“The Alpha Kokuro, has passed away.” The dark words floated - TopicsExpress


“The Alpha Kokuro, has passed away.” The dark words floated around the air heavily. It was if you could taste their bitterness. The kind Alpha who spoke wise words every time he opened his mouth, the Alpha who cared for every wolf be them young or old, the Alpha who I have grown up with my whole life, is dead. I was never very close to the Alpha, but he taught me some lessons on life. I respected him with my whole heart, and would die for him. Now I cannot. Elder wolves who knew the Alpha as a friend howled in depair. The howls heard tonight would not be filled with the normal joy and pride as usual. Tonight, they only sing of heartbreak and loss. “Cause of death unknown at this time. I must now look for the cause. Tomorrow we will hold his burial ceremony and bury him with the past Alphas, and begin the induction of the new Alpha. That is tradition, and it will be kept on for eternity,” Jason calmly addressed the broken clan, “Mourn as you would a lost friend and send howls to push his spirit to the Light realm. Also, Kokuro gave me a message to pass on to you all, ‘my life here ends like the winter. With spring comes new life, along with your new Alpha. Do not dwell on death, but focus on the new life. Bloom my lilies.” With that Jason went back inside the Alpha’s den followed by Zackaria and Mira. I could see mother and father making their way back to the tree with Sin and Hannah in tow. Just before they came inside Ginero burst through the brush back into the clearing with nothing but dirt to carry. “Where were you?” Shouted Zackaria. Ginero snorted and rolled his eyes, “I was looking for the killer.” He stated blandly. Surprised murmurs erupted and Ginero smiled, “Yes. I know Kokuro was murdered. By whom I do not know. But this couldn’t be an accident. He was fine when we left and now he’s dead.” Shocked whispers floated about the clearing. A loud growl erupted from Zackaria as the lean male crouched in a fighting stance against his brother. “How dare you insult father like that. He is your father!” Zackaria claimed. Ginero growled back, “He never acted like a father to me! He never loved or cared for me. He thought I was a nuisance and only told me to be a good Alpha. He is not my father.” Zackaria raised his head in anger, “You bastard! You never appreciated father’s love for you. Every time he went to teach you a lesson on being an Alpha you dazed and never listened. But he still had hope in you, hope that you would mature into a great leader. I watched on the sidelines, knowing that no matter what happened with you, you would be Alpha. I watched him pour amazing stories and lessons into you but you never took them in. You don’t deserve the title of Alpha!” At the last word Ginero lunged forward in anger at his brother. Zackaria dodged the first attack but was taken by the second. Ginero sunk his long teeth into Zackaria’s side and blood spilled to the ground. Zackaria twisted and landed a bite on Ginero’s shoulder, allowing him to slip out of his brother’s grip. The growls never stopped as the brothers wrestled violently in front of the entire clan. Dirt and blood flew around and wolves had to back up to avoid being caught in the cross fire of teeth and claw. Zackaria managed to pin Ginero to the floor but Ginero proved too strong and rolled his brother onto his back. Zackaria stretched his neck to bite Ginero’s exposed throat but Ginero again got the best of Zackaria, landing a fatal neck wound. Blood spewed from Zackaria’s neck, causing a scream of agony from Zackaria. Just when Ginero was about to take another bite a brown blur jumped onto Ginero’s back and pulled him off of Zackaria. Ginero stood and faced his new opponent with a snarl but back up when Mira stood to face him. “Mira? What-?” Ginero stammered. Mira held tears and held her chin up, “I do not want to see my brothers fighting. I understand that a challenge is usually to the death, but not always. I do not want either of you to die. Stop it.” Zackaria rolled onto his side and spit out blood. He was beginning to choke. Mira padded around Ginero to see to Zackaria. His regular brown and red fur was covered in spit, blood, and dirt from the fight. Ginero had his fair share of wounds of his sides and legs but nothing as fatal as his brother’s. “What on earth is going on out here?” Jason called from the Alpha tree, Avon in tow. When his amber eyes found Zackaria he raced over to the young male and began to stuff the wound with moss and cotton that Avon had already grabbed. Mira backed out of the way and began looking over Ginero. He shrugged her off and went to sit by the Gamma tree to await treatment. “How disgraceful. To challenge your brother and lose. Shameful, shameful.” I looked to see who spoke and found the elder wolf Zandela shaking her head. I hadn’t seen her in days since she was so sick. I guess seeing her childhood friend die and watching his sons fight was causing her even more distress. “Why do you say shameful? He had a good point.” I say to her gently. It is not wise to anger and elder. Zandela looked down on me and frowned, “Zackaria is not fit for fighting. He knew Ginero was much stronger, he knew he would lose. Yet he decided to challenge his brother. That is shameful. You should train before you humiliate yourself in front of a crowd. If he plans to challenge again he must train three times as hard and do it fast. Ginero’s strength will grow, and it will soon surpass even that of a lion.” “A lion elder?” I asked. Zandela nodded wisely, “Yes. Every Alpha in the Sinsita clan goes to the Leadership pool to gain his title as we all know. Along with the title given by the Goddess of Light herself, comes a special power specific to every Alpha. Kokuro, was given enhanced wisdom since he was already wise. Ginero will probably earn enhanced strength. The power comes from their greatest ability. And along with the power, comes the tattoo of a lily on their body wherever their power is represented. Kokuro, who had wisdom, had a lily tattoo on the top of his head. Wisdom comes from the mind, and so the tattoo represented that. Ginero is strong, and if he is given enhanced strength, then he will be stronger than a lion.” “I understand.” I say. I knew about the tattoos and the Alpha had one, I just never knew where or for what. Now that I know, I can’t even ask him what it was like to earn his power. Our beloved Alpha has left us. I brought my gaze back up to where Jason had stopped Zackaria’s bleeding and was now cleaning his smaller wounds. Ginero waited quietly by the Gamma tree still, and continued rejecting his sister’s help. Avon had been sitting next to Jason, quietly “observing” the Gamma, but he now moved over to Ginero and began rubbing some odd gel onto his paws and rubbing it over Ginero. The blood staining his fur quickly disappeared and the blood was stopped by forced clotting. Avon was really good at this. He was able to figure out what Jason was using, doing, and then did it himself. He was a true Gamma. His blindness didn’t matter even in the slightest. Pride filled my heart, but fear quickly washed it away when Zackaria began coughing violently causing twice as much blood to escape his mouth and throat again. “Zackaria!” Mira cried. She ran to her brother’s side as he coughed and coughed. “You should have let me kill him.” Ginero said calmly, but there was something odd about him. It was as if a bit of sorrow filled his eyes. Mira bared her teeth at Ginero, “What did you say?” “I should have finished him off. But you stopped me Mira. Had I finished him, his death would have been quick and painless, but you got in the way. Now he will suffer his last few minutes of life, all because of you.” Ginero answered without a hint of emotion. Mira was taken aback and almost stumbled at Ginero’s words. Her golden eyes welled with tears but her face held an expression of denial. Avon stared wide eyed from below Ginero and stopped working on him. Ginero stood and made his way to Zackaria and looked down on his coughing brother. Jason was searching through different herbs and medicines to help Zackaria but wasn’t having any luck. He cursed in frustration and faced the clan. “I am unable to save Zackaria. He is in terrible pain as you can see, so I must ask you Ginero,” Jason turned to the gold wolf, “Will you please end your brother’s suffering? As Alpha you must cope with hard things like this. Please for his sake, end it.” Ginero nodded solemnly and looked back down on his little brother with a dark expression. I couldn’t imagine whether he was sad or pleased with this task. “I’m sorry brother.” Zackaria opened his pain filled eyes to meet Ginero’s and bared his teeth to keep from screaming. But then he opened his mouth and held back another cough, “No. Don’t-” Jason sighed sadly and looked at Zackaria, “You have a strong will to live.” Zackaria nodded, “Don’t please. I can’t-” Another cough stopped him short. “Save him Jason!” Mira cried. The young she-wolf held back her tears still but her voice pleaded with all its might. “Save him.” This time it was Ginero who spoke. He put a hard gaze onto Jason, “Save him. That’s an order.” He said firmly.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 05:31:54 +0000

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