The 34,000 documented voyages of slave ships are not the total, - TopicsExpress


The 34,000 documented voyages of slave ships are not the total, end of sum and complete result. It represents some documentation. There are more documentation and there are numerous undocumented. Once the British dominated the sea along the West coast of Africa, and reached a point they were the dominating enslavers and colonizers, they made a monopoly on slave trading from Africa and restricted it. There were numerous ships that slipped past British navel attempts to control it. Some were caught, I recall one being caught after whites were transporting Africans from the Congo, and out to the Atlantic, a British vessel captured it and resettled the people to Liberia. This is where the term Congo people comes from that is used in Liberia. Nonetheless, many, many more slipped past British vessels and out. But before the British tried to stop slave trading and were a part of it, there were documents from countries, that have yet to be unveiled; 34,000 is only a part of our data. Dont forget those also that died being transported to the shipping ports who at times had to walk hundreds of miles through unpaved rodes, barefooted through many forms of weather; men women and children. Many didnt make it. Some that did, died on the holding pins, the prisons, some died during resistance,, some died on the ships, some committed suicide. Some were fed to the sharks. The sharks in the Atlantic learned to follow the ships blood trail. This is an event that took place for hundreds of years, brutality, and every crime and horror a human could possibly do to another human was done to many of our ancestors to enrich, empower and make a better way of life for millions of whites and their offspring. So, as for me, I will never forget, nor forgive them. But I will not let that energy take me to negatives spaces, but I use that in the process of teaching and learning and other aspects in my life. But forgive and forget is not in my encyclopedia for them and it shouldnt be. Power and liberation to the colonized. Uhuru, Huriyyah, Freedom!
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 15:50:15 +0000

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