The 60 Second Sermon Monday September 30th 2013 Broken? Broken? - TopicsExpress


The 60 Second Sermon Monday September 30th 2013 Broken? Broken? Blessed! Have you been or are you broken in some way? Maybe you have physical, mental, emotional, or financial problems? Maybe you are at the end of your rope, stressed, and tired? Maybe life seems overwhelming for you right now? Maybe you just feel low and broken? Maybe because of some of these problems you feel broken spiritually? That is AWESOME! Wait…what…how can that be awesome? First, Jesus is the only perfect one to walk the face of the Earth and ALL of the rest of us are broken! He knows that and loves us through, with, and in spite of our brokenness! He is completely willing to forgive anything we have done to put ourselves in the broken mess we are in and He will help us to step out of it! We have only to say, “I’m sorry, please take over!” Okay some of you are saying, “I was born broken and have done nothing to put myself into a mess!” This is true, many of us are born with physical or mental limitations, but I am here to tell you that God designed you just the way He wants you and He can and will use that limitation in a good way if you let Him! Next, think about how God has used brokenness and broken people in the Bible! Think about how He has blessed them beyond all comprehension! Now, remembering that God uses brokenness and broken people, consider again our brokenness! When we are broken, we are ready to give Him all of the Glory! When we are broken, we are ready to turn it ALL over to Him! When we are broken, we are ready to bow down at the Cross! When we are broken, we are able to get out of our own way and accept Jesus Christ and Salvation! May God Bless you today in your brokenness! I know he has me in mine! Psalms 34:18 The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. You are never alone! Never! Just ask Him to take over! We can’t, He can, let’s let Him! We truly are blessed in our Brokenness! Though Jesus Christ we are made whole! Love First…Love Always God Bless You With Love, Brent
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 02:00:01 +0000

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