**The 4 pillars of a champion pigeon...** Over the years I have - TopicsExpress


**The 4 pillars of a champion pigeon...** Over the years I have noticed that there are 4 main areas of interest that fanciers keep asking help for or more information on. Its no surprise because these four areas of impact are the areas that make the most impact in our loft and our birds results and these 4 things are the reason why the champions keep winning races because they simply mastered them. The 4 pillars of a champion pigeon are... 1. Health and Wellness 2. Nutrition and Feeding 3. Training and Conditioning 4. Long-term breeding strategy Being that you’re a fancier, I’m sure you know why these areas are so important to racing pigeons successfully. Without healthy birds it doesnt matter how well they are fed or how conditioned they are; unhealthy birds will never be able to compete so health is obviously a major topic that you as a fancier need to understand. Proper nutrition and feeding is another big topic because just like any athlete pigeons need the proper fuel to help them withstand the vigor’s of racing. Without proper feeding and nutrition your pigeons will burn out before they even get started. Moving on to training and conditioning; without a good training and conditioning program your birds wont have the stamina or motivation to fly home faster then its competitors. So if you have a healthy, well-fed bird and a poor training regimen then your birds will still continue to struggle and maybe even not have the stamina to return at all, so training and conditioning is a major area to focus on as well. And lastly breeding... Once you have a successful health, nutrition and training regimen in place its time to build upon that with a long term breeding strategy. Breeding is designed to give you longevity in the sport and continually breed better and stronger birds with each season. If you look at all consistently successful racing lofts out there you will notice that they all have their own line of champion racing pigeons that have been bred and molded from generations of great racers. Having a long-term breeding strategy allows you the ability to control quality, quantity, and most importantly, performance in your loft! So to sum it up try picturing an out of shape, burger eating, couch potato with the flu competing against a super healthy, well trained and highly nourished athlete who has come from a long generation of other successful athletes... Who do you think will win?... Hopefully you said the healthy and fit athlete because if you said the other then.... ...maybe pigeon racing isnt exactly the right sport for you :-) Well its exactly the same when it comes to racing pigeons; a healthy, well-fed, fit and conditioned racing pigeon will almost always win over an un-healthy, un-trained, under-nourished bird. Your job and duty as the coach of your racing team is to make sure that you focus on each one of these areas of impact and give your birds exactly what they need to become finely tuned racing machines! I promise you! if you begin focusing on these areas and helping your birds develop in each one you will see your results change for the better without a doubt! If you’re not sure what to do or how to put together a proven and winning health, nutrition, training and breeding strategy of your own for your pigeons and race team then you can use this one by clicking the link below. => goo.gl/jDPvsn Again, if you follow this outline and focus on these 4 key areas of impact with your own birds then you will definitely see your birds get healthier, stronger and faster than ever. This really is how the champions consistently do well in this sport. Well thats all for now, I hope you enjoyed this email and got a few golden nuggets from it and I look forward to hearing your results. and again if you need a proven strategy to follow then make sure you check this one out by clicking the link below, your birds will thank you for it. => goo.gl/jDPvsn To your racing success! Yours in the sport, -Chris => goo.gl/jDPvsn
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 20:36:50 +0000

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