The African Business Magazine, June 2013 Edition has a special - TopicsExpress


The African Business Magazine, June 2013 Edition has a special supplement magazine featuring Singapore. Looking back into the last 40 - 50 years, Singapore has managed to turn the wheel of fortune to their favor and from a poor and desperate third world country, they have emerged as a country with one of the strongest economies and preferable place to live, a real testament to honest leadership. Singapore, forty years ago was comparable to most, if not all African countries. But most African countries still seem to be wallowing in the dark, pointing fingers to everyone else other than themselves for their poverty and misfortune. A great deal of the problems that Africa is facing today are attributable to poor leadership; yes, the past leaders (Presidents in particular) of Africa have failed to put measures in place for Africa to rise above its sorry state. By looking back, I suppose African people should really ask themselves whether the notion of strong, charismatic, power hungry leaders holds any water. Countries need more of good administrative policies and strong institutions in place as a replacement to strong leadership, presidential posts should shift from power crowns to performance focussed administrative roles. AFRICAN LEADERS HAVE FAILED THE CONTINENT-----Singapore has proved to the world that the solution to a country/continent can only be found within itself.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 22:32:11 +0000

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