The Alliance for Free Choice in Education is calling on Congress - TopicsExpress


The Alliance for Free Choice in Education is calling on Congress to pass legislation that will lead America back toward constitutional government. America’s constitutional crisis began almost two centuries ago when the right of parents to raise and educate their children was usurped, in favor of the Prussian (now German) educational system, which transferred control to government agencies. By replacing families as the mentors of succeeding generations, government has gradually displaced the constitutional system of government, which was meant to be “of the people, by the people and for the people.” Congress must now lead the way back and restore the “inalienable” right of parents to direct the education of their children, by sponsoring and passing the proposed D.C. Civil Rights Act for Equal Education Opportunity. This proposed bill, which covers all of four pages, does nothing except restore the right of parents to send their children to approved schools of their choice, at half current costs! Although this legislation applies only to the District of Columbia, it will serve as a model and trail blazer for all 50 states. In addition to violating the right of parents, District of Columbia Public Schools are failing both the children and taxpayers. A 2012 study by the Cato Institute, which was later confirmed as accurate by the U.S. Census Bureau, found the average annual cost per child for DCPS to be $29,409! Prior to the Cato study the Census Bureau was reporting the cost to be $18,181! That same year the Office of the State Superintendent of Education for the DC Public Schools reported its adjusted cohort high school graduation rate to be 56 percent! Of those who do receive a diploma, half, or fewer, are academically prepared for postsecondary education, and require expensive remedial education upon entering college. Passage of universal school choice legislation by Congress will demonstrate that the 114th Congress is committed to do what has eluded the nation over the last 60 years. In his 1955 treatise The Role of Government in Education, the late, world-renowned economist Milton Friedman first proposed his school voucher plan. Friedman went to great lengths in explaining that government, in order to maintain a stable and democratic society, has a legitimate interest to assure that every child receive a basic education. However, in a free society, government must not usurp the right of parents to direct their children’s education. Friedman explained this more concisely 50 years later, in his 2005 legacy, School Vouchers Turn 50 But the Fight is Just Beginning. “In most industries, consumers are free to buy the product from anyone who offers it for sale, at a price mutually agreed on. In the process, consumers determine how much is produced and by whom and producers have an incentive to satisfy their customers. These competitive private industries are organized from the bottom up. They have been responsible for truly remarkable economic growth, improvements in products and increased efficiency in production.” Studies are not needed to prove that our educational system has failed to preserve domestic tranquility. The front pages of every newspaper in the country are filled daily with evidence of unspeakable brutality, despite many crimes going unreported. A society where youths are viciously punching out strangers in a “knockout game” cannot be described as tranquil. The FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2012 reveals that on average every American, over a 75 year period, will be a victim of crime 2.44 times! It is surely imperative that every American act to restore liberty and justice, beginning with parental choice in education. Repeated calls upon Congress to sponsor this bill have been countered with, “We need to hear from our constituents.” Clearly, all that stands in the way of restoring liberty and constitutional government are phone calls to our members in Congress at 202-224-3121. Quick passage of this legislation will present President Barack Obama with an ultimatum: sign this bill and bring redemption to our nation’s poor and downtrodden, or continue to deprive them of a quality education. Friedman’s final words on his plan, the only one that restores universal school choice, speak volumes: “Most major public policy revolutions come only after a lengthy build-up of support. But when the break comes, what had been politically impossible quickly becomes politically inevitable. So it will be with the goal of a competitive free market education system compatible with our basic values.” ______________________ The Alliance for Free Choice in Education was founded in November 1998, as Parents for Free Choice in Education, several days after the United States Supreme Court let stand the decision of the Wisconsin Supreme Court finding school vouchers to be constitutional, primarily because parents choose the schools their children attend, as opposed to government. For further information, please see this Liberty Action Network link: https://youtube/watch?v=8jJnphl_uT4&
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 22:18:58 +0000

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