The ACTS of PAUL and THECLA. [Tertullian says that this piece - TopicsExpress


The ACTS of PAUL and THECLA. [Tertullian says that this piece was forged by a Presbyter of Asia, who being convicted, confessed that he did it out of respect of Paul, and Pope Gelasius, in his Decree against apocryphal books, inserted it among them. Notwithstanding this, a large part of the history was credited, and looked upon as genuine among the primitive Christians. Cyprian, Eusebius, Epiphanius, Austin, Gregory Nazianzen, Chrysostom, and Severus Sulpitius, who all lived within the fourth century, mention Thecla, or refer to her history. Basil of Seleucia wrote her acts, sufferings, and victories, in verse; and Euagrius Scholasticus, an ecclesiastical historian, about 590, relates that after the Emperor Zeno had abdicated his empire, and Basilik had taken possession of it, he had a vision of the holy and excellent martyr Thecla, who promised him the restoration of his empire; for which, when it was brought about, he erected and dedicated a most noble and sumptuous temple to this famous martyr Thecla, at Seleucia, a city of Isauria, and bestowed upon it very noble endowments, which (says the author) are preserved even till this day. Hist. Eccl., lib. 3, cap. 8.—Cardinal Baronius, Locrinus, Archbishop Wake, and others; and also the learned Grabe, who edited the Septuagint, and revived the Acts of Paul and Thecla, consider them as having been written in the Apostolic age; as containing nothing superstitious, or disagreeing from the opinions and belief of those times; and, in short, as a genuine and authentic history. Again, it is said, that this is not the original book of the early Christians; but however that may be, it is published from the Greek MS. in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, which Dr. Mills copied and transmitted to Dr. Grabe.] The Martyrdom of the holy and glorious first Martyr and Apostle Thecla. CHAP. I. 1 Demas and Hermogenes become Pauls companions. 4 Paul visits Onesiphorus. 8 Invited by Demas and Hermogenes. 11 Preaches to the household of Onesiphorus. 12 His sermon. WHEN Paul went up to Iconium, after his flight from Antioch, Demas and Hermogenes became his companions, who were then full of hypocrisy. 2 But Paul looking only at the goodness of God, did them no harm, but loved them greatly. 3 Accordingly he endeavoured to make agreeable to them, all p. 100 the oracles and doctrines of Christ, and the design of the Gospel of Gods well-beloved Son, instructing them in the knowledge of Christ, as it was revealed to him. 4 ¶ And a certain man named Onesiphorus, hearing that Paul was come to Iconium, went out speedily to meet him, together with his wife Lectra, and his sons Simmia and Zeno, to invite him to their house. 5 For Titus had given them a description of Pauls personage, they as yet not knowing him in person, but only being acquainted with his character. 6 They went in the kings highway to Lystra, and stood there waiting for him, comparing all who passed by, with that description which Titus had given them. 7 At length they saw a man coming (namely Paul), of a low stature, bald (or shaved) on the head, crooked thighs, handsome legs, hollow-eyed; had a crooked nose; full of grace; for sometimes he appeared as a man, sometimes he had the countenance of an angel. And Paul saw Onesiphorus, and was glad. 8 ¶ And Onesiphorus said: Hail, thou servant of the blessed God. Paul replied, The grace of God be with thee and thy family. 9 But Demos and Hermogenes were moved with envy, and, under a show of great religion, Demas said, And are not we also servants of the blessed God? Why didst thou not salute us? 10 Onesiphorus replied, Because I have not perceived in, you the fruits of righteousness; nevertheless, if ye are of that sort, ye shall be welcome to my house also. 11 Then Paul went into the house of Onesiphorus, and there was great joy among the family on that account: and they employed themselves in prayer, breaking of bread, and hearing Paul preach the word of God concerning temperance and the resurrection, in the following manner: 12 ¶ Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God. 13 Blessed are they who keep their flesh undefiled (or pure); for they shall be the temple of God. 14 Blessed are the temperate (or chaste); for God will reveal himself to them. 15 ¶ Blessed are they who abandon their secular enjoyments; for they shall be accepted of God. 16 Blessed are they who have wives, as though they had them not; for they shall be made angels of God. 17 Blessed are they who tremble at the word of God; for they shall be comforted. 18 Blessed are they who keep their baptism pure; for they shall find peace with the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 19 ¶ Blessed are they who pursue the wisdom (or doctrine) of Jesus Christ; for they shall be called the sons of the Most High. 20 Blessed are they who observe the instructions of Jesus Christ; for they shall dwell in eternal light. 21 Blessed are they, who for the love of Christ abandon the glories of the world; for they shall judge angels, and be placed at the right hand of Christ, and shall not suffer the bitterness of the last judgment. 22 ¶ Blessed are the bodies and p. 101 souls of virgins; for they are acceptable to God, and shall not lose the reward of their virginity; for the word of their (heavenly) Father shall prove effectual to their salvation in the day of his Son, and they shall enjoy rest for evermore. CHAP. II. 1 Thecla listens anxiously to Pauls preaching. 5 Thamyris, her admirer, concerts with Theoclia her mother to dissuade her, 12 in vain. 14 Demos and Hermogenes viler Paul to Thamyria. WHILE Paul was preach this sermon in the church which was in the house of Onesiphorus, a certain virgin, named Thecla (whose mothers name was Theoclia, and who was betrothed to a man named Thamyris) sat at a certain window in her house. 2 From whence, by the advantage of a window in the house where Paul was, she both night and day heard Pauls sermons concerning God, concerning charity, concerning faith in Christ, and concerning prayer; 3 Nor would she depart from the window, till with exceeding joy she was subdued to the doctrines of faith. 4 At length, when she saw many women and virgins going in to Paul, she earnestly desired that she might be thought worthy to appear in his presence, and hear the word of Christ; for she had not yet seen Pauls person, but only heard his sermons, and that alone. 5 ¶ But when she would not be prevailed upon to depart from the window, her mother sent to Thamyris, who came with the greatest pleasure, as hoping now to marry her. Accordingly he said to Theoclia, Where is my Thecla? 6 Theoclia replied, Thamyris, I have something very strange to tell you; for Thecla, for the space of three days, will not move from the window not so much as to eat or drink, but is so intent in hearing the artful and delusive discourses of a certain foreigner, that I perfectly admire, Thamyris, that a young woman of her known modesty, will suffer herself to be so prevailed upon. 7 For that man has disturbed the whole city of Iconium, and even your Thecla, among others, All the women and young men flock to him to receive his doctrine; who, besides all the rest, tells them that there is but one God, who alone is to be worshipped, and that we ought to live in chastity. 8 ¶ Notwithstanding this, my daughter Thecla, like a spiders web fastened to the window, is captivated by the discourses of Paul, and attends upon them with prodigious eagerness, and vast delight; and thus, by attending on what he says, the young woman is seduced. Now then do you go, and speak to her, for she is betrothed to you. 9 Accordingly Thamyris went, and having saluted her, and taking care not to surprise her, he said, Thecla, my spouse, why sittest thou in this melancholy posture? What strange impressions are made upon thee? Turn to Thamyris, and blush. 10 Her mother also spake to her after the same manner, and said, Child, why dost thou sit so melancholy, and, like one astonished, makest no reply? 11 Then they wept exceedingly, Thamyria, that he had lost p. 102 his spouse; Theoclia, that she had lost her daughter; and the maids, that they had lost their mistress; and there was an universal mourning in the family. 12 But all these things made no impression upon Thecla, so as to incline her so much as to turn to them, and take notice of them; for she still regarded the discourses of Paul. 13 Then Thamyris ran forth into the street to observe who they were who went into Paul, and came out from him; and he saw two men engaged in a very warm dispute, and said to them; 14 ¶ Sirs, what business have you here? and who is that man within, belonging to you, who deludes the minds of men, both young men and virgins, persuading them, that they ought not to marry, but continue as they are? 15 I promise to give you a considerable sum, if you will give me a just account of him; for I am the chief person of this city. 16 Demas and Hermogenes replied, We cannot so exactly tell who he is; but this we know, that he deprives young men of their (intended) wives, and virgins of their (intended) husbands, by teaching, There can be no future resurrection, unless ye continue in chastity, and do not defile your flesh. CHAP. III. 1 They betray Paul. 7 Thamyris arrests him with officers. THEN said Thamyris, Come along with me to my house, and refresh yourselves. So they went to a very splendid entertainment, where there was wine in abundance, and very rich provision. 2 They were brought to a table richly spread, and made to drink plentifully by Thamyris, on account of the love he had for Thecla and his desire to marry her. 3 Then Thamyris said, I desire ye would inform me what the doctrines of this Paul are, that I may understand them; for I am under no small concern about Thecla, seeing she so delights in that strangers discourses, that I am in danger of losing my intended wife. 4 ¶ Then Demas and Hermogenes answered both together, and said, Let him be brought before the governor Castellius, as one who endeavours to persuade the people into the new religion of the Christians, and he, according to the order of Cæsar, will put him to death, by which means you will obtain your wife; 5 While we at the same time will teach her, that the resurrection which he speaks of is already come, and consists in our having children; and that we then arose again, when we came to the knowledge of God. 6 Thamyris having this account from them, was filled with hot resentment: 7 And rising early in the morning he went to the house of Onesiphorus, attended by the magistrates, the jailor, and a great multitude of people with staves, and said to Paul; 8 Thou hast perverted the city of Iconium, and among the rest, Thecla, who is betrothed to me, so that now she will not marry me. Thou shalt therefore go with us to the governor Castellius. 9 And all the multitude cried out, Away with this impostor p. 103 [paragraph continues] (magician), for he has perverted the minds of our wives, and all the people hearken to him. CHAP. IV. 1 Paul accused before the governor by Thamyris. 5 Defends himself. 9 Is committed to Prison, 10 and visited by Thecla. THEN Thamyris standing before the governors judgment-seat, spake with a loud voice in the following manner. 2 O governor, I know not whence this man cometh; but he is one who teaches that matrimony is unlawful. Command him therefore to declare before you for what reason he publishes such doctrines. 3 While he was saying thus, Demas and Hermogenes (whispered to Thamyris, and) said; Say that he is a Christian, and he will presently be put to death. 4 But the governor was more deliberate, and calling to Paul, he said, Who art thou? What dost thou teach? They seem to lay gross crimes to thy charge. 5 Paul then spake with a loud voice, saying, As I am now called to give an account, O governor, of my doctrines, I desire your audience. 6 That God, who is a God of vengeance, and who stands in need of nothing but the salvation of his creatures, has sent me to reclaim them from their wickedness and corruptions, from all (sinful) pleasures, and from death; and to persuade them to sin no more. 7 On this account, God sent his Son Jesus Christ, whom I preach, and in whom I instruct men to place their hopes as that l person who only had such compassion on the deluded world, that it might not, O governor, be condemned, but have faith, the fear of God, the knowledge of religion, and the love of truth. 8 So that if I only teach those things which I have received by revelation from God, where is my crime? 9 When the governor heard this, he ordered Paul to be bound, and to be put in prison, till he should be more at leisure to hear him more fully. 10 But in the night, Thecla taking off her ear-rings, gave them to the turnkey of the prison, who then opened the doors to her, and let her in; 11 And when she made a present of a silver looking-glass to the jailor, was allowed to go into the room where Paul was; then she sat down at his feet, and heard from him the great things of God. 12 And as she perceived Paul not to be afraid of suffering, but that by divine assistance he behaved himself with courage, her faith so far increased that she kissed his chains.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 02:00:09 +0000

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