The American Dream -V- The Rich & Republicans. The Rich & the - TopicsExpress


The American Dream -V- The Rich & Republicans. The Rich & the Republicans “Tea Party Group” are in fear of losing to the American people. I worked my entire life, didn’t you, where’s our dream? I must say, I don’t blame them! They should be running scared! After all they did say; they don’t care about 47% of us. And they don’t want the poor to have affordable healthcare. (They also have blocked every attempt at raising the minimum wage, but yet were considerate enough to allow Congress to get their Raise). They shut down “The House” then when they couldn’t get what they wanted shut down Government causing a 26 Billion Dollar LOSS to GDP in our Nations state of Recovery. Obama care is just one reason. Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are another! Can you believe today in this great Country the USofA that the majority of our families still live uninsured? That still the sick, disabled, and poor are left to live on the streets unable to care or support themselves. Just left to lie sick & or dying on the streets. Many poor families left burdened to take in other family members crushed by the recession. God forbid if their family members were poor & unable to care for them. They were left a burden to Society churches & government. Obama Care allows everyone in our families to be insured and cared for and people will be healthier growing older and in greater numbers. And when they become ill later in life, these entitlement programs will continue to care for them. But there is no doubt overtime, cost adjustments will have to be made, which may or may not require increased taxes. But to the Republicans and the top 1% This would damage “Their American Dream” The land of the Exceptional 1% Their pay increases of over 280% over 20 years And then the declining middle class receiving pay increases of 40% over 20 years And then the vastly increasing poverty stricken lower class receiving pay increases of only 18% over 20 years How Proud can The American People be, When they are left to struggle in poverty and have no way out? While the Rich seek to only pay the lowest poverty based wages for our labors or they’ll swiftly outsource our jobs to third world countries. These policies were initiated & supported by Bush and encouraged by tax breaks said to curb inflation by finding workers willing to work for lower wages for businesses with unwanted Jobs. This entitled the Rich to outsource our jobs as to continue reaping in their Riches which is all they care about! If the Rich seen to pay fair wages or pay according to how dangerous or the likelihood their jobs were to over time put the workers into a disabled state. Then surely wages would be raised. You would think that, but instead the rich, repeatedly refuse to give fair wages. They hire powerful lobbyists and pay overgenerous campaign contributions to buy the Congressmen willing to support keeping lower wages and lower taxes and willing to make laws in their favor. Thus The Tea Party Group The very Laws that Cap workers compensation as to prevent having to pay fair damage settlements to injured workers.. Laws that Protect businesses under bankruptcy allowing them to dump losses including pensions, while also transferring their capital to other businesses.. The Rich know they would be forced to stop the outsourcing of our jobs if they were to be forced to pay higher taxes. So they support Groups like The Tea Party Group, This Group Rains fear on all Republicans saying they’ll Campaign against them causing them to be blacklisted & lose support; promising this rain of negative campaigning in their home Districts of each Republican failing to comply to their demands. Now that is why the Republicans are refusing to raise any taxes for any purpose. And that’s why no Republican will stand to keep jobs in the US and the Rich will continue outsourcing our jobs outside the US. And at least the Rich will get to keep Reaping in their 280% raises for the next 20 years. Did I get it right or leave out anything? Please let me Know Like and Share if you agree
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 03:39:27 +0000

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