The Alien Entity ( a writing) It has been sitting there for - TopicsExpress


The Alien Entity ( a writing) It has been sitting there for days, staring from a distance. I am terrified by its stillness, yet fascinated by its boldness. Eventually it will need to articulate it existence, and I will have the upper hand. Till then I cautiously carry on with my daily routine……. Daily routine? Did I really say that? It’s not possible with this hideous creature (thing, whatever it is) sitting there watching my existence pass by. I have been tempted to approach, but those things that pass as what might be arms, have some sort of creepy claw like appendages coming from them (all four of them). I think it moved since last I saw it. It’s working its way closer to my being, my life, and my mind. I woke up this morning, relieved that it was only a dream. I actually laughed a little; to think that I was being observed by an unknown entity from god knows where. And then, I heard it, the sound was not distinct, but I heard it. I should be alone. Please I should be alone. It was still there but it had somehow changed its shape, its texture, its being. It had moved, that was the sound I heard. It didn’t walk because I saw nothing that looked like legs. It must slither somehow. Maybe if I sat and watched it for a longer period of time I could understand its purpose. Came home from work this evening and found that my little friend was gone (Did I say friend?), as I moved around my abode I suddenly slipped on what I assumed was water on the kitchen floor, but in reality it was an unknown substance that smelled like, hell I don’t know, but it wasnt good, and now it was all over me. When I fell I heard a little chuckle from my study, was it still hear? Was it laughing at me? Shit! Stay tuned Is this thing playing with my head? The Den was empty when I went in to check, but I could smell the remnants of it being there. My skin is crawling (not literally) and the hairs at the back of my neck are sticking up, it is here, but it’s not. My Head, that it!, I am imagining all this, I was watching Bones the other night and what’s his name was seeing things, visions, oh shit does that mean I have a brain tumor too. What was that? What! Was!, That! I cant be imagining this, I cant be, this is Crazy. Crazy, Crazy, Crazy, I see it again, but it has changed, changed into... NO you would not believe me if told you. I need to keep this thing contained; if it gets out into the world we may all be doomed to a life of Madness. Wish me luck. OK, who was it? Oh yeah Mel Gibson in SIGNS, he through water on those things and something happened to them. Water, water, where’s the water? Don’t get to close, throw it. Ha ha ah, shit. Nothing but chuckles the little Bast....what are those things coming out of its........???? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh It has Arms with hands, and with fingers. This thing is dangerous, but I must find a way to destroy it so that it can’t, it can’t destroy me, or those that I love. Curse the ship you flew here in you alien piece of shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Without thinking I walked up to it and swung a round house punch into the bulk of its being. It was... It was weird, my hand went in about a foot, soft and gooey, thought I wasn’t going to get it back, and when I pulled it out it was covered with purple goo, my arm started tingling, and I knew I had to get this stuff off me. I ran to the sink in the kitchen and started washing it off and............... No not me, no no no. “You alien crack pot, you will pay for this It was spreading, the water did nothing. My arms, shoulders, my upper torso and my, my, aw shit not that too. I am becoming what I will soon be; I will never be what I was before. You are my friends, you must understand; please believe me when I say I will never hurt you. The pain has subsided, and I do not look as I once did (kind of cute for an alien). I am now he who is not who I was. I am free, I am alive, but I need to feed and multiply my new existence to higher level. My friends need to experience the Love of this new mind set, the feeling of this new me I have accepted who I am, and I have traveled out into night. My being is at peace, yet I yearn for some companionship, are there others like me out there? Or am I to be a single alien entity, travelling this so called earth alone. HELLO, do you hear me, are you who I am? In search for others like me, I have found only remnants of past beings that are only vaguely familiar. I trust my instincts for they are keen. My existence is required to insure your survival, listen to what I have to say, your life depends on it. Stay with meeeeeee... I remember a past place, it was called Oregon, I can go there and seek what I need, but what is it I need, what am I searching for, my life as it was is not as it is, and I am sometimes mystified to why I exist as I am. Oregon may have the answers, or it may have its end. Either way beware. Searching, searching... I am here, I am in this place, yet I know not where I am. But I am sure that I am here in the place in which I stand. Is this place here where I was going? Is this Oregon I think maybe it is, but I need to know for sure. I will seek out a place from the past that was me, but is no more. That should confirm this place here. the dawn is here and my appearance is not of the liking of those around me. I shall hide in the shadows of these so called structures. I remember a name from way back when I was who is not now, it was Gail, a friend. Gail are you close, Cathy? Mary?, Debra? Steve? Cynthia? Ron? the names are coming back to me there are more, I must find them. Alien Entity I sense you all there still in the old neighborhood, is that what they call it? Neighborhood!!. I ooze, and fester, and it appears that I am changing again, not to what I once was or what I now am, but into what I may be, may be.... and you wonder what that -- may -- be. I am coming for your essence. I am here for you, for me, for my being. I feel your strength and I shall consume your enter being. I will leave you whole, but I will have absorbed your will, your lust, your creative desires. I do this out of a need to survive, nothing more. Accept what I have to offer and you will have accepted life as it should be. I am here, are you are ready for a new beginning? I am not who I was, I have been made anew, I have become what I have never been. That tiny little alien entity that was the beginning is now the end. I have consumed you, and experience your life, I have become, I have become, I have become your friend. And you have witnessed the end............ of the beginning. ©Rik Bertrand 2012 this is a true story, yeah that’s the ticket, I was taken now I am in charge,,,yeah that’s it, in charge, no, the king of the alianssss,, theeee universe yeah that the ticket
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 19:25:14 +0000

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