in the pose/an illustration. This exercise grows from an organic interest in the origins of each asana, working from an authentic and fresh perspective. The interest stems from tuning in to subtle body sensing and awareness, and is able to expand out to grasping how some bodies may reach the full extension of some asanas in a safe and effective way. The Anatomy course overlaps the Students’ understanding of physiological possibilities/limitations. Modules include the study of how to teach yoga to those with special needs, impaired mobility/hearing, pregnancy, children and the elderly. As well as teaching, Students must also attend at least 10 classes of a wide variety throughout the course, and write up their experience. 2. Teaching Methodology & Teaching Practice– 46 hours How to teach, assist, adjust, demo and instruct This Diploma spends much time and energy observing how others teach, and in planning and executing Students own classes. Initially Students teach individual asanas, which builds up to short sequences and applying demonstrations and adjustments where needed. Class planning is thoroughly covered, and Students start teaching sessions within the class setting, where plenty of helpful feedback and suggestion is covered. 8 weeks of Beginers classes are taught and feedback is gathered from the student-Teacher and their Students. A further 8 week course is then taught to an intermediate level. Again, these classes are written up. 2 one-to-ones are then taught during the last 3 months of the course, functioning as a form of Yoga Therapy by offering people specific personal yogic understanding and assistance. These sessions are also all recorded. The Students are encouraged to experience a wide range of students in their classes, varying in age, background, experience and body type. A reflective journal is also kept throughout the course, which is a place to write about insights, challenges, answer some set questions/investigations from class discussions, to stick in poems, quotes and images; generally a place to pour out ones yogic heart throughout the sacred journey! 3. Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology – 20 hours This course is taught by an Osteopath/Yoga Teacher/A&P Tutor of over 30 years experience and is very experiential and practical in application. The content and homework questions integrate with the practical & theory course. An Appointed Persons First Aid course is also offered, in the context of issues which may arise as a yoga teacher. 4. Philosophy, lifestyle & ethics – 35 hours Theoretical knowledge & understanding We cover an understanding of the meaning of Yoga, the 5 paths, the 8 limbs including the Yamas & Niyamas and an understanding of the whole umbrella of Yogic practice. This is a very thorough area of study, and written assignments are set each month in addition to certain questions and areas to investigate by other means. Yogic texts such as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are studied, as well as more recent texts and relevant related subjects such as ‘Mind, Body, Balancing’. The understanding of Yoga as service is covered, and various discussions take place on how to bring Yoga into all areas of the community. Business studies is included, covering understanding One’s personal passion & position and communicating this to the world through marketing and advertising). Yoga is taught in the context of today’s needs and challenges. Topics such as stress are covered, where the students gain an understaing of the benefits of yoga on a physiological, emotional, mental and spiritual basis. A good relationship with One’s body is of high importance, therefore various exercises are offered to research the mind-body connection and how a balanced relationship can be gained through yoga. Group Support & Personal Development The Diploma practical & theoretical modules are set up as 2 or 3 day weekends over 9 months. The weekend experience gives a sense of a regular retreat, with a familiar ongoing support group. Practices such as group shares, co-listening, meditational movement & dance, massage, healing, ceremony and ritual all contribute to a deep and sacred journey within, facilitated by an experienced group leader and highly skilled visiting tutors. The emphasis of the Diploma is to embody a current & fresh perspective of Yoga,; thoroughly researching the valuable historic pathways, whilst breaking down established structures to an organic, sincere and experiential core of enquiry. With meditation as the focus – ‘a process of going in to come out with ultimate peace, poise & strength of body & mind’, each Student finds their own personal form of expression in their teaching. Each teacher is unique, and this course celebrates the wisdom and experience of the individual, to enjoy their own personal way of sharing their passion of Yoga in service of the community.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 19:31:29 +0000

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