The 5 Elements of Ayurveda and the 3 Doshas (Vata Pitta - TopicsExpress


The 5 Elements of Ayurveda and the 3 Doshas (Vata Pitta Kapha). The 5 element system from Ayurveda is a simple yet profound tool to recognize balance and imbalance in all aspects of life. In the Ayurvedic system, it is these 5 elements that form the building blocks of life. Everything in the universe is created from a certain ratio of the 5 elements. By understanding the dominant elements inside a person, substance or environment, we are then able to know what influences will be exerted upon the body and mind. We can then find ways to increase the opposing elements to create balance or more of the desired qualities for that moment. Ayurveda believes that everything in this universe is made up of five great elements or building blocks. Both Ayurveda and Yoga are based on this principle. These 5 elements are referred to as the panchamahabhutas in Ayurveda or the tattvas in yoga. Pancha literally means ‘five’ and mahabhuta and tattva are Sanskrit words meaning “element” or “reality.” It is a spectrum of everything in the universe divided into 5 categories just as light can be separated into the 7 colors of the rainbow. English terms used for the elements cannot be taken literally; they represent properties and forces that work together. The elements are not detected in their pure state. We perceive substances that possess many qualities, which come from a combination of more than one element. The mahabhutas represent the physical qualities, energetic properties and biological functions related with the given element. The density of the 5 elements increases from ether to air, to fire, to water, to earth. Our body is made up of the 5 elements and so is everything else we consume. Foods, herbs, minerals, sunlight, air and water are of the same composition as our structure. In a healthy body the 5 elements are maintained in a particular proportion. All disorders of the body are manifested because of the disturbance in this balance of the body’s components. Akasha (ether) is the most subtle of the 5 elements, as the first expression of consciousness moving into creation it is the space in which everything exists and acts. The qualities of ether are fine, clear, subtle, soft, light, porous and smooth. It is expansive, empty and has no resistance. The chief characteristic of ether is sound. Here sound represents the entire spectrum of vibration. Ether is found in the empty spaces of the body, in between each atom, the hallow spaces of the bones and intestines, pores, blood and lymph vessels. Vayu (air) the main principle of air is movement and dynamic. It is the gaseous form of all matter. It is erratic and can move quickly in one direction or another. The qualities are: mobile, dry, light, cold, rough and subtle. Air flows freely throughout the body, controlling breathing, feeding the cells with oxygen and helps give movement to biological functions, like digestion. Air element is the point where consciousness thought takes on a particular direction manifesting into form. Air has its origin in ether. Agni (fire) it possess the power to transform the state of any substance. Fire transforms food into energy. Agni exists in all metabolic processes and chemical reactions. The qualities of agni are hot, sharp, subtle, light, and color. Agni manifests as the fire of intelligence and comprehension, body temperature, the absorption and assimilation of food, and the transformative power of the liver. Fire is responsible for luster, radiance, and color of the body. This is the point where we focus energy toward a certain idea or goal. In this stage, we use the power of transformation and intelligence to bringing it into form. Agni relates to vision because of its qualities of heat, light, and color. Fire has its origin in air. Jala (water) constitutes the liquids of the body and represents the force of cohesion and its main principle is transportation. Water brings energy, carrying away wastes, regulating temperature, bringing dis-ease fighters and hormonal information from area to another. The element is found in all bodily fluids such as urine, plasma, lymph, and makes up most of our bodily weight. The qualities are liquid, cold, soft, heavy, and dull. This is where an idea, now needs nourishment and connectedness to take form. Water has its origin in fire. Prithvi (earth) represents the solid state of matter. Earth manifests in the body as bones, teeth, cell structure, and tissues. The qualities of earth are: heavy, hard, stable, rigid, dense. This is where consciousness fully takes on form and becomes MATTER. Muladhara chakra is our connection to the earth, giving us stability in the body and mind. Earth has its origin in water and is the densest of the 5 mahabhutas.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 01:04:53 +0000

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