The Allahabad High Court verdict on the disputed Babri Masjid: a. - TopicsExpress


The Allahabad High Court verdict on the disputed Babri Masjid: a. All judges agreed that the alleged mosquewas built on a site of earlier temple. Justice Khan said that there is no evidence that it was built on an existing temple.As per him, it was built on ruins of temple and hence material from the old ruins was used to construction. b. They agreed that Sunni WakfBoard has no claim on the property. c. They also agreed that the place beneath the central dome was mainsite for Ram temple. Agniveer’s Stand on Babri Masjid Agniveer was very clear on following points: a. All Muslim rulers were actually terrorists and acted contrary to tenets of Islam. Even Justice Khan could not explain what made Babur convert ruins ofthis particular location in a mosque? It is unfortunate that perhaps he has not gone through autobiography of Babur and biographies of other invaders. b. Agniveer is not trying to create a debate on merits and demerits on method of worship here. That is besides the point. The crux is that these terrorists like Babur, Aurangzeb specifically targeted most revered places of Hindus to humiliate and destroy them. c. The 2 Judges except Justice Sharma could not give satisfactory answer to why one-third of land be allotted to mosque. Agniveer is fullywith Justice Sharma that no such structure should be created at all in the area. The reason is solely one – let us stop associatinginnocent Muslims of today with misdeeds of terrorists like Babur and Aurengzeb. Just consider if Muslims would love to publicly defend and prayin a mosque dedicated to Ajmal Kasab or Afzal Guru or Osama Bin Laden or take it as insult to their nationalism! And here we are talking of a terrorist Babur to whom these new-age terrorists are babies! Refer on comment d. First Babur was claimed to be a hero. Then it was denied that any temple was demolished to create this structure of shame. Then after ASI reports, sickularists started claimingthat it was history and we shall forget it all! But now after this very clear acceptance by court that a temple existed on site of this disgusting structure, it is very clear that the status of all other structures– Mathura, Kashi and thousands others is also the same. Thosewho destroy places of worships, perform sodomy with children, take pride in creating pillars of cut-heads and breed children in harem like a poultry farm can no way be given benefit ofdoubt. They are neither Muslimsnor rulers. They are simply terrorists! Lessons for Muslims from Ayodhya verdict - Muslims should now lead the cause and start rejecting all associations with such pervert terrorists and refuse to offer Namaz in mosques created by them.They should rightfully offer to hand over these structuresto their originalowners. That will not only foster brotherhood among communities but also help wipe out question marks on their social dignity as a nationalist community. - Muslims should also become alert of those forces who brainwashthem with baseless notions against the majority Hindus and try to create a divide. Fools like BMAC and Wakf Board were trying to dissociate Muslims from a legend like Ramand aligning them with a criminal who would have been stoned to death as per Shariat laws of any time! - Muslims should initiate the process to coming closer to non-Muslims,refuse to believe in their leaders who taught them that Babur was a saint, and stop sending allnon-Muslims to permanent Hell as per the dogmas of blindleaders. Lessons for Hindus from Ayodhya verdict - Hindus should revisit the reasons what made them so weak against such terrorists that they kept getting butchered and raped for centuries. Instead of forcing the community intoan illusion of spiritualism, they should convert these disputed structures into training and research centers. - In general, Hindus should understand thatthere is some basic defect in their way of worship that Ishwar has been punishing them for centuries despite all their piousness. Hindus need to look back and discover the reasons that made Arya legends into weak Hindus of today who are forced to borrow even their identity from terrorist invaders. Agniveer considers the following as theprime reasons: a. A very stupid birth-based caste system that is against the Vedas that keeps Hindus divided. We should go all way to demolish it completely the way Kar Sewaksdemolished the disgusting Babri Masjid and brought pride to Hindus and Muslims alike. b. Delusion that dhoop-batti andaarti is sufficient to please Ishwar and have His blessings. Our devotionhas tobecomemuch more action-oriented, result-oriented and strength-oriented. Just imagine, what the state would be if existing method of worship of Hanuman is replaced with dand-baithaks and squats and special workoutsessions every Tuesday! c. Refusal to embrace and integrate people from Muslim community back to our own fold.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 05:12:50 +0000

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