The 3rd Categories of Women Rights in Islam We are continuing - TopicsExpress


The 3rd Categories of Women Rights in Islam We are continuing with the Rights soo the. 2nd part C. Social Rights of Women in Islam Social Rights to Wife: All the previous civilizations, they have considered the women to be an ‘instrument of the devilE The Qur’an refers to the women as ‘MohsanaE that is a ‘fortress against the devilE And if a woman, who’s good, marries a man, she prevents him from going on the wrong path. There’s a Hadith in which Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) he said that, ‘there is no monasticism in IslamE. And again according to Sahih Bukhari, Volume No. 7, Ch. No. 3 Hadith No 4 it says that ‘the Prophet Muhammad ordained the young men, all those who have the means to marry, they should marry - For it will help them to guard their gaze and guard their modesty. The Qur’an say’s that, ‘We have put love into the hearts of the husband and wifeE If you read Surah Rum, Ch. 30, Verse No. 21 it says that, ‘And amongst our signs We have created for you mates or companions, so that you may dwell in them in tranquillity and we have put love and mercy between your heartsE According to Surah Nisa, Ch.4, Verse No.21, marriage is considered as a strong agreement, a strong contract. According to Surah Nisa, Ch.4, Verse No.19, it says, ‘You are prohibited to inherit women against their willE- Means, to marry the permission of both the parties are required. It is compulsory that the man and women both should agree to marry. No one - not even the father can force their daughter to marry against her wishes. There’s a Hadith in Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 69, which says ‘that a lady she was forced by her father to marry against her wishesE- And she went to the Prophet and the Prophet invalidated the marriageE Another Hadith in Ibn-e-Humbal, Hadith No. 2469, it says ‘that a daughter was forced by her father to get married - And when the daughter approached the Prophet, the Prophet said you can either continue, or if you wish you can invalidate the marriage. That means, the consent of both the male and the female is required. In Islam, a women is considered as a homemaker - She is not considered as a housewife, because she is not married to the house. Many people use terminology, without understanding what it means E‘HousewifeEmeans ‘you are the wife of the houseE So I believe, from now onwards the sisters would prefer calling themselves ‘homemakersE than ‘house wivesE if they are occupied more in the home. In Islam, a woman, she is not married to a master that she should be treated like a slave - She is married to it is equal. And there is a Hadith which says in Ibn-Hambal - Hadith No 736, 7396. It says that, ‘the most perfect of the believers are those that are best in character and behavior, and those that are best to their family and their wivesE Islam gives equal rights to the man and woman. Qur’an clearly mentions that men and women, husband and wife have equal rights in all aspects, except leadership in the family. It is mentioned in the Qur’an in Surah Baqarah Ch.2, Verse No.228. It says that, E..the women have been given rights similar against them (men) on equitable terms but the men have a degree higher...E Most of the Muslims have misunderstood this verse, when it says ‘a men have a degree higherE- As I said we should analyze the Qur’an as a whole. And its mentioned in Surah Nisa, Ch. 4, Verse No.34 which says, ‘The men are the protectors and maintainers of the women, for God has given one of them more strength than the other and they give them their meansE People say the word ‘KawwamE means, ‘one degree higher in superiorityE- But actually the word ‘KawwamEcomes from the root word ‘IkamahE ‘IkamahEmeans for example ‘when you give the Ikamah before prayers - You stand upE So ‘IkamahEmeans to standup - so the word ‘KawwamEmeans one degree higher in responsibility, not one degree higher in superiority. Even if you read the commentary of ‘Ibne-KathirE- He says that the word ‘KawwamEmeans one degree higher in responsibility, not one degree higher in superiority. And this responsibility, should be carried out by mutual consent of both husband and wife. It is mentioned in Surah Baqarah, Ch.2, Verse No.187, which says, Which meansE‘Your wives are your garments, and you are their garmentsE What’s the objective of garments - It is used to conceal and to beautify. The husband and wife, should conceal each others faults, and they should beautify each other - Its a relationship of hands and gloves. 3 The Qur’an mentions that, ‘even if you do not like your wife, you should treat her kindlyE It is mentioned in Surah Nisa, Ch.4, Verse No.19, that, E..consort with them (your wives) in kindness, for if you hate them it may happen that you hate a thing wherein God has placed much good. Even if you dislike your wife you have to treat her kindly and with equity Just because the rights of a wife are equal to those of the husband in Islam, will you call such rights in Islam as modernizing or outdated? To be continue........
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 11:20:42 +0000

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