“…The ‘Agenda for Prosperity’ is not a Political - TopicsExpress


“…The ‘Agenda for Prosperity’ is not a Political Strategy’…” Head of the Civil Service The Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of the Civil Service, Dr. Ernest Sahid Surrur says the ‘Agenda for Prosperity (A4P)’ is not a political strategy but a development strategy. The Head of the Civil Service was on the 27th March addressing Permanent Secretaries and Directors from government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) during a monthly meeting at the Civil Service Training College, Tower Hill. He said the A4P is a national vision for the good of the country and the people of Sierra Leone adding that everyone must put hands on deck to make it succeed. Dr. Surrur said no civil servant has business with politics pointing out that if any civil servant wants to go into politics he/she should resign from the service as provided for in the Civil Service Code, Regulations and Rules. His statement came as a result of the poor performance of some MDAs in achieving their targets for 2013. He expressed his dissatisfaction over the results presented by the Chief of Staff Dr. Richard Konteh at the signing of Performance Contracts of MDAs, Councils, Commissions and tertiary institutions with the President Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma State House. The Head of the Civil Service pointed out that the picture presented for Civil Servants was not rosy as expected. Dr. Surrur said the results show that MDAs lack adequate and developed capacity, strategic leadership, weak resource mobilization and usage, lethargy to work, and weak inter-departmental coordination but more importantly they need to be more patriotic to ensure improved service delivery to the citizens. “…I was not happy with the results and you had every opportunity to improve on your work. There is no room for lethargy. You must take your work seriously or be prepared to exit the door…” he warned. He admonished them to take their work seriously and to effectively and efficiently practice the words; team work, collaboration, coordination and improved service delivery to the people of Sierra Leone. The Director General of the Human Resource Management Office (HRMO) Abdul Rashid Bayoh said capacity weakness is a general weakness among institutions pointing out human, structural and equipment. He observed that the structures in some cases are not aligned with the current objectives of the service. Mr. Bayoh however assured that a lot of reforms are now in place to address the shortcomings. The Director General called on the Permanent Secretaries and Directors to mobilize resources and utilize them judiciously in the interest of the nation. “…you should be accountable to the public, your conscience and integrity…” he added. Mr. Bayoh disclosed that the HRMO has embarked on study tours in Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, and Botswana to under study their training, pay commission, human resource and performance management systems as a way of implementing same in Sierra Leone. The Director General noted that the reports from the tours show that Sierra Leone is on track with the reform process.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 09:28:43 +0000

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