The 3 Million Genocide Myth Pakistan is accused by only two - TopicsExpress


The 3 Million Genocide Myth Pakistan is accused by only two countries in the entire world of committing a genocide in East Pakistan - India and Bangladesh. But has it ever occurred to you why the United Nations, the International War Crimes Court or any legal international human rights organisation has never brought up a genocide. The majority of the world are simply oblivious to any such event. Are they merely sleeping or is the genocide only a myth? If Pakistan did in fact kill 3 million people, it would mean the Army was killing Bengalis at a rate of over 17,000 per day. This would rank it about the same rate as Auschwitz, a concentration camp of Nazi Germany. And this to at the hands of a military that was fighting a war against a foreign power from the front (India backed by the USSR) and secessionist terrorists from the back (MB backed by India), while the majority of its war assets were based a thousand miles away in West Pakistan. 17,000 per day? Impossible! There are certain hallmarks without which no genocide can possibly take place - these include: a. Mass Graves To date, not a single mass grave has ever been found in Bangladesh. If 3 million were killed, where did they go? Did they simply vanish into thin air? b. Concentration Camps Never existed - Bengalis themselves claimed none ever existed. c. Mass Dehumanisation of the target group The Nazis called the Jews vermin. The Hutus called the Tutsis cockroaches. The Bengalis were generally looked down on by other Pakistanis but there was no such dehumanisation. As if 2012, over 3 million Bengalis still reside in the city of Karachi alone. If Bengalis were being dehumanised why didnt these 3 million leave? d. Systematic, Coordinated Execution of Killings As mentioned earlier, Pakistans military assets were all based in West Pakistan and was fighting with insufficient supplies against the combined forces of India and heavily armed and militarily trained terrorist guerrillas. Moreover, the entire operation was a logistical and technical nightmare in the middle of a vast piece of territory full of marshy terrain completely unsuited for mass-scale genocidal military operations. To date, not a single United Nations report claims anywhere close to 3 million were killed. To this day, not a single Pakistani military officer or soldier has ever been accused of war crimes or tried by any international court for 1971 war-related crimes. Not a single western nation has ever denied a VISA to any Pakistan military officer or soldier on human rights grounds like Canada did with India regarding Kashmir and Gujarat. To think that a military low on ammunition, supplies, and morale could organize killings at the scale of the Nazis who had a detailed plan of mass murder is absurd. Also the allegations of 300,000 rapes means that every Pakistani soldier raped 5 women - yet another absurd claim. There may have been rapes and killings of civilians (both by the Pakistan Army and the Mukti Bahani of course), but to throw out such absurd numbers is so insane. The anti-Pakistan forces weaken their own case by making such preposterous claims, particularly since the claim of 3 million came from Sheikh Mujibar Rehman, as he was flying back to Bangladesh, after spending the majority of time in West Pakistan. How could he know the number of civilian casualties or rapes when he had no contact or accurate information from the ground? Civilian casualties and rapes may have occurred, of course, but to make arbitrary numbers for political reasons is the height of intellectual dishonesty. Behind the Myth of 3 million written by Dr. M. Abdul Mu’min Chowdhury (a Bangladeshi) and is an excellent read for those who are still tempted to raise lies about a genocide which no world body has ever accepted occurred. storyofbangladesh/ebooks/myth-of-3-million/download.html
Posted on: Tue, 24 Dec 2013 01:58:28 +0000

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