The Afghan people truly independent nominee for Afghanistan - TopicsExpress


The Afghan people truly independent nominee for Afghanistan Presidential Election 2014, Mr. Noor Rahman Liwal, wrote a factual article presenting ground realities of the quagmire in Afghanistan. The article outlines how to end the quagmire of war and save lives in Afghanistan. This is an essential reading for all Afghans patriots and true and sincere friends of the Afghan people and Afghanistan, below is the article happy ready. UN, US, NATO and their allies China, India, Russia, Iran and Pakistan need to ink an agreement of no Interference in Afghanistan. The BSA agreement that is Short On Specifics will fail and further damage fragile relation of the two great nations Afghanistan and United States. Present Afghan and western leaders are forced by their failed strategies to ignore ground realities in Afghanistan and take refuge in swirl that is almost equal to the thoughtful lying to their nations. Few individuals and families who are the main beneficiaries of policy manipulation and WAR are benefited on both sides. The dilemma in Afghanistan is and was not the strength of the Taliban but the foreign supported weak governments. The corruption and violence in Kabul regimes had motivated the support for Taliban and Al-Qaeda, the present Afghan government brought very limited benefits to Afghans, no matter how many billion injected or how many foreign troops are there in support of a government, not sustained by majority of the Afghans will bring more disasters to Afghanistan and international community. UN, US, NATO and their allies China, India, Russia, Iran and Pakistan need to ink an agreement of no Interference in Afghanistan and let the Afghans to solve their own problems by not supporting any Afghan to bring more disasters to Afghanistan and the World. UN, US and NATO and allies achievements are, Afghans have a lot of media, everyone has mobile phone, Internet is there also Mr.Karzai said, world knows our Chapan and Karakul hat, 28 women are in parliament, over 2.2 million girls are now in school, billions came in foreign Aid!. But they are ignoring, Afghanistan is number 1 in corruption, hundreds of thousands girls are killed, maimed, orphans or displaced, more than 60% of Afghan living under poverty line, 60% of children are malnourished and only 27% have access to safe drinking water, more than 80% concerned about security and inequality at all levels. Improving and changing health and stone ages ways of farming is a forgotten story. Afghans survive through relatives working abroad, with foreign forces or through the drug business. Since 2001, about hundreds of thousands Afghans killed, injured and displaced. About 3,000 US soldiers killed and about $650 billion US tax payer money that is 21 thousands per Afghan person, spent, but no progress in ordinary Afghan life dose it worth? Noor Rahman Liwal Delisted from, Presidential Election Nominations 2014, by corrupt Election Commissions of Karzai Government. Election Slogan: Eradication of poverty, ignorance and corruption. End the war and save lives.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 17:00:32 +0000

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