The Agony Of Empathy August 17, 2014 How many healers do you - TopicsExpress


The Agony Of Empathy August 17, 2014 How many healers do you know who have chronic health problems? How many healers do you know who have terminal illnesses? How many of these people will say that their empathic sense is the key to their healing abilities? Have you ever taken a look at this? Have you noticed how much work it takes to protect ourselves, to ritualistically create walls and guards against energies? Has it occurred to you that you don’t have to be a victim of energy? Empathy feels the imbalance around us as if it’s our own; we adopt a belief system that we are responsible for the entire world, and suddenly we have a really big job on our hands. Am I saying that empathy is bad, or wrong? Heck, no! It’s a magnificent tool of survival, and a beautiful beginning to awakening. But when we find ourselves feeling victimized by energies outside of us, protecting ourselves or needing to “recharge”, it’s a perfect time to ask ourselves, “How much longer do I want to keep giving myself away to what should be?” There is one thing and one thing only that interrupts the flow of our being. It is judgment. Polarization. Judgment isn’t bad, it’s just judgment, and it opens the doors to take-in and process everything that crosses our paths, especially that which gets called “good” or “bad”, that which “should” or “should not” be happening. Is healing better than not healing? How many people base their entire sense of self-worth on whether or not we have a “positive” effect on this world? Do we need others to heal to feel safe in our own bodies? If you say so. Rather than give you some formula or try to teach you something you already know, let me remind you that you are divinity incarnate. You are consciousness...not just consciousness, but creator of consciousness. By nature you are immune, impervious to frequencies that do not complement your innate being and expression until you open yourself to embody them. As we embody and express only our own unique energy, which is absent of judgment, it is impossible to be a victim. This embodiment is the paradigm shift we’ve been creating, and we can step straight into it at any time. It takes courage. We’ve been dependent on judgments for eons to keep us moving in a direction. We’ve been dependent on empathy to know that we’re not alone. When we’re finally ready to be all done with the cyclical cycle of healing, when we’re finally ready to simply be all that we are, we can give everybody’s energy back to them and reclaim and emanate our own, not because it’s good or bad, not because it’s the right way or the wrong way, but because we can. Truly, this is the most loving, healing gift you have to offer...the emergence of You. ~ KL
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 12:10:22 +0000

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