The 2013 ISA-West Annual Meeting, co-sponsored this year by the - TopicsExpress


The 2013 ISA-West Annual Meeting, co-sponsored this year by the ISA International Communication Section, ALIAS Section, and the International Ethics Section, will be held September 27-28th at the Pasadena Hilton in the heart of Pasadena, California. ISA-West seeks paper and panel submissions related to all areas of international studies and world politics. Particularly welcome are submissions related to our 2013 conference theme, Disruptions in World Politics: Policy Challenges, Normative Responses. The twenty-first century has brought with is disruptions of many kinds, some of which challenge core assumptions of our thinking about the world. These disruptions are such that the assumptions we had previously about the system no longer hold true. Some of these disruptions stem from the rise of new agents in the international system. Individuals, private groups, and non-state actors play a large and growing role in the international system. As such, states are as likely to be fighting non-state actors as they are other states or conventional rebel movements. Other disruptions stem from the ever-growing ties between states, so that economic or financial woes within one state quickly spread, creating regional or even global crises. Connections between people also disrupt politics, as demonstrated by the visible role of social media in the Arab Spring. In policy circles, these disruptions create unprecedented challenges that must be met with, in many cases, fewer resources. In academic communities, disruptions call into question many long-held assumptions about the role of the state in the international system and the promise of progress toward a better future for those sharing the planet. We invite submissions of papers and panels that explore the questions and difficulties raised by the disruptions of the twenty-first century. Please submit through the ISA website . Deadline for proposal submission is July 26, 2013.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 03:46:56 +0000

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