The A-Z Terminology (Subject to add) A ACMI -Aircraft, - TopicsExpress


The A-Z Terminology (Subject to add) A ACMI -Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance, Insurance- (Pesawat, Kru, Perawatan, Asuransi) AED -Automated External Defibrillators- (Defribilator Eksternal Otomatis) Aeromedical (Medikal Penerbangan, Medis Penerbangan) = A specific medical exam for an air personnel (the flight crew and the cabin crew). Aeroplane (pesawat aero, pesawat udara) = Airplane (Pesawat Udara) Air (Udara) = Travel via aircraft (perjalanan melalui kendaraan terbang), or air travel (perjalanan udara). Air Carrier (Pengangkut Udara) Air Crew (Kru Udara) = A set of crew that works in the air or in a flight = the flight crew and the cabin crew. Air Host (Tuan Rumah Udara) Air Hostess (Nyonya Rumah Udara) Air Job (Pekerjaan Udara) Air Marshal (Marsekal Udara) = Sky Marshal (Marsekal Angkasa) = A person trained by the government in hijacking and terrorist tactics for security reasons, and seated as a passenger on board an airplane on a flight. (Seseorang yang dilatih oleh pemerintah dalam hal penyanderaan dan taktik teroris untuk alasan keamanan, dan dia duduk sebagai penumpang di dalam pesawat udara di sebuah penerbangan. Air Operator (Operator Udara). In Indonesia, the term Air Operator is translated as Operator Penerbangan (Flight Operator). But in fact, air is not flight. To make it easy: Flight is the singular word, whereas Air is the plural word. A flight operator covers the flight and all that is related to a flight, whereas an air operator covers a larger area including the flight. Air Personnel (Personel Udara) = Air Worker (Pekerja Udara) Aircraft (Kendaraan Udara, pesawat terbang) = A vehicle that can fly (Kendaraan yang bisa terbang). Such as: Airship (kapal udara), airplane (pesawat udara), and helicopter (pesawat baling-baling), air baloon (balon udara), dan lainnya. Airline (Perusahaan Udara, Maskapai Udara). In Indonesia, the term airline is translated as Perusahaan Penerbangan or Maskapai Penerbangan (Flight Company), which is more popular than Perusahaan/Maskapai Udara. Airliner = a commercial airplane that carries passengers (pesawat udara komersial yang membawa penumpang), a large passenger aircraft. Airplane (Pesawat Udara) = An aircraft (kendaraan udara yang bisa terbang) that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets. (Sebuah pesawat yang memiliki sayap tetap dan digerakkan oleh baling-baling atau jet.) Air is not flight. In Indonesia, the term airplane is translated as pesawat terbang (flying plane). Airport (Pelabuhan Udara, Bandara -Bandar Udara-). In Indonesia, the term airport is translated as Lapangan Terbang (Flying Field). But in fact, an airport covers a larger area including the flying field (lapangan terbang). Airstrip (lajur udara) = Runway (landasan terbang), landing strip (lajur pendaratan) AM/PM (AM = Ante Meridiem) which is Latin for “Before Midday” (sebelum tengah hari), and (PM = Post Meridiem) which is Latin for “After Midday” (setelah tengah hari). AMI -Aircraft, Maintenance, Insurance- (Pesawat, Perawatan, Asuransi) Announcement: Inflight Service (Pengumuman: Pelayanan Dalam Penerbangan) -> Including Safety, Security, and Comfort (SSC Aspects) Announcement: Operational Reason (Pengumuman: Alasan Operasional) Announcement: Technical Reason (Pengumuman: Alasan Teknikal) Annual Leave (Cuti Tahunan) AOC -Air Operator Certificate- (Sertifikat Operator Udara). In Indonesia, the term AOC is translated as Sertifikat Operator Penerbangan (Flight Operator Certificate). But in fact, air is not flight. Applicant (Pelamar, Pemohon) Apron (Kasak, celemek, landasan beton bandara) = Has two meaning, as a cloth to cover the clothing while cooking, or the airport’s concrete (landasan beton pelabuhan udara). ATC -Air Traffic Control- (Pengawas Lalu Lintas Udara). The ATC personnel is called the Air Traffic Controller. Attend (Mengatend) Attendant (Atendan) = One who attends (seseorang yang mengatend), or waits on (menunggui), or attends to the needs of one person or more (mengatend kebutuhan dari satu orang atau lebih), a person who is present (seseorang yang hadir). Attendant is also equicalent to: Helper (Pembantu, Penolong), Assistant (Asisten), Guide (pemandu), Usher (pengantar), Attendee (Yang Hadir), Chaperone (Pengantar), Companion (pendamping), Aide (ajudan), Escort (pengawal), Follower (pengikut), Custodian (petugas pemelihara), Guard (Penjaga). And Steward (pramugara, atendan kabin lelaki), Stewardess (pramugari, atendan kabin perempuan). This shows that the term attendant has a lot more to offer or meanings. Aviation (Aviasi) = The operation of aircraft to provide transportation. (Pengoperasian kendaraan terbang untuk menyediakan transportasi.) Aviation is not Flight (Penerbangan). In Indonesia, the term aviation is translated as penerbangan (flight). To make it easy: Aviation is the plural word, whereas flight is the singular word. Aviation covers a larger area including the flight. Avionic (Avionik) = The electronic systems and the equipment. (Sistem elektronik dengan peralatannya.) AVSEC -Aviation Security- (Keamanan Aviasi) B Base (Basis, Pangkalan) Benefit (Keuntungan) Bidding Schedule (Skedul Tawar-Menawar, Jadwal Tawar-Menawar) Blog -Online Diary- (Buku Harian Daring, buku harian dalam jaringan) Business Jet (Jet Bisnis) C CAA -Civil Aviation Authority- (Otorita Aviasi Sipil). In Indonesia, CAA is translated as Otorita Penerbangan Sipil (Civil Flight Authority). But in fact, aviation covers a larger area, including the flight. Cabin (Kabin) = Kamar di kapal (a room in a ship), ruang dalam pesawat terbang (a space/area in the airplane) = cabin attendant’s work area (area kerja atendan kabin) Cabin Attendant Agency (Agensi Atendan Kabin) Cabin Attendant -CA- or Cabatt (Atendan Kabin) = a person who attends the cabin (including the passengers and fellow crew member, from the flight crew to the cabin crew). Cabin Attendant = Cabin Crew Member (Anggota Kru Kabin, Anggota Awak Kabin) = Flight Attendant (Atendan Penerbangan). In America, the FAA only uses the term of Flight Attendant, and not cabin attendant, for their air personnel that works in the cabin on board a flight, or inflight. And use the term Cabin Crew Member to describe the membership of the cabin crew. But, the description-correct would be Cabin Attendant (not Flight Attendant), as the duties and responsibilities of the cabin attendant is in the cabinattendantship and cabin (including the area of pantry/galley and lavatory) who are the air personnel that attend to the cabin, and therefore they are the INFLIGHT Cabin Attendant. The Cabin Attendants duties and responsibilities does not lies on the flight and not the flightship which falls onto the flight crew, who are the air personnel that attend to the flight. In fact, the term Flight Attendant, has the connotation of attending to the flight (not to the cabin), or flightship (ke-penerbangan-an) and not cabinattendantship (per-atendankabin-an). Cabin Attendant Job (Pekerjaan Atendan Kabin) = Cabin Crew Member Job (Pekerjaan Anggota Kru Kabin, Pekerjaan Anggota Awak Kabin) = Flight Attendant Job (Pekerjaan Atendan Penerbangan) Cabin Attendant School (Sekolah Atendan Kabin) CAC -Cabin Attendant in Charge- (Atendan Kabin Yang Berkuasa, Yang Memimpin) Cabin Boy (Anak Lelaki Kabin) Cabin Boy Job (Pekerjaan Anak Lelaki Kabin) Cabin Crew -CC- (Kru Kabin, Awak Kabin) = A set of crew who works in the cabin. To make it easy: Cabin Crew is the plural word, whereas Cabin Attendant is the singular word. For example: Flight Crew consist of pilots and flight engineer. So, Cabin Crew consist of the cabin attendant junior, cabin attendant senior, and cabin attendant supervisor/manager/purser. Cabin Crew Department (Departemen Kru Kabin) = A department in the airline organization structure that housed the (inflight) junior, senior, supervisor, and manager cabin attendant; and managed by the Chief Cabin (Manager Cabin = Manager Cabin Crew), with the assistance of the Deputy Chief Cabin (Assistant Manager Cabin Crew). Cabinship (perkabinan) Cabintattendanship (Per-atendankabin-an) Candidate (Kandidat, Calon) Captain (Kapten). The pilot in charge of an aircraft (including airship and airplane), or someone who is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight (seseorang yang berlisensi untuk mengoperasikan sebuah kendaraan terbang). CASO -Civil Aviation Safety Officer- (Petugas Keselamatan Aviasi Sipil). In Indonesia, the term CASO is translated as Petugas Keselamatan Penerbangan Sipil (Civil Flight Security Officer). Flight is part of aviation. CCM -Cabin Crew Member- (Anggota Kru Kabin, Anggota Awak Kabin). Who is the CCM? The (inflight) cabin attendant junior, senior, supervisor (assistant manager/assistant purser), and manager (purser). CEO -Chief Executive Officer- (Kepala Eksekutif, PresDir -Presiden Direktur-) Check Flight (Penerbangan Cek) Checker (Pemeriksa) Chief Cabin (Kepala Kabin) or Chief Cabin Crew (Kepala Kru Kabin) = A senior cabin attendant who is the chief or manager of the cabin crew department. (Seorang senior atendan kabin yang menjadi wakil kepala atau wakil manajer dari departemen kru kabin.) Cockpit (Kokpit) = Flight Deck (Dek Penerbangan, Ruang Kemudi Penerbangan) = Pilots work area (area kerja penerbang) Commercially Important Person -CIP- (Orang Penting Komersial) Competency (Kompetensi) = The quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually. (Kualitas yang memadai atau berkualitas baik secara fisik dan intelektual.) Consultant (Konsultan) Contrail -Condensed Trail- (Jejak Kondensasi). A trail that comes out from the tail of an airplane and looks like a long trail of clouds. COO -Chief Operating Officer- (Kepala Operasi, Direktur Operasi), or -Country of Origin- (Asal Negara) Co-Pilot (Penerbang Bersama, Penerbang Kedua, Jurumudi Kedua, Asisten Kedua). COWADS -Composition, Work Area, Duties, Station- (Komposisi, Area Kerja, Tugas, Pos). The term COWADS is used by Garuda Indonesia in their Cabin Practice Class. Co-Worker (Rekan Kerja) Crew (Kru, Awak) = The men and women who man a vehicle such as aircraft, ship, train, etc (lelaki dan perempuan yang mengawaki sebuah kendaraan seperti kendaraan udara, kapal laut, kereta api, dan lain-lain; an organized group of worker (pekerja dalam sebuah grup yang terorganisir), serve as a crew member on (bekerja sebagai anggota kru disebuah institusi). Crew Member (Anggota Kru) = It is the whole set (the flight crew, cabin crew, and anyone who works as a crew or assigned as the crew) Crew Mess (Mess Kru) Cumulus Nimbus Cloud (Awan Kumulus Nimbus) = A dense towering vertical cloud associated with thunderstorms and atmospheric instability. (Awan padat menjulang vertikal terkait dengan badai dan ketidakstabilan atmosfer.) D Daring (Dalam Jaringan) = online Dead-headed = XCU (Extra Crew) = To pilot or drive a vehicle carrying no passengers or freight, a vehicle traveling empty, a person who uses a free ticket. (Untuk mengawaki atau mengendarai kendaraan tanpa penumpang atau barang, kendaraan bepergian kosong, orang yang menggunakan tiket gratis.) Delay (Penundaan) Deputy Chief Cabin (Asisten Kepala Kabin) or Deputy Chief Cabin Crew (Asisten Kepala Kru Kabin) = A senior cabin attendant who is the assistant chief or assistant manager of the cabin crew department. (Seorang senior atendan kabin yang menjadi wakil kepala atau wakil manajer dari departemen kru kabin.) DG -Dangerous Goods- (Barang Berbahaya) Direct Flight (Penerbangan Langsung) Directorat General of Civil Aviation -DGCA- (Direktorat Jenderal Aviasi Sipil). In Indonesia, the term DGCA is translated as Direktorat Jenderal Penerbangan Sipil. Again, aviation is not flight. Double Captain (Dua Kapten). This situation is where in one flight there is two captains working in the cockpit/flight deck. But one of the captain is the PIC, while the other is the SIC (Second in Command). Dry Drill (Dril Kering). This drill is done on land. Duty Free (Bebas Tugas) Duty Free Shop (Toko Bebas Bea) E Emergency (Emergensi, Darurat) Emergency Descent (Turun Emergensi, Turun Darurat). This happened on a flight. Emergency Ditching -On Water- (Mendarat emergensi/darurat di air) Emergency Exit Window (Jendela Keluar Emergensi/Darurat) Emergency Landing (Pendaratan Emergensi/Darurat) Emergency Terrain -On Land- (Mendarat emergensi/darurat di daratan) Executive Jet (Jet Eksekutif) Expra -Experienced Pramugara = Pramugara Berpengalaman (experienced steward, experienced male cabin attendant) Expra/Expri = A term first used by Garuda Indonesia to named their experienced cabin attendant (pramugara, pramugari) on their first haj flight project from Indonesia to Saudi Arabia. The term is now used by all airlines from Indonesia. Expri -Experienced Pramugari = Pramugari Berpengalaman (experienced stewardess, experienced female cabin attendant F FAA -Federal Aviation Authority- (Otorita Aviasi Federal). In Indonesia, the term FAA is translated as Otorita Penerbangan Federal (Federal Flight Authority). Actually flight is part of aviation. FAQ -Frequently Asked Questions- (PSD -Pertanyaan yang Sering Ditanyakan-) FBO -Fixed Base Operator- (Operator Basis/Pangkalan Tetap) Female Steward = Pramugari = Atendan Kabin Perempuan First Aid (Pertolongan Pertama) Fixed Schedule (Skedul Tetap, Jadwal Tetap) Flight (Penerbangan) Flight Attendant -FA- (Atendan Penerbangan) Flight Captain (Kapten Penerbangan) Flight Commander (Komandan Penerbangan) Flight Deck (Dek Penerbangan, Ruang Kemudi Penerbangan) = Cockpit (Kokpit) = Pilots work area (area kerja penerbang) Flight Engineer (Enjinir Penerbangan) Flight Inspector (Inspektur Penerbangan) Flight Mechanic (Mekanik Penerbangan) Flight Schedule (Skedul Penerbangan, Jadwal Penerbangan) Flightship (Ke-penerbangan-an) FLOPS -Flight Operations- (Operasi Penerbangan) Flying (Terbang) Flying Schedule (Skedul Terbang, Jadwal Terbang) FOO -Flight Operation Officer- (Petugas Operasi Penerbangan) Foreword (Prakata, Kata Pengantar, Pendahulu): A preface or an introductory note, as for a book, especially by a person other than the author, an introductory statement to a book, a short introductory statement in a published work, as a book, a short introductory essay preceding the text of a book. FYI -For Your Information- (Untuk Perhatian) G Gate (Gapura, Pintu Pagar) Gender (jenis kelamin) GMT -Greenwich Mean Time- (Waktu Tengah Greenwich) = UT - Universal Time- (Waktu Universal) = This is the local civil time at the former site of the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England, which is located on the prime meridian. (Ini adalah waktu sipil setempat di bekas tempat Royal Observatory di Greenwich, Inggris, yang terletak di meridian utama.) Ground Crew (Kru Darat, Awak Darat) Ground Crew Member (Anggota Kru Darat, Anggota Awak Darat) H Hatrack (Rak Bagasi tanpa penutup) Heimlich Manouver (Manuver Heimlich) = Abdominal thrusts. (Sodokan Perut dalam kondisi tersedak.) Head Quarters -HQ- The location which a licensee operates, designated by the licensee as the location where the records described in this chapter are required to be maintained or readily available. Hierarchy (Hirarki) = A body of persons having authority, a series of ordered groupings of people or things within a system, the organization of people at different ranks in an administrative body, in order of rank. (Sekumpulan orang yang mempunyai wewenang, serangkaian kelompok orang dalam urutan di sebuah sistem, organisasi orang-orang di peringkat yang berbeda dalam badan administratif, dalam urutan peringkat.) Home Base (Basis Utama, Pangkalan Utama) Hostile Area (Area Bermusuhan, Area Bergolak) HRD -Human Resource Department- (Divisi Kepegawaian, Personalia). Huddled Position (Posisi Berdempetan dengan membungkuk) I ICAO -International Civil Aviation Organization- (Organisasi Aviasi Sipil Internasional). In Indonesia, the term ICAO is translated as Organisasi Penerbangan Sipil Internasional. Aviation is not flight. Idea: Your intention, what you intend to do, a personal view, the main thing you are thinking about. (Ide: Rancangan yang tersusun di dalam pikiran; gagasan; cita-cita.) Inflight (Dalam Penerbangan) Initial (Awal, Pertama) Inspiration: A special influence of a divinity on the minds of human beings, arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity. (Inspirasi: Ilham, petunjuk Tuhan yang timbul di hati, pikiran, angan-angan yang timbul dari hati, bisikan hati, sesuatu yang menggerakkan hati untuk mencipta -mengarang syair, lagu, dsb-.) Instructor (Instruktur) Interview by Phone (Wawancara lewat Telepon) Interview Skill (Keterampilan Wawancara) IOE -Initial Operating Experience- (Pengalaman Operasi Awal/Pertama -> Pengalaman terbang awal/pertama) J Jetlag = A temporary disruption of bodily rhythms caused by high-speed travel across several time zones typically in a jet aircraft. (Sebuah gangguan sementara dari irama tubuh yang disebabkan oleh perjalanan kecepatan tinggi di beberapa zona waktu biasanya dalam sebuah pesawat jet.) Job (Pekerjaan) = Occupation (Okupasi) = The principal activity in your life that you do to earn money (Aktivitas utama dalam hidup untuk mendapatkan uang.) Joy Ride Flight (Penerbangan Gembira) Junior (Bawahan, Lebih Muda, Lebih Rendah -> jabatan) K L Life Jacket = Life Vest (Pelampung Keselamatan) Logistics (logistik) = The planning and coordination of the movement of materials, and other details of any large activity. (Perencanaan dan koordinasi dari pergerakan material, dan detil lainnya dalam sebuah aktivitas besar apapaun.) Luggage Bin (Rak Bagasi dengan penutup) M Manager (Manajer) Mayday = An internationally recognized distress signal via radiotelephone, from the French maider. (Sinyal marabahaya yang diakui secara internasional melalui telepon radio, dari bahasa Perancis maider.) MEDEX -Medical Exam- (Uji Medikal Uji Medis) Memoir (Memoir) = An account of the authors personal experiences, autobiography - a biography of oneself. | Kenang-kenangan sejarah atau catatan peristiwa masa lampau menyerupai autobiografi yang ditulis dengan menekankan pendapat, kesan, dan tanggapan pencerita atas peristiwa yang dialami dan tentang tokoh yang berhubungan dengannya; catatan atau rekaman tentang pengalaman hidup seseorang. Mentor Flight (Penerbangan Mentor, Penerbangan Bimbingan) Mission (Misi) = A task that becomes a duty or obligation to do for the sake of religion, ideology, patriotism, etc. (Tugas yang menjadi kewajiban atau obligasi untuk melakukannya demi agama, ideologi, patriotisme, dsb); mission sent by one country to another to perform specific tasks in diplomatic area, political, trade, art, etc. (perutusan yang dikirimkan oleh suatu negara ke negara lain untuk melakukan tugas khusus dl bidang diplomatik, politik, perdagangan, kesenian, dsb) N NGO -No Go Items- (Barang Tak Boleh Tertinggal, Barang Harus Dibawa) Non Gender (Tidak berjenis kelamin, tanpa menyebutkan jenis kelamin) Non-stop (Tidak Berhenti) O Objective (Obyektif, Tujuan, Sasaran, Target) Observer (Pengamat, Pemerhati, Peninjau) Occupation (Okupasi) = Job (Pekerjaan) Officers Mess (Mess Perwira) Online (Daring, Dalam Jaringan) Overwing Emergency Exit Window (Jendela Keluar Emergensi/Darurat di tengah pesawat dekat sayap pesawat) P Pathguide, or path-guide (panduan lintasan). A new term I used in related to this page-blog. Phsyco Test (Psikotes, Tes Psikologi) PIC -Pilot in Command- (Penerbang Yang Memimpin) = The pilot with the final authority and responsibility for operation and safety of the flight. Pilot (Penerbang) President’s Crew (Kru Presiden) Privilege (Hak Istimewa) Profession (Profesi) = An occupation requiring special education PSD -Pertanyaan yang Sering Ditanyakan- (FAQ -Frequently Asked Questions) Q R Re-check Flight (Penerbangan Diulang) Red Eye Flight (Penerbangan Tengah Malam) Reference (Referensi) : Source of reference, referral, hint (Sumber acuan, rujukan, petunjuk.) Reserve (Cadangan) Returnee (Orang Kembali). Returnee Cabin Attendant (Atendan Kabin Kembali) = Expra (Experienced Pramugara), Expri (Experienced pramugari). I created the term Returnee Cabin Attendant to named the ex cabin attendant who return to work as a cabin attendant. In Asia or in the East, these Returnee usually are still valued as Experienced Crew (Kru Berpengalaman), and they will be put in the Returnee Induction Program (Program Induksi Returnee), not in the Initial Induction Program (Progam Induksi Initial), but both will received the same Company Introduction Class (Kelas Introduksi/Perkenalan Perusahaan) as they both are newly hired air personnel. In the West, these Returnee will be put in the Initial Induction Program, as the airline considered them as New Hired and Zero Knowledge regardless of their past or previous experiences. RHM -Rest Hour Minus- (Kurang Waktu Istirahat) Runway (Landasan Pacu, Landasan Terbang) S Safety Demo (Demo Keselamatan, Demonstrasi Keselamatan) Schedule (Skedul, Jadwal) Scheduling (Skeduling, Penjadwalan) Second in Command -SIC- (Pemimpin Kedua), or Co-pilot = A pilot who is designated to be second in command of an aircraft during flight time. Senior (Atasan, Lebih Tua, Lebih Tinggi -> jabatan) Seniority (Senioritas) = Kedudukan yang lebih tinggi, masa kerja yang lebih lama Service (Servis, Layanan, Pelayanan) Sick Leave (Cuti Sakit) Sky Girl (Gadis Angkasa) Sky Job (Pekerjaan Angkasa) SOS -Save Our Soul- (Tolong Jiwa Kami -> Dalam keadaan darurat/emergensi) St. Elmo’s Fire = A weather phenomenon in which luminous plasma (bright blue or violet glow, appearing like fire) is created by a coronal discharge from a sharp or pointed object in a strong electric field in the atmosphere, such as those generated by thunderstorms or created by a volcanic eruption. (Fenomena cuaca di mana plasma bercahaya, biru terang atau ungu bercahaya, muncul seperti api, diciptakan oleh keluarnya cairan koronal dari benda tajam atau runcing dalam medan listrik yang kuat di atmosfer, seperti yang dihasilkan oleh badai atau diciptakan oleh letusan gunung berapi.) Standby (Menunggu, Siap Siaga) Steward (Pramugara, Atendan Kabin Lelaki) = Male Cabin Attendant (Atendan Kabin Lelaki) Stewardess (Pramugari, Atendan Kabin Perempuan) = Female Cabin Attendant (Atendan Kabin Perempuan) Stewardess Job (Pekerjaan Pramugari) = Female Cabin Attendant Job Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunity, Threat -SWOT- (Kekuatan, Kelemahan, Peluang, Ancaman) Supervisor (Pengawas) = One who supervises, or has charge and direction of. (Orang yang mengawasi, atau yang berkuasa/memegang pimpinan dan kendali.) T Terminal (Pangkalan) Terminology (Terminologi) = A system of words used to name things in a particular discipline. (Sebuah sistem penamaan dalam sebuah disiplin khusus). Terminologi = Peristilahan, tentang kata-kata, ilmu mengenai batasan atau definisi istilah, ungkapan khusus, sebutan, atau nama. Trainee (Peserta Didik) Training (DikLat -Pendidikan dan Pelatihan-) Transit (Berhenti Sementara) Type Rating (Tipe Kelas) U Unaccompanied Minor -UM- (Anak Dibawah Umur Tanpa Pendamping) Unruly Passenger (Penumpang yang sulit dikendalikan) UTC -Coordinated Universal Time- (Waktu Universal Koordinat) V VIP -Very Important Person- (Orang Sangat Penting) -> CEO, COO Vision (Visi) = View or insight into future (pandangan atau wawasan ke depan) VVIP -Very Very Important Person- (Orang Sangat Sangat Penting). Such as: Royals, President, Prime Minister. W Wannabe (Ingin Menjadi) = One who aspires to a role or position. (Orang yang bercita-cita untuk sebuah peran atau posisi.) Wash Room (Kamar Basuh) = Lavatory Wet Drill (Dril Basah) = This drill is done on water X XCU -Extra Crew- (Kru Ekstra, Kru Tambahan) Y Z
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 16:56:35 +0000

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