The 8 Essential Steps You Need To Take In Order To Succeed (Part - TopicsExpress


The 8 Essential Steps You Need To Take In Order To Succeed (Part 1) Success seems somewhat of a mystical creature — much like a unicorn. You hear stories of them, but you haven’t seen one yourself. This aura that we appropriate to the concept of success encumbers our ability to do what needs to be done. We not only focus on that end goal, but become frustrated when we realize we have yet to reach it. We are running a marathon as if it were a sprint and burn out after the first 100m. Maybe we simply lack patience. Maybe we lack willpower. However, I believe it likely that most of us fail to succeed because we simply do not understand the formula. We imagine it to be a complex formula of such that we would see in the laboratory of a theoretical physicist. That is not the case. There are only 8 individual steps to success, which in practice become elongated depending on a number of factors. I will explain more later, but for now, here are the 8 steps to success: 1. Where are you now? Before you can figure out where you want to go and how you want to get there, you must get a good understanding of where you are at the moment. Who are you as a person? What are your character traits? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What is your financial situation? How is your social life? How is your health? You must get to know yourself inside out in order to understand the task in front of you fully. If you do not know where you stand, there is no possible way of knowing in what direction you must travel to get to where you wish to go. There are many ways of getting to know oneself — all of which require two things: time and some alone time. You do not need to lock yourself up for a year and remove yourself from humanity, but you do need to spend time reflecting on your thoughts and actions in solitude. 2. Where do you want to go? This step comes second because unless you know who you are and where you are in life, there is no way of making a proper decision as to where you ought to go. If you do not truly know yourself, then you cannot make a good decision in such respects. Your major goal should be your unicorn — it should be a dream that you know is possible even if statistically improbable. Impossible is only what you deem so. If there is even the slightest possibility that it could happen, then it is enough for you to dream it to reality. No dream is too big or too small if it is what you know that you want for yourself. 3. How can you get from where you are to where you want to be? Now that you know yourself and you know where you want to go, it is time to make a plan. How can you best get from the present to your future? What needs to be done in order for you to become the person you wish to become and to find yourself living the life that you want to live? Sit down with pen in hand and write down your plan. Write down several stepping-stones along the way — mini goals. These mini goals will serve as markers and will help you stay motivated as you reach one after the other. Keep in mind, however, that your plan must be flexible and mutable. Nothing can be set in stone because life does not allow for such rigid measures. Your plan must allow for the necessity of adaption. 4. Take Action. Now that you know where it is that you want to go and have a general idea of how to get there, it is time to get moving. Now, when I say take action I do not mean to take your time to warm up, stretch and then do one or two things off your 10,000-item checklist. You need to take life by the balls and act as if your life depends on it — because, in essence, it does. Your life literally depends on the actions that you choose to take or fail to take. You have a reason to do what you want to do, but are likely not to go ahead and do it for sheer laziness. Or perhaps fear. Whatever your reason not to act full-heartedly, it is a poor one. This is your life; no one will live it for you. I will be posting the part 2 tomorrow, so please stay tune. Hope you guys enjoy the article. Please share and like.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 06:42:00 +0000

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