The 7 layers of the aura The energetic body (or aura) has 7 major - TopicsExpress


The 7 layers of the aura The energetic body (or aura) has 7 major layers, with each one relating to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual condition of the person. These layers relay information between the body (via the chakra system) and the immediate external environment. Each layer or level becomes higher in vibration as it extends outwards. Our aura or etheric body is commonly known as our astral body and each layer is considered a field of energy. As with the chakra system, there are many more layers (potentially upwards 50+), however they are outside the scope of this article. Each layer of the aura also corresponds with a chakra… Etheric Body (base chakra) The layer closest to the body extends between 1 and 5 cm from the skin, hugging the body all the way around. As with the base chakra, this energy field is related to the wellbeing of the physical body. Emotional Body (sacral chakra) The next layer extends between 5-10 cm away from the physical body and as with the sacral chakra, relates to emotions & experiences. It communicates with the first layer & passes information into the physical body. For example, if we are in emotional pain, this in turn has an effect on our physical body. Therefore, this layer is constantly in a state of change. Our current mood and unresolved emotional patterns such as fears & resentments are held in this energetic layer. Mental Body (solar plexus chakra) The Mental layer extends between 10 and 20 cm from the physical body. Our thoughts & ideas are processed in this layer as it taps into our conscious intellectual and logical mind. Our beliefs and values are also present in this layer. Being related to the mind, any mental health issues are linked to this energy layer. Causal Body / Astral Body (heart chakra) This energetic field extends between 20 – 30 cm from the physical body. Our connection to unconditional love in the forth chakra occurs in this layer. Similarly with the chakras, this fourth level brings with it a shift from the physical plane to the mental plane and is more closely connected to the spiritual plane. Etheric Temple (throat chakra) This energetic field extends between 30 – 60 cm away from the physical body and connects with the communication chakra. It is in this level where our higher selves are able to connect with the spiritual plane and tap into our higher will / purpose to create our future possibilities. Intuitive Body / Celestial Body (third-eye chakra) This energetic field extends between 60 – 90 cm away from the body and is the place where our intuitive knowledge, dreams & spiritual awareness can be accessed. It contains all our memories and experiences of the connection we have to something greater than ourselves. Cosmic / Ketheric Template (crown chakra) [Causal Layer] This energetic field extends 90 – 180 cm from the physical body (depending on our spiritual state) and connects us to all knowledge & possibilities. It is our link to the source within us, contains our spiritual blueprint and our souls’ experiences and events for all time. This layer protects & holds all other layers together.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 07:40:05 +0000

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