The AL JAMA-AH COMMUNITY PARTY is a faith based political party - TopicsExpress


The AL JAMA-AH COMMUNITY PARTY is a faith based political party which derives its policies from Divinely Inspired Principles and believes that all Authority and Power belongs to the Almighty and as such our actions and influence should always be to establish a society that advances the recognition of divinely inspired values such as caring, sharing, compassion, empathy, love, mercy and justice. The AL JAMA-AH COMMUNITY PARTY is a movement for social-change built on spiritual, moral and ethical values that restores human dignity, and encourages fraternity and total equality. With a strong emphasis on community we aspire to re-establish the sense of community that was lost through the deliberate separation of peoples by the racist apartheid system. The AL JAMA-AH COMMUNITY PARTY was established in 2007 as a values driven movement and the Party’s constitution clearly states that it is a values based Party. Clause 2.4 develop a set of policies on all issues pertaining to South Africa that has Islamic values, True Christian values and Ubuntu and to lobby government to change policies that conflict with these values. The AL JAMA-AH COMMUNITY PARTY wishes to break down every barrier that prevents people from diverse backgrounds from experiencing that sense of belonging that can only be achieved by an inclusive society that respects and celebrates its diversity. AL JAMA-AH is a Swahili word describing community, similarly in Arabic the word is attributed to community or congregation from the root word UMMAH. AL JAMA-AH COMMUNITY PARTY – KEY FOCUS PROGRAMME · Food Security and Poverty Alleviation through comprehensive Agrarian reforms · Youth Development with extensive educational, career, and entrepreneurial opportunities. · Social and Co-operative Economic Development supported by Interest Free Banking · Development of Business skills training infrastructure and support for informal and small traders. · Health, a holistic state of well being approach. Free universal health care from cradle to old age. Develop awareness programmes for healthy communal lifestyles · Consumer Empowerment through adequate Rights and Representation · Community Safety and Crime Prevention with a Restorative Justice System focusing on victim compensation · Environmental and Renewable Energy Advancement · Religious, Cultural, Indigenous and Identity Rights · Gender empowerment and active inclusion of women as the foundation of communities, advancing working and home based women’s rights · Effective control of Corporate Monopolies by placing communities and the environment before profit · Implementation of Direct Democracy by encouraging Active Citizenship through Street and Ward Committees as well as various community based social welfare projects Refugees and Foreign Nationals Rights · Advancing foreign policies that supports the struggles of oppressed throughout the world such as the liberation of Palestine and Western Sahara, Kashmir, CAR, Egypt, Syria · A Moral, Ethical, Compassionate, God Conscious, Developmental State. AL JAMA-AH COMMUNITY PARTY IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAMME 1) We will propose a Minister of Consumer Affairs so that fair consumer practices can be dealt with at Cabinet level. 2) Implementation of Food Subsidies on basic food such as bread, milk, cooking oil and maize meal, extending Vat exemptions. 3) An immediate commission of enquiry electricity tariff structures,. Electricity is a basic necessity and not a commodity. Municipalities are guilty of using electricity as a form of tax and to supplement their revenue stream 4) Reformulating the fuel price so that locally manufactured fuel can subsidize high import costs. South Africa has the largest oil refineries in Africa but neighboring countries are benefiting from cheaper fuel. We will lobby for sanctions to be lifted from cheaper Iranian oil and the renationalization of Sasol. 5) ICASA will be lobbied forcing cell phone service providers and fixed line operators to reduce call and data charges and other related costs. Access to communication to be included in Bill of Rights 6) We will call for an overhaul of the banking system especially with regards to interest and bank charges 7) We will call for stricter control and regulation of Halal, Kosher, Vegan and Organic certified foodstuff as part of the Consumer Protection Act. 8) Religious and cultural denominations must be granted full status and recognition of all family laws as divinely ordained by their respective scriptures and as such, must be protected from all outside intrusion, including government intrusion. 9) We will demand representative regulation of religious travels for all religious denominations and that it be supervised by DIRCO for the benefit of all such citizens. 10) Stronger corrective penalties must be imposed with regards to criminals including corporate crimes along with gang, drug and other heinous crimes such as rape. Victim compensation by the state will be prioritized. Special Courts will focus on immediate and restorative justice. 11) We will propose that mines and agricultural land be appropriated by the state with current owners having to renegotiate terms of land use leased from the state. Leases will be granted based on strict indigenisation criteria with especially farm workers having access to lease the land they live and work on, and mineworkers becoming co mineral rights holders 12) We will propose legislation to outlaw casual labor as well as fixed term contract employment, We will advocate against youth wage subsidies that benefit to the employer rather than the employees. We will however advance apprenticeships and job sharing programmes in the interest of skills development and employment creation. We will support and enhance the development of Co-Operatives, especially the assisting of worker managed takeovers of factories. 13) We will propose stricter border entrance controls for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers but advocate for existing foreign nationals to be granted citizenship after 5 years in South Africa in accordance with International best practice. 14) All South Africans must have access to health facilities, we will therefore propose health reforms that will significantly reduce disparities between public and private health care facilities, Profiteering in the Health Sector will be addressed and Universal access will be guaranteed. 15) We will oppose all deforestation, shale fracking, fossil and nuclear related sources of energy and will advance the cause of alternative sustainable renewable energy resources that will not increase the effects of climate change and green house gas emissions. 16) We will advocate the benefits of interest free micro-finance stimulating co-operative economic growth, (as proven in Indonesia) particularly in rural and impoverished areas, specifically amongst women and jobless youth. 17) We want to ensure that all scholars and students enjoy equal levels of education and thus ensure equity amongst the various and numerous learning institutions. We want to foster computer aided technology for learners at all such institutions. Learners must be taught leadership vocations by not merely linking education to financial gain. We need to develop educated leaders, not job seekers but job creators. 18) We will promote God Consciousness and Moral Values in the political arena. WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR THE AL JAMA– AH COMMUNITY PARTY The AL JAMA-AH COMMUNITY PARTY offers a realistic alternative to the Corrupt, Cancerous and Parasitical political parties that have destroyed the proud legacy of the founding fathers of the liberation struggle and our democracy. The AL JAMA-AH COMMUNITY PARTY will not victimize the poor, the marginalized and the homeless as the current anti-poor ruling parties are doing. The AL JAMA-AH COMMUNITY PARTY will not favour or benefit the rich at the expense of poor and working class families. The AL JAMA-AH COMMUNITY PARTY is committed to restore collective values of sharing, caring, good neighbourliness, consultative and transparent governance, community sovereignty and an environment that enhances the lived reality of all citizens The AL JAMA-AH COMMUNITY PARTY wishes to break down every barrier that prevents people from diverse backgrounds from experiencing that sense of belonging that can only be achieved by an inclusive society that respects and celebrates its diversity. The AL JAMA-AH COMMUNITY PARTY will endeavour to advance the interest of the Indigenous Khoi-San, Slave and Creole descendants in South Africa including seeking First Nation status for them under United Nations provisions. Following in the footsteps of all the great luminaries that contributed to the establishment of not only ISLAM, but also a more Just South Africa, the Al-Jama-ah Community Party seeks to carry on this noble tradition of service to broader society whilst holding onto divinely inspired values of brotherhood and a Just Social order. Our forefathers were instrumental in overpowering colonialism and apartheid, Today we commit ourselves to strive to achieve equality and justice for all.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 12:26:38 +0000

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