The ALS Ice bucket challenge is an awareness campaign involving a - TopicsExpress


The ALS Ice bucket challenge is an awareness campaign involving a one-time dumping of cold water over on oneself (either in lieu of or alongside donation of money). Pretty fun stuff. In the past couple of weeks the campaign has generated millions of dollars for the ALS Association, and the current amount is sitting at a 1000% increase from last years funds at this point in the summer. Yes, three zeros. Think its a useless waste of water? Heres a list of things that ROUTINELY use more water and HAVENT helped raise millions of dollars for a charitable cause against a devastating disease. Leaving the water on when you brush your teeth Courtesy flushes Standing in the shower for 20 extra seconds while not doing anything at all Making ramen noodles Washing your car Consistently watering ferns, which dont do anything Kanye West Think about it. And thats only a tiny fraction of every day things that use a lot more water than wed expect, while not really doing much. I know. Its mind-blowing. Oh but it floods your newsfeed. So does the potato salad guy, pictures of coffee, Kim Kardashian, and sports highlights that all look exactly the same, but you dont see anyone complaining about it. Plus if the constituents of your newsfeed on a social media site is causing you that much grief you should probably rethink your priorities. Get off your computer and go do something. Bake some cookies. Go for a drive. Hit the gym. Go eat at a nice restaurant. Maybe even wind down and throw a party with some good friends. Oh wait, dont do any of that because IT ALL USES A FRICKIN TON OF WATER.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 21:15:08 +0000

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