The 2014 US-Africa Leaders Summit scheduled for August 4-6 is a - TopicsExpress


The 2014 US-Africa Leaders Summit scheduled for August 4-6 is a great opportunity for both America and Africa to renew their relationship and to strategise the new path for cooperation and partnership. The US has been a great traditional partner of Africa. It has been instrumental in both the economic and political development of Africa in many ways. It has also been instrumental in the implementation of Millennium Development Goals in education, health, agriculture and trade. The recent lost glory between Africa and the US due to geopolitical issues and the indiction of certain African leaders by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity has been critical and has had adverse effects on development in many African countries, creating serious economic and political setbacks. Most African countries to date cannot stand on their own without donor support. China’s influence in the continent has grown in the recent past due to the lacklustre relationship between Africa and its traditional partners the US, Europe and Japan. It is not very clear how much Africa has achieved in terms of political development because China’s relationship with Africa is purely business and trade. However, the US should not renew its relationship with Africa simply to counter China’s influence as that is likely to boomerang in the sense that it will create political setbacks in several countries where leadership is still autocratic and not democratic. Like Africas European partners and Japan, who cherish democracy and believe in the rule of law for good governance practice, the US should remain focused and should not relent in demanding good governance from African leaders. Africa cannot continue to depend on donor aid for survival. Likewise it cannot remain backward forever simply because of bad leadership and corruption. It is naïve for African leaders to argue that the continent is poor and unstable because it is still young and therefore cannot be compared with other developed and developing nations. Africa is now in its second stage of development. Most countries of Africa are celebrating at least 50 years of independence and therefore have had every opportunity to enhance development. The US-Africa Leaders Summit will only be meaningful if African leaders take advantage of it for the benefit of their people. The US is a world power with lots of opportunities and experiences that Africa can benefit from. The US also has a lot to gain from a relationship with Africa . The summit is not unique. Other world powers like China, Japan, and European Union nations have held similar forums in the past to enhance partnership with Africa. It is upon Africa to take advantage of such cooperation and friendship with developed countries to advance their interests for the benefit of the African people. Such international summits, forums and conferences provide excellent opportunities for African leaders to present a continental agenda on the table for discussions. The continent is facing serious challenges that require immediate solutions — internal conflicts as a result of power struggle, tribalism and nepotism, bad governance and corruption; insecurity as a result of terrorism and religious terror groups such as Boko Haram and al Shabaab; poverty. The Central African Republic, DR Congo, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, South Sudan, Somalia and other nations are grappling with various challenges threatening peace, stability and regional economic integration. The US-Africa Leaders Summit provides Africa with opportunities to revitalise itself and to review challenges and opportunities necessary for its economic, political and social growth. Poverty, disease, unemployment, insecurity and political instability largely as a result of bad governance and irresponsible leadership is still on the rise in Africa and is hindering peace and stability in the continent. Many African leaders are still living in the past and therefore require international pressure, interventions and mechanisms such as the International Criminal Court not only to control their conduct but also to ensure the practice of good governance, democracy and respect of human rights and the rule of law
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 11:33:59 +0000

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