The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals just dealt an incredible blow to - TopicsExpress


The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals just dealt an incredible blow to the Constitution: a cop can kick your door in and seize your guns if they think its in your best interest. The case was surrounding Krysta Sutterfield from Milwaukee, who recently visited a psychiatrist for some outpatient therapy. Sutterfield expressed a suicidal thought during the visit, seemingly tongue-in-cheek, stating “I guess I’ll go home and blow my brains out.” So her doctor to contact police. Police ended up forcibly entering her home and seizing her guns against her will. She filed suit against the City of Milwaukee as her Second and Fourth Amendment rights were violated. She lost, even though the court admitted her rights were violated, because the cops were just trying to help. The courts opinion: “The intrusions upon Sutterfield’s privacy were profound,” cited Judge Ilana Rovner. “At the core of the privacy protected by the Fourth Amendment is the right to be let alone in one’s home.” But then the court states, “There is no suggestion that (police) acted for any reason other than to protect Sutterfield from harm.” “Even if the officers did exceed constitutional boundaries,” the court document states, “they are protected by qualified immunity.” Qualified immunity? Loss of our Constitutional rights is coming fast now! Read More:
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 18:00:02 +0000

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