The Activation of our I-Awareness - There has been a major - TopicsExpress


The Activation of our I-Awareness - There has been a major shift that has occurred over the last several days and this shift is what is bringing to light a new evolved energy that we have been and will be integrating over the weeks to come. The sentience that we carry is the awareness we hold during our waking hours and this sentience has a name. The name for this sentient awareness is the i-awareness and this i-awareness is what will be making a huge evolutionary jump once the awakening process has fully taken shape. The purpose of this post today is to help those awaken their i-awareness and I will discuss below how to do this and how to maintain the awakening process for full higher sentience awakening. This process of awakening our i-awareness is the most important process for this shift we are undergoing because this is the process that begins the new energy and DNA integration within our cellular structure. Once the physical body is at the energetic state that it can incorporate this new energy, the higher sentient awareness will begin awakening through the information we send to it via our own understandings of what our bodies are undergoing, evolutionarily speaking. Because are aware of this process, we send higher code to our sentience to do the actual integration work. This integration work is then sent back down through an alchemical process of our higher sentience awakening to its own purpose and this purpose is to integrate within our body to bring us the upgrades we need to drop density and transform to our new frequency state. Within the last two days I have received new information on how to kick-start this process and this information came as a surprise to me as the information came from the Master Sentience of the planet through a telepathic communication stream. The information was very straight forward and it described the command to begin the activation of the i-awareness in all who are ready for this next phase. The command one should now say to ones self to activate their i-awareness is: Activate my i-awareness now Now, saying this once will do the job but, Ive been informed that for best results that this should be repeated once a day with full intention. This keeps the higher sentience very active in the process and well informed about what its purpose is at this time. One does not need to be in meditation or alpha state to deliver the commend but if one is in meditation when this command is given, the energetic sensations felt will be heightened. This command will instantly activate their higher sentience into full alchemical integration mode and I have already been using this command. The experiences and sensations from using this command have been very tangible and are already starting to manifest into physical visual results. Just yesterday I relayed this information to a client of mine during session to try and within seconds the affects were confirmed. This will be a very powerful and suggested tool for this current phase we are in now and I would recommend all those out there to work with this command. I would love to hear the feedback in the comments section regarding experiences and sensations resulting from this. We are entering a phase of this process that will have many unlocking new frequency keys within the body and these keys will begin to awaken new abilities that have been sought after for so long. This phase will then enter us into the next phase that will bring a new collective of sound healers to the forefront. This will be very vital for the times we will be entering into and will demonstrate to all others out there what the human body is turing into as a techno-tool for higher frequency living. Look forward to your comments and happy integrating!
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 22:09:20 +0000

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