The Amazing Gynura Procumbens anti cancer - TopicsExpress


The Amazing Gynura Procumbens anti cancer plant Gynura-procumbens-plants-anti-cancer-01 The Gynura procumbens plants Hi readers, there will be no Ongkor funny story today because I willl be talking mainly about herbal medicine. To start with, I have to tell you that I was a heavy smoker before, I would smoke any brand of cigarettes including the local pagung (locally made cigarettes) especially if it was in a social moginum session. After years of smoking, I started to develop ulcer in my mouth which will come and go. I didnt really take this seriously, after all its not that serious apart from the bad breath that it creates. The doctor advised me to stop smoking, in which I did but the ulcer problem is still persistence especially if you are in a lot of stress and in the hot dry season of the year. I did take some anti-biotics and ointment for ulcer and it will go away in a few days but I would like to try a more natural approach to the problem - herbal medicine. One of the herbs that was recommended to me by a friend is the Gynura procumbens (scientific name) but it is also known locally as the Sambung Nyawa plant. Other names for the plant are Leaves of the Gods, Googoolipid, Mollucan spinach, Daun Dewa, Akar Sebiak, Kelemai Merah and Bai Bing Cao. The plant came from the Asteraceae plant family. I was not able to get the name in Kadazandusun but I am confident that there is a name for the plant in my local lingo if I do a more extensively research. So what are the medical properties of this plant? For your information, I listed below a few that I found in my research. Ulcer and cancer. Helps decrease cholesterol level. Help to lower high blood pressure Used to treat kidney problems Diabetes Of all the above, I have come to know that a friend who is suffering from diabetes has generally improved after consuming the leaves of Gynura procumbens plant. I have planted the plants in a few flower pots and expect to move them to my small garden soon. You might be asking, how do you take the Gynura procumbens leaves for medicine? Very simple, please follow the procedures below. Important: To be taken in the morning before breakfast. Take 3-5 mature leaves Wash throughly Chew in your mouth until they turn into a thick paste Swallow Drink a glass of warm water Be consistent, eat the leaves everyday until you can feel some improvement where you may take them in intervals - three times a week. To have a steady supply of leaves, plant them yourself and if you dont have the luxury of a large plot of land, plant them on flower pots and use organic fertilizer and NOT the chemical ones, just remember you are eating the leaves. Gynura-procumbens-plants-anti-cancer-02 If you have been taking this plant and would like to comment please do so, or if you just want to ask questions about the plant feel free to write your comment below. [Image credit: 1] Posted by Ongkor at 09:17 Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest 23 comments: StellaClaire-Richard27 February 2013 19:31 Adui..makan begitu saja? Mesti tdk sadap kan..tapi why not kan if for health. Im glad you stop smoking. Bahaya ba tu kan.. Reply Replies gunsirit a.k.a kitou27 February 2013 19:55 Ya, makan begitu saja, macam makan duan saja bah...macam kambing. After stop smoking tidur pun lena sikit, dan nafas pun macam yg 18 tahun punya hahhaha... Reply Poquito Mio16 May 2013 11:50 Id like to know exactly how i can distinguish gynura from other plants? Whats the texture of the leaves? Is it smooth or is it kind of rough like a fine sand paper? I also see that some of the pictures on the web shows that the leaves are shiny yet some are dull. Hope you can help me with this so i can get the true gynure & not the fake one. Thanks. Reply gunsirit a.k.a kitou16 May 2013 13:11 On the upper part of the leaf is a bit rough but not as rough as a sand paper. The lower part of the leaf is smooth, you can try and feel it with your finger. Top part - rough, the other side of the leaf is smooth. Reply Aimi17 December 2013 16:52 Where can I buy this plant from? Reply Replies gunsirit a.k.a kitou3 February 2014 18:29 If you are in Asia, they are common everywhere. Reply Diamond Top3 February 2014 11:06 i have the exact same plant and have been eating its leaves on a daily basis (2-4 leaves). i have noticed after consuming it, my core temp increase about 2.0F average. im meticulous about this plant...some what doubtful even but i continue to see results. not sure if i can credit it to psych or the chemicals this plant has...for now 50-50. one thing is sure thou, i continue to see results. Reply Replies gunsirit a.k.a kitou3 February 2014 18:05 Hi Diamond, Good for you. I have known a few individuals who have experienced improved results. One was a diabetic and the other was suffering from hypertension. Reply R8J5M914 March 2014 10:13 Is there a specific way of growing this plant? I have mine in a pot and at first it was growing normally but now the leaves seem to be withering and drying out and has become sparse. Any suggestion on how to take care of this plant? Reply Replies Gordy @ Kitou26 March 2014 09:57 Depending on where you live. The plant likes lots of sunshine. If you are living in a temperate country, you may want to keep it indoors, next to a window which has a lot sunshine. If you in the tropics, the plant could overly watered. Reply ocean servicie24 March 2014 06:59 hello to you all, my name is Wendy Brimm , i am from Vegas here in united state, i wish to tell you all, how i find a doctor that cure me from SKIN CANCER, which i had for three years with his natural herbal medicine he gave to me , it all went this way, i was internet that very day when i saw a comment of a woman called MARIA KATRINA from united kingdom sharing her testimony about how this very doctor cured her of HIV, and he also cured AIDS too, but i never really believed but i just decided to give it a try and i contacted DOCTOR HAKIM, so he told me everything i needed to know and what to do to get cured and free from my cancer issue, so i went straight and make provisions for the herbs which he used to prepare medicine for me,i applied the medicine and just to see that the exact day which doctor harkim said i we be cured i was felling good and healthy at once, my strength was regained i went for check up in the hospital and my family doctor told me i am free from cancer my skin can back to normal, this was the greatest miracle that has happened to me in my life, and i promise doctor hakim that i we share his good work to the world, these are few i can say about this DOCTOR HAKIM, i went with my family to thank him for his great work and solution in my life, wish i never expected this was possible, I we like you to contact him ADDRESS:dr.hakimherbalspellworld@gmail if you have any health issue i believe this doctor can help you out as well. Reply Anonymous2 April 2014 20:03 gynura procumben an excellent herbs for multiple health issues.i was diagnose as diabetic, 16 years ago , and become dependent to oral medication and the usual gluco- check for sugar meter.after the extended period been tired of my sicknes w/o any hope of last GYNURA PROCUMBEN , came as a new hope.( rev.2:7 explain that their a tree of life,and perhaps a plant of CURE for all our sickneses, a perfect place called paradise ). Reply Anonymous27 April 2014 12:53 hi. i am rowena, from the philippines. i know that even though 2 persons may take the same herb at the same time but may have different results or none at all...i just want to share my experience, hoping that it might help someone who had been suffering like me so here goes... for maybe 3 years or more, i have been suffering from very painful monthly menstrual period. so painful that i take 2,000mg of painkillers everyday for 3-4 days. there are times that the pain reliever would not work or it would take hours before it works but i dont have a choice but to wait in pain. i tried a lot of herbs and supplements but nothing worked...then i got to read about the health benefits of ginger and gynura procumbens so what i did was...i would boil water and put a lot of ginger in it and drink half a cup from time to time. especially during my period ( it doesnt have to be warm) and it may be strong but the spicy feeling in your mouth and throat easily disappears anyway so just be brave and drink it. then i would also eat 5 leaves of gynura procumbens 2x/day. i was doing this for 2 months...then on the 3rd month...when i had my period there was NO PAIN whatsoever!!! i did not take a single pain reliever! today i have my period again..NO PAIN like the last month! i hope that i will be pain free until menopause! :-) NOW..i dont know whether it is the ginger tea or gynura that has helped me..or the countless prayers that i made..but whatever it is...i am very thankful and will continue on eating and drinking these herbs. i also hope that my comment might be able to help someone. NOTE: during the first 2 months, i would drink the very strong ginger tea during my period. on the days after that i would still drink but not regularly. the same with the gynura. also i decreased my intake of gynura to 7 leaves/day. the effect on me was not instant so please be patient and dont give up at once. i HOPE and WISH that whoever will try to do what i did will have the same result because i know the agony that we...women go through when we have painful periods... and if you do...please share this to your friends :-) thank you. also, you can grow your own gynura easily. i have my own..they are just in medium pots but i will also grow them in big pots so then can grow bigger. thank you. Reply Replies Gordy @ Kitou3 August 2014 10:48 Thank you for sharing, Rowena, God Bless you.. Reply Anonymous16 May 2014 11:27 My recently purchased gynura plant is budding up to bloom. Would it be better to pinch off the buds to encourage leaft growth or let it bloom? Will it set seed if pollinated? Reply Replies Gordy @ Kitou3 August 2014 10:47 I normally let the plants grow by themselves, they really grow very fast. As for seed, I havent seen them flowering. My Rock ... My Saviour ...4 September 2014 10:45 I have 3 pots of gynura, all fertilized organically. Each time i cut off a leaf, a new one grows out from the spot where i cut one off. Once i cut off the top part, a new growth quickly appeared. Gynura keeps on growing. One pot of mine got sick so i cut off all the leaves. Before i knew it, new growth took place soon. Take care of your gynura and itll keep on growing for you. Reply Bradpetehoops12 July 2014 21:08 I did planted this kind of beneficial plant. Taste like unripe guava. Reply Jose Ferrer II17 July 2014 09:24 Went to the beach today. Made bbq cheese burgers and instead of lettuce, use Gynura. The taste is much better. Just love it. Reply Anonymous3 August 2014 02:42 Is gynura procumbens also good for falling hair .? Will it also help me to reduce my weight? I started eating the leaves since yesterday but only 2x a day. I am afraid to run out of supply.thanks Reply Replies Gordy @ Kitou3 August 2014 10:44 This video about the gynura procumbens might help you - youtube/watch?v=Wpq-BvjaCOA Reply Anonymous23 October 2014 00:33 good am po...wala naman po akong nararamdamang sakit o kung anu pa man....pwede po b akong kumain nito araw-araw para iwas sa anumang sakit ganun din po sa 3 mga anak ko yung isa 6,5,3 yrs old...thanks po...God bless po.... Reply Replies Ongkor12 November 2014 13:33 Ang Gynura Procumenbens damong-gamot ay tama na gawin ng mga bata. Ako nai-pagkain mga dahon para sa halos isang taon na ngayon para sa pangkalahatang kalusugan Reply Load more... 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Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 07:33:13 +0000

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