The Amazon/Hachette thing is getting stupid and I am a little - TopicsExpress


The Amazon/Hachette thing is getting stupid and I am a little surprised that someone has not talked about what the real reason there is a fight here. Like Don Draper says…If you dont like the question, change the conversation. The fight is not about eBook pricing or if Amazon is trying to take over or if authors are getting a bum rap. The REAL issue here is that for years big publishers have taken advantage of authors and under paid them… wait that was nice, they have raped them. Not if an author gets raped it is his or her own fault. So here is a big greedy publisher and they only pay about 12% on print and 25% on eBooks. RAPE! So here is James Patterson and the like all big boys in the game and guess what…I make more per sale than they do. Yup…little ol me from Boise make more per sale. And guess why? I dont let a big publisher take all my money. So if John Grisham does not want to get taken to the cleaners he should self publish of find a small publisher that will give him at least 50% royalties. So lets follow this out. If the authors got PAID and not RAPED than they could lower their prices and still make more. Readers get cheaper books, authors make more and guess what…who is out? Yup big greedy publishers. And why SHOULD they be out in the cold…because of their crimes. Because of daring to only pay 12-25%, because they tell their authors it cost SO much money to publish a book when in fact it can cost as little as 1500 bucks to print, publish, cover art, editing and eBook conversion. To them I say SHAME on you, to the authors fighting on the big publisher side I say…wake up. It is your publisher that is making you lose money, not Amazon
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 02:57:56 +0000

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