The ATLANTIC control center room was the mastermind of the - TopicsExpress


The ATLANTIC control center room was the mastermind of the detector operations. From here get oversaw every experiment that was conducted in the complex. A good number of people who attended the complex were involved in a wide variety of experiments and worked on a diverse range of research topics. Most colleagues who worked at the complex were physicists, grad students and postdocs. Today, the entire group stood staring at many variables of histograms activity that were displayed on countless LCD computer monitors. The last time when the working group was gathered was about fourteen days ago, and since that time there had only been one short period of shut-down time. Both the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and ATLANTIC had used this break as an opportunity to make substantial improvements and some changes for the next test. The new test was currently scheduled for 10 a. m. today. That morning it was eerily quiet underground, apart from a few people shuffling about whilst working at their respective experimental stations, tending to various complicated looking gadgets and tasks. They often behaved and postured in an unusual and odd manner that was possibly able to evoke certain confusion to the casual observer perhaps. The environment they worked in was consisted of a 27 km long tunnel which was located 100 meters below the ground, where the temperature was normal and the air was filtered through a special installation. The whole complex was reminiscent of a small town situated underground with giant magnets that produced an RF magnetic field. Today, the first collisions would be set at low energies but will give scientists working on the machines four giant detectors their first real data to work on. Beams of subatomic particles, traveling in opposite directions around the tunnel, would be accelerated to almost the speed of light or above at energy levels higher than ever achieved before. The Collider would initially run at energy of 10 TeV per beam. At four points around the ring the beams will cross over, slamming the particles into each other head-on. The violent impacts would release fleeting bursts of energy that would recreate the conditions that existed only a fraction of a second after the Big Bang. The magnets were then cooled to a chilly 1.9 degrees Kelvin (-271.25 Celsius or -456.25 Fahrenheit). That was colder than the vacuum of outer space. Under these circumstances the security of the work force was assured by lack of Oxygen detection systems. These systems will generate audible and visual alarms locally and also transmit alarms to the ATLANTIC control center room and fire brigade. The CERNO complex had its own fire brigade. Warning panels were erected at the entrance of each zone surveyed by these detection systems. Speaking of vacuums, the proton beams inside the LHC travel through pipes in what CERNO calls an ultra-high vacuum. The reason for creating such a vacuum was to avoid introducing particles the protons could collide with before they reached the proper collision points. Even a single molecule of gas could cause an experiment to fail. Deep under ground there were people with special passes, who had to pass through the security retina scanner and through to their respective sections where they worked. These security scanners were connected and monitored by the people working the control center room, which was consisted of a video intercom system that picked up and recorded high frequency detection of every movement in the various tunnels of the underground bunker complex. In fact, people were less exposed to radiation walking around the detectors than if they would be on the surface of the earth. The ring was closed for maintenance and so the detectors were, of course, not functioning. All the places had No Visitors! signs posted. When they entered the secret part of the complex their weight was checking and then they were allowing into the secret room. There were other obstacles that would prevent any unauthorized visit by outsiders. It had to be because only imagine that if a small amount of obtained in the complex high-energy and highly unstable compounds fall into the hands of some criminal. One megaton bomb in the hands of terrorists would endanger the lives of many people. Today, however, such a possibility doesn’t exist. The new test would be done in secret and without the participation of outside observers. Even to achieve the dream success, no one would know about it. Behind the experiment was standing Dr. Borlag even that for many people of working teams over and especially underground, that name was completely unknown. Everyone knew that this was a routine test and could not have high hopes for a landmark discovery. Accelerators of the particles were released. Initially sticking very low power, but then gradually rising. The monitors got crazy. From all sectors continually supply data. Coolers were working at full power from the start. Align levels! Mark. Stabilize, screamed the head of the ATLANTIC, as to show that Nobel laureates were ordinary people just like us. The data were at the normal state and everything seemed in order. Power was 30% and rising. The thermostat on the protégé of the tunnel took place, but it was normal in the low temperatures that were maintained by liquid helium. The magnets were generating high frequency magnetic field, and now the LHC was looking like a huge electrified coil. For a few seconds, since the particles spun, a tube was registering several head-on-head collisions. Each major collision was creating the conditions, in which the matter was emerging in its creation after the Big Bang. At the monitors it could not be observed well, but everyone knew what was happening. Dr. Borlag was watching all this on a large LED Simsong monitor from a room near the pipe of the LHC underground. We will beat all records! Carry on, ordered he over the intercom. The resulting dark cold matter resembled some kind of a black nebulosity of gas. This black cloud grew and some of collisions of the particles were not noticeable. Was this possible? Most probably, small black hole of antimatter was created, swallowing up the particles before they collided. This was not visible on the monitors, but in the locations of the expected collisions of the particles, accelerated from two directions, visible were only some of the encounters while the rest remained in the shade. The shade also was growing proportionally to the collisions. Somehow imperceptibly the people kept feeding more and more power without being aware of what is happening. This was so, because if the black hole continued its growth, there was probability for it to erode the internal lining of LHC. Just one tiny particle of this highly energetic and extremely unstable dark matter in contact with the matter, forming the inside of the waveguide, would trigger gigantic explosion. At the moment this was not possible, because only 10% of the internal diameter of the tube were occupied by the created black nebula. The particles, circulating and accelerating along the Collider, were originating from the atoms of the chemical element Hydrogen. Generally speaking, everything in the quantum mechanics was built based on the simplest atom, known to the human – the atom of Hydrogen. The leading equation of the quantum mechanics – Schrödinger equation has solution only for the atoms of Hydrogen. Today’s experiment had to prove or to controvert some of the greatest theories in the quantum mechanics. The particles in the accelerators of the LHC moved with the speed of light or even higher. Each their head-on-head collision was creating antimatter, which according to the theory shouldn’t possess the properties of the matter, known by us, here on Earth and in the Space, as we know it; matter, composed by the 112 chemical elements and their infinitely many compounds. Stop it! Turn off the power! Everything must be cut off immediately, the voice echoed in the minds of everyone around the complex. For a moment, the life had stopped. The Chief of ATLANTIC ordered to terminate the experiment immediately. He reached out, pressed the red Stop button and there was sudden flutter of fear. It was the time when was reigned the real chaos. Some printouts scattered on the floor. The people began to move and some of them started hasty pressing on various keys on the keyboards. The alarm system was activated! Three times a year, drills were carried out about how to proceed in case of an emergency, but no one was prepared to react adequately to the actual events at the moment. There was chaotic commotion down in the tunnels too. Not all people were carrying their helmets, as required by the rules for underground work, but this was not essential at the moment. Still the worst of all was not the mess, which occurred during the last two minutes. In the confusion, no one was monitoring the Collider itself. Everybody was trying to reduce the expected losses, caused by the overloading of the system. The installations had to be switched off in an optimal way, but in case of short circuit most of the magnets should be burnt out. Considerable part of the equipment would come out of action and tenths of millions would be destroyed in minutes. What was happening in the Collider? No collisions of particles were registered anymore. The detectors did not sense anything. The black nebula has occupied almost the entire cross section of the tube and nothing was passing through it. The ATLANTIC control center room on the surface seethed with life. The entrance door of the hall was wide open. People went in and out all the time. Everybody had shouting aloud at each other. The Chief of ATLANTIC turned to the microphone to the right of the main monitor of its workstation and his trembling hand reached for the desk. At the screen of the main monitor was displayed the following: DNA COMPATIBILITY. IDENTIFIED GENETIC INFORMATION, also there was noted one name: Evelyn Hailey. Attention! This is Burns. Everyone, please stay calm and head for the exit. Leave the premises as fast as you can… Then communication was interrupted... The sudden chaos all around had been due to a sudden spark. The generated dark cold matter had come in contact with the wall of the tune from inside. At that very short moment everything burst into flames. The Earth shook and trembled! The entire length of the tunnel was caught ablaze, tearing the ground all round. Time had come for a sliding apocalypse. Tones of soil and concrete structures went down to about 100 meters below the surface, extinguishing the fire spots in the ignited 27 km long tunnel. All buildings and facilities at the surface descended and were milled in the huge crater. Everything across diameter of 45 km was destroyed. amazon/Who-Are-You-Mr-Rayne/dp/1630841811/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1389950184&sr=8-1&keywords=bozhidar+gospodinov
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 11:56:29 +0000

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