The 3 Things Preventing You From Optimal Health You can feel - TopicsExpress


The 3 Things Preventing You From Optimal Health You can feel 18 again. It is possible to jump out of bed each morning with boundless amounts of energy despite your age!!!!! I believe that there are 3 things preventing us from feeling our absolute best. 1. Blood sugar: Elevated insulin levels are making us fat. Your blood sugar is one of the most important indicators of your health. This is relevant to everyone. If you are moody, anxious, tired, grumpy, bloated, depressed, or have hormone issues, it is likely you have a blood sugar problem. 2. Gut health: 80% of our immune system is in our gut. If you have taken an antibiotic in your lifetime, then your colon needs some help. Most Americans have some sort of candida or fungus ( in addition to bad bacteria) that prevents us from feeling awesome. I have suffered from leaky gut due to stress, overconsumption of processed food, chemical exposure (who else grew up in Midland?) and undiagnosed food allergies for most of my life. It is very common and causes major distress in many people’s lives. 3. Our beliefs: We all have thoughts that hold us back from achieving our optimal health. These limiting beliefs prevent us from reaching our goals. If you feel like you are doing everything “right” but you are still addicted to sugar or can’t lose weight, then you must change your thoughts and beliefs. Plexus is a health + wellness company that provides solutions for managing blood sugar and improving gut health. I love this company! I am so proud to be an Ambassador for Plexus! I would love to encourage YOU and help you move through any negative beliefs that are preventing you from achieving your dreams. Plexus IS NOT magic. If you want to change your life, you have to do the work. But Plexus has helped thousands Stop Dieting & Start Living and successfully achieve their health goals. If you are not feeling your best – and you could be feeling your best, it IS possible – then try Plexus, start eating real food and change your beliefs that are holding you back!
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 14:28:54 +0000

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