The A2Z of Illuminati, Baphomet History, Who they are, how the - TopicsExpress


The A2Z of Illuminati, Baphomet History, Who they are, how the Cult is joined and how its Infamous Members are the World over including Uganda and… Why many of them are Filthy Rich Celebrities By Team Investigator We have been bombarded by several phone calls and emails from across borders, regarding our stories on the infamous Illuminati. Some have asked how they can join while others simply wanted to understand the phenomenon further. Today, we look at the world’s perception of this infamous sect and then, what the members of the Illuminati say about this notorious faction that has caused so much controversy in the world.  The Illuminati movement is said to have been founded on 1st May 1776 in Ingolstadt ( Upper Bavaria)  with five original members whose main ideology was freethinking with a belief on enlightenment that was molded on the freemasons principles. Members of the Illuminati have to take a vow of secrecy and pledge obedience to their superiors in the sect who are divided into three main categories each with several degrees (levels). They sometimes meet to plan the fate of the world. This group consists of international bankers, top government officials, leaders in the energy cartel and media monopoly owners and it is alleged the illuminati also has control over the UN and UNESCO. One of the main objectives of the sect is to rule the world against all odds. It is believed that the Illuminati sect is divided into ten sub groups that include Bavarian Illuminati, Bermuda Triangle, Discordian Society ,Gnomes of Zurich, Network, Servants of Cthulhu, Society of Assassins, UFOs, Church of Sub Genius ’Shangri-La, Deluxe illuminati Some of the infamous people allegedly killed by the Illuminati It is rumoured within the Illuminati circle that when ignorant people refuse to believe common sense, conspiracies such as 9/11 and the John Fredrick Kennedy aka JFK assassination are formed.  The illuminati are (allegedly) controlling everything in the world and are allegedly responsible for the death of many famous people such as Biggie, Bob Marley, Michael Jackson and the list goes on. The Illuminati have six disciplines of training within their Family. 1. Military 2. Government 3. Spiritual 4. Scholarship 5. Leadership 6. Science Each member is schooled extensively in all of them from early childhood. Like an Illuminati member once said: With the addition [to the above six disciplines] of a complicit Media machine and ownership of your Financial establishments, all bases are covered. According to one of the major illuminati websites, a person can join a secret society if you are accepted, but no one can join the Illuminati. You are born into it and have to be of the right bloodline. Greedy and evil people join their agenda for power and money, but they cant join the Illuminati itself. So what is the true goal of the Illuminati? The main goal is to create a One World Government, with them on top to rule the world into slavery and dictatorship. George Bush Sr. and a few other major players like Mikhail Gorbachev and Gordon Brown have openly called for a New World Order, referring to this One World Government.  In fact its nothing new with the New World Order; its the same Old World Order that has always been in place. The only difference is that now they want to put the crown upon the head of their World Dictator, and with that their mission is completed; the Battle of Planet Earth is won! This is a very old goal of theirs, and to understand it fully, one must realize that this goal isnt of a kind thats supposed to be obtained within one lifetime; it has been a goal that slowly is to be reached over a long period of time.  However, they have accomplished more in this direction during the last few decades than they have done in hundreds of years, due to the Industrialization and the Information Technology Era. To be able to accomplish a New World Order, the living standard must be similar all over the world - they want a uniform world to rule over and we can now see this goal slowly being reached right before our eyes. Illuminati’s sacred symbols: The Illuminati are said to communicate with each other and to their sacred ‘god’ with several symbols which many have effigies of in their homes, offices, or better still curved on the walls of their houses and for the daring ones as tattoos. These symbols include the Baphomet sculpture, the all seeing eye, 666 hand sign, the swastika, the sun wheel, the inverted cross of news and the Zodiac.  How to Join the Illuminati Transforming yourself to become a member of the New World Order is likely to result in you deeply relating to the traditional Illuminati Symbolism that seems completely crazy to a lay man. A simple way to explain the mindset of an Illuminati Member is to compare it to a tree in a rainforest, fighting to reach the light in the canopy and disregarding the trees beneath them that never quite had the drive to push beyond mediocre growth. Some of the alleged famous Illuminati members They include Adele, Alicia Keys ,Angelina Jolie , Avril Lavigne ,Barack Obama, Beyonce Knowles, Blue Ivy, Bob Dylan the late Bob Marley , Bono (from U2) , Britney Spears .Cash Money/Young Money Records, Chris Brown , Ciara, Cristiano Ronaldo , Justin Bieber among others. List of some of Uganda’s celebrities who are alleged to be Illuminati members; The list includes several of our top celebrities like Dave Dash a presenter at Radio city FM, Dr. Jose Chameleone, Slyvia Owori, LRA boss Joseph Kony, Daniel Kigozi aka Navio, Mungi Matovu Emmanuel aka MunG, Jackie Chandiru, Jocelyn Travis aka Keko, Ernest Nsimbi aka GNL Zamba, Peter Miles and a host of others. Why we don’t encourage you to join this sect; Though there are many people who have contacted us over details on how to join the Illuminati sect we have readily availed the relevant information but do not advise you to do so. Any secretive sect there might be than meets the eye and you never know that it might as well turn out to be just like Joseph Kibwetere’s Restoration of the Ten Commandments.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 15:30:15 +0000

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