The Abbott government is refusing to release documents detailing - TopicsExpress


The Abbott government is refusing to release documents detailing the cost and purpose of overseas travel by Coalition ministers, claiming they could cause damage to Australias international relations if made public. The government-wide clampdown comes after embarrassing details of Education Minister Christopher Pynes lavish trip to London and Rome with his wife were revealed by Fairfax Media in September. In a letter, the government leader in the Senate, Eric Abetz, refused a request to table correspondence between Prime Minister Tony Abbotts office and ministers concerning approval of international travel by members of the executive. The blanket refusal has been made despite freedom of information officers in the Education Department seeing no impediment to the release of expense details of Mr Pynes $30,000 trip to London and Rome in April. Mr Pyne came under fire after taxpayers were billed $1352 to day let a room at a swish London hotel before the minister and his wife, Carolyn, flew back to Australia on the same day. More than $2000 was spent on VIP services at Heathrow Airport for the Pynes. The documents revealed Mr Pyne had got around guidelines that prevent spouses being funded on overseas trips unless in certain circumstances with a special letter of approval by Mr Abbotts chief-of-staff, Peta Credlin. The request for documents was made in the Senate after the government refused freedom of information requests by the Transport Workers Union to nine different departments, including Health, Defence, Industry, Treasury and Attorney-General. The Gillard government routinely released travel cost documents, including six separate requests under FOI laws in relation to the travel expenses of then foreign minister Kevin Rudd. Labor was hit with headlines including the huge travel splurge of globe-trotting federal MPs. In the Coalitions pre-election policy blueprint, Real Solutions, the then Opposition promised that in government: We will restore accountability and improve transparency measures to be more accountable to you. In his letter of November 24 to Senate President Stephen Parry, refusing Labors request to produce documents, Senator Abetz said fulfilling the request would substantially divert the resources … from its other operations of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. The Department also advises that any correspondence that may be identified could include information, which if released publicly would, or could reasonably be expected to cause damage to Australias international relations, Mr Abetz wrote. Labor Senator Joe Ludwig said Mr Abbotts claim to greater transparency in Real Solutions could be chalked up as another lie. This once again demonstrates a government thats shrouded in secrecy and afraid of the truth. The previous Labor government released this type of information to the public, what does the Abbott government have to hide? he said. Mr Abbott was forced to tighten rules around travel entitlements for all members of Parliament last year after revelations by Fairfax Media. They included Attorney-General George Brandis and Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce claiming $1700 and $650 respectively to attend the 2011 wedding of Sydney radio presenter Michael Smith. Mr Joyce, Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop and Liberal MP Teresa Gambaro claimed $12,000 in overseas study allowance for flights back from an Indian society wedding in 2011 at the invitation of mining magnate Gina Rinehart. Mr Abbott paid back money he had billed taxpayers to attend two weddings in 2006, including that of former speaker of the House and Liberal Party defector Peter Slipper.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 17:42:07 +0000

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